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Video education Geography Magazines Information Courses Literature Mathematic Moscow state university Museums Musical instruments Science Education Teachers Psychology Russian language Dictionaries Advice Reference Links Tests Universities Lessons Learn English Learn languages Facts Physics Philology Piano Chemistry Encyclopedia Languages

Educational Internet resources

  1. - Stepik - Educational platform and designer of online courses and lessons.
  2. - Cliff Notes - If you are in high school or college you should definitely bookmark this site! Cliffsnotes provides valuable resources like study guides and test prep for standard books and subjects you’ll have to read anyway.

Become a human encyclopedia

  1. - Zidbits - Huge collection of articles on fun and unusual (mostly scientific) topics.
  2. - Now I Know - Fun facts delivered in a daily email newsletter.
  3. - Big Think - In-depth videos by experts.
  4. - InstaNerd - Read a never-ending series of random factoids.


  1. - Chegg - This is a great site to buy and sell used Lessonbooks. I saved hundreds of dollars purchasing my books through Chegg.

Educational Internet Resources

  1. - Single window - Single window of access to educational resources.
  2. - Business education and careers - Background information on how to receive economic and business education in Russia and ...

Every College Student Must Know

  1. - Thesaurus - This site is great for finding better words to spice up your essays. Just enter the word you planned on using and use a synonym instead.
  2. - Easy Bib - This will save you a ton of time when citing your sources.
  3. - Rate My Professors - Find out what other students think about your future professors.

Get healthier, be more productive, and learn faster

  1. - ZenHabits - Minimalist productivity advice, with a focus on psychology.
  2. - Fitocracy - Free workout, fitness tips and fitness tracking.
  3. - Anki - Free flashcard software.
  4. - Hello Healthy - Short, actionable health weight loss and fitness articles.

Java Libraries

  1. - HttpClient - Library for working with http resources.
  2. - JUnit 5 - Library for Test Automation.

Make something

  1. - Surfedukators - Free surfing videos, tips and tutorials.
  2. - Snapguide - Free user-created guides for makers.
  3. - ChefSteps - Mix of free and premium cooking classes.

Sharpen your social and career skills

  1. - Mind Tools - Free tools and videos for improving career, management and communications skills.
  2. - Succeed Socially - Free social skills guide for awkward people.
  3. - - Free articles on job hunting, getting promoted, freelancing, personal branding, and other career skills.
  4. - Improve Your Social Skills - Free social skills guide from a guy who overcame Asperger’s.

Take free online courses on a variety of subjects

  1. - Udemy - Huge selection of free and premium courses- mostly on technical skills.
  2. - CourseBuffet - Free online courses created by universities.

Where to Study

  1. - - Where to Study.
reliable site
English - Russian

Owner: MSU,

address: Russia

Fund of publications prepared for the provision of information courses in chemistry for students and post-graduate students of chemical and other faculties of Moscow State University, as well as applicants and students of secondary school.

logo Answering Mendeleev

reliable site

Owner: MSU,

Uses: YouTube.

address: Russia

Answering Mendeleev

Joint project of Google and Mendeleyev RCTU.
The purpose of the site - to acquaint people with chemistry in an entertaining, simple and clear form.

We learned from school that chemistry is a tedious, boring and absolutely unnecessary science.
Chemical scientists don't agree with us and decided to prove it.

In Russian
logo Alison


ALISON is different from many other online learning concentrators, as it allows you to take classes from leading publishers such as Google and Microsoft.

Alison is one of the world's leading online learning platforms offering over 1500 completely free courses (with the optionally purchasable certificate)

Courses can include anything from project management to developing a web business.

logo Science and life

Science and life

Internet-version of the magazine: latest issues, archive, science news, Internet interview, discussion club.

The oldest and most famous popular science magazine in Russia.The first issue was released in 1890.The motto of our publication: About science - available, about life - seriously".The target audience of the journal is not limited by age or professional limits.The magazine is intended for readers with a scientific mind and indomitable curiosity.Only one issue of the magazine will replace hundreds of smart books: the magazine expands the outlook, provides food for the mind and encourages active creative work.

  • Sciences of Earth
  • Physics, astronomy, mathematics, space
  • Technology, technology, chemistry
  • Informatics
  • Biology, medicine
  • Ecology
  • History
  • Construction and architecture
  • Science and Art
  • Stories, stories, essays
  • People of science
  • Literature studies. Linguistics
  • Science and technology amateur
  • Self education
  • Physics workshop
  • Fans of astronomy
  • Tourist trails
  • Sports school. Sports lovers to improve erudition
  • Kunstkamera
  • How it works. New Products
  • School of practical training.
  • and much much more

logo References

reliable site
English - English

Owner: STANDS4 Network,

address: USA


A multidisciplinary web directory of reference resources that can be searched and browsed alphabetically and by category.

logo Infourok


The largest educational online project for teachers and educators, students and parents.

