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Film festivals

Film festivals go online

Free of charge you can watch films on the network that are lost for one reason or another in the general flow, which were shown once in one or another festival, but so remained unknown to a wide audience. Some of the paintings went to limited rentals, but at best they were viewed by residents of several large cities.

In the world, according to the editor-in-chief of the journal Art of Cinema, Daniil Dondurei, there are about 800 festivals today, in Russia - around 90. The Internet festival is the answer to the fact that millions are spent on promoting films whose advertising budgets are comparable to production ones. The picture "Leviathan" by Andrei Zvyagintsev looked at 50-70 times more viewers as a result of its ejection on the Internet on the eve of the Oscars. Many believe that this was a pre-planned, literate PR campaign. Over time, festivals that take place on the Internