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Base of vacancies

logo SuperJob


Online recruitment (job search platform and employees).
Along with HeadHanters is the leader of the Russian market.

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Service for accurate and fast job search and recruitment, one of the leaders in the online recruitment market.
The main goal of the project is to provide recruitment and job search services in different cities of Russia.

Every day, employers and applicants publish on our site several thousand of their vacancies and resumes. Now on about 200 000 vacancies and more than 10 000 000 resumes are posted.

The project is focused on all professional groups of applicants - the site presents mass positions, vacancies of specialists, middle managers, as well as top managers. Direct employers and recruitment agencies offer a huge selection of resumes of specialists in various fields.

The goal is to provide applicants with only reliable jobs, and for employers only the best specialists.

To prevent duplication, spam and publication of dubious offers on, strict posting rules apply.
The quality of the base of vacancies and resume of the portal is monitored by a spam filter around the clock.

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logo HeadHunter


The largest database of vacancies.

Work, resume and vacancies.
Daily on the job search site and staff HeadHunter are looking for work and employees of more than 300 thousand visitors. For applicants, the HeadHunter website ( allows you to find work in Moscow, regions and abroad.
Search for work by parameters and by companies
Special section for young professionals to find a job.
A qualitative database of resume and vacancies and the best services for finding work and personnel.

HeadHunter: We work to make you work!

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logo Work in Russia

state site

address: Russia

Work in Russia

All-Russian bank of vacancies, information on the situation on the labor market.
You can login through the registration on the site of the State Service.

Search for employment options for citizens.
Finding employees for employers. State job search site. It is done decently, there are mobile applications.
Therefore the site will work stably and there will be a good base of vacancies.

If not found, fill out the resume and wait. You never know where you find the one job that you want.

On the site you can also:

  1. Assess the standard of living in the region by key indicators, such as the availability of housing and social facilities, the average wage.
  2. Get information on investment projects and regional employment promotion programs.
  3. To get acquainted with the statistics on the labor market by regions.
  4. Find the nearest employment center, get contact information about it.

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logo TotalJobs


A job search site in the UK.
Google's map is used.

Attendance is about 3 million a month.

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logo Indeed

Russian English - Russian

address: USA


Leading the job search site in the world, more than 200 million visitors a month from 60 countries. Company Indeed is extremely interested in finding the right candidate for each job. Indeed it helps companies of any size to find the most talented professionals and offers job seekers the opportunity to find a job.

logo PayScale


If you are negotiating for a salary or asking for an increase, PayScale will be the best source of data, where you can find out which positions are paid in different areas.

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