Daily visits to more than 1 million people. The site is included in the 20 most visited sites in Russia.

Portal collected:

  1. more than 3,000,000 teaching materials,
  2. 3476 video lessons in the main subjects of the school curriculum,
  3. 132 tests,
  4. 89 video lectures on modern educational topics,
  5. vocational retraining courses (243 courses)
  6. 350 advanced training courses,
  7. international competitions and competitions,
  8. a catalog of more than 60,000 tutors from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

In Russian
logo HTML Academy

HTML Academy

Online courses, the purpose of which is to turn anyone from a beginner into a professional web developer.

In Russian
logo Factroom


Entertaining and educational edition.

Articles on a wide range of topics: the history of Russia and the world, society, famous personalities, amazing events, unique places, curiosities of the present and the past.

A huge collection of jokes and jokes, as well as funny and instructive life stories.

logo Degreed

Russian English - Russian

phone.:1 800 311-7061 (US and Canadian Customers toll-free)
address: USA


Unlimited learning. Free forever.

logo FutureLearn

English English - English

address: USA


High quality online education – enjoy free online courses from top universities and specialist organisations.

logo ISIC


Search and view thousands of services, discounts and offers available to ISIC cardholders worldwide. Discover what offers are available to you and verify your student status to redeem offers instantly with your virtual ISIC card!

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is a proof of official student status for millions of students in over 130 countries. With the ISIC global app, you can search and get preferential and discounted access to thousands of student discounts and offers worldwide.

iTunes Android

There are sites that offer answers to homework, etc.
Which, in my opinion, are cheap popular, help now, but cause irreparable harm in the long term.

This site helps to learn.

Honestly, everyone wants to learn, everyone has curiosity, curiosity, you just need to send it in the right direction.

The site is made in a simple style - a minimum of design and text. Such is the knowledge base.

logo Quizlet


The largest online community of students and teachers in the world.

More than 50 million students per month from 130 countries.
3 billion training sessions.
300 million training modules on a wide variety of topics.


Help students learn and memorize the learning material they need, and help teachers find and use new learning tools.
Quizlet has a lot of exciting content created by users from around the world that can be modified and used at will.

You can use this to create cards and share them with your friends.
Maybe you don't even need to create your own.

iTunes Android

Site of the project "Investigation of the Solar System". The project is devoted to astronomy: the planets of the solar system, space research.


Reference and information portal: dictionaries, spelling and stylistic rules, monitoring of speech culture, popular science articles, competitions, answers to visitor questions.

logo BrainExer


Site with a lot of tests and exercises on the oral account, memorization, attention and thinking. Tests are free and accessible without registration. Despite the fact that the resource is English-speaking, there is a translation into Russian.



Russian English - Russian

The purpose of the site is to make computer science accessible to all people. Many students are girls, people from countries of the so-called 3rd world.

Sponsors are Google, Facebook Microsoft. This is an indicator of what is not believed in this project.

On the day, this is the educational program or acquaintance with the computer. If you catch, you will understand that this is yours - then there is a chance to continue.

logo Eduson


A center for online training of future businessmen from all over the world. The main methodology is various courses from leading professors and successful practitioners.

In Russian
logo Open Education

Open Education

National platform for open education, free online courses on subjects taught at universities.

Online courses in basic disciplines. Eight leading universities in Russia have joined their efforts to provide an opportunity for everyone to get a quality higher education online.

Any user can take courses from the leading universities of Russia absolutely free of charge and at any time, and students of Russian universities can count the results of studies at their university.

logo StudyBlue


A joint study of the ecosystem, which allows more than 7 million people to master an object. Students can communicate with people who are on similar training through a common library of more than 250 million pieces of user-defined content. StudyBlue combines the wisdom of the crowd, which makes it easier to learn anything from chemistry to Chinese.

iTunes Android


Leading educational Internet project for distance learning of schoolchildren.

Library for Geography.

Lumen Learning (formerly Boundless)

Easy to access, affordable, adaptable open learning materials.

logo M31


Astronomical server M31: maps of the starry sky and surfaces of planets, the device of telescopes and eyepieces, caricatures on astronomical themes, astronomical and historical articles.

logo 4brain


Free trainings on the development of skills of speed reading, oral counting, creative thinking, oratorical skill, memory, etc.

In Russian

Aggregator of all online courses.
Compare courses, read school reviews and start learning.

English English - English

address: Colombia

A free course that will help you create an online course.

English English - English

Free nine-day course "Assign the price you deserve".

logo Science Learning Hub

English English - English

address: New Zealand

Science Learning Hub

New Zealand Government project to make examples of New Zealand science, technology and engineering more accessible to school teachers and students.
Content is developed by teachers, teacher educators and multimedia experts.

logo Universarium


An open system of electronic education.
I will not write the principle of training and programs, it is in a video and on the site. Just say that this is a solid project.
This is not an ordinary education, recorded on video and offered as a site, it is a specially designed electronic education using modern technologies.

I did not study, therefore I can say that they say that they have the best teachers.
Judging by how the site is built, the level of presentation, the coverage of topics (total of 114 items at the moment).
There will be homework. Any teacher will say that if the student does not do homework, he will not learn anything. Everything that is not fixed is quickly forgotten.

At the end of the certificate is issued. Will it have power? - we ask. The employer will ask the same thing.
But in fact, the employer does not really care what kind of diploma or certificate you have. He needs your work experience, so that we study mainly for ourselves.
And here there is such a chance.

iTunes Android

A platform for the exchange of relevant academic knowledge for a Russian-speaking audience, regardless of place of residence, geography, place of work or study, as well as socio-economic status.

In Russian
logo Lektorium


An interesting site with a huge number of Russian-language lectures on a variety of topics. In addition to lectures, video materials from various scientific conferences are posted here.

In Russian
English English - English

address: USA


There is a huge gap in knowledge between what we learn from the media and the real textbook. And, like most modern people, we are always too busy to spend time or money to learn something new in depth. The site tries to solve this problem and invites us to learn briefly, but regularly, to receive portions of knowledge on a regular basis. It's like having a cup of coffee.
In just 5 minutes, the site will make you a little more knowledgeable than we were the day before.

Electronic magazine 'Bridge over Infinity': classical and modern literature, painting, graphics, poetry, competitions, library, gallery.

logo University of the People

English English - English

address: USA, Пасадина

University of the People

The world’s first non-profit, tuition-free, accredited, online, American university.

logo Arzamas


A project dedicated to the history of culture. Information about literature, art, history and other humanities.

Courses - short audio or video lectures and accompanying materials: photo galleries and newsreels, interviews with specialists and bibliographies, games and tests.
Journal - about the most interesting of the history of culture.
Radio - lectures, podcasts ...

And a lot of useful things on this topic.

Portal "Museums of Russia": a file of Russian museums and museum sites; Interactive maps of museum objects; News server; Catalog of links to foreign museum sites and much more.

logo Chalk Street

Chalk Street

More than 60,000 lessons on technology, business, arts and lifestyle, such as yoga, languages, smartphone photography, everything about Excel and many others.

iTunes Android

logo Pedsovet


Electronic mass media, which is created by the efforts of educators themselves, acting as civil journalists. In addition to news, publications, the site offers social services - internal e-mail, blogs, forums, consultations and a calendar of events. Every year the Pedagogical Council organizes the All-Russian August Internet teacher council, which is held on the network since 2000.

logo Mathematical studies

Mathematical studies

The site 'Mathematical Etudes' presents sketches made using modern computer 3D-graphics, fascinatingly and interestingly telling about mathematics and its applications.

logo Curious

English English - English

address: USA


The site was created so that teachers, students and talented people around the world could share with all their knowledge and skills, and even with the opportunity to earn extra money.

In Russian
logo Philology


Portal about philology as a theoretical and applied science. The central section of the portal is a library of philological texts (monographs, articles, manuals).

logo Lingvist


Foreign language for 200 hours.
Learn English, French.
Plans: Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, Japanese.

The emphasis here is on a convenient automated interesting interface.

iTunes Android

logo Pianu

English English - English

address: USA, Брукс


Learn to play the piano online.
You can play an online online instrument, you can connect your synthesizer.
Piano is a classic instrument and of course you will learn to read and write.

logo Theory & PracticeTheory&Practice

Theory & PracticeTheory&Practice

A platform for sharing knowledge, an environment for those who seek knowledge and want to share it.

T & P brings people and institutions together through educational events. Thousands of organizers daily add information about their lectures, master classes, courses and conferences in all fields of knowledge.

A person should have the opportunity to build their educational path based on needs, curiosity and the desire to learn something new.
This is an environment where everyone can learn and learn, and a place where you can think and you need to think.

T & P helps create online communities around inspirational ideas, and allows talents to find opportunities for self-realization - thereby developing the knowledge economy.

logo Psychology Today

Psychology Today

An online magazine dedicated exclusively to the theme we all love: to ourselves. The portal covers all aspects of human behavior and mood: mental and emotional health, personal growth, relationships, sex, parenting and much more.

logo Dynamic Periodic Table

Dynamic Periodic Table

Interactive table of Mendeleyev. Filters, click on the item and get a detailed article with illustrations.

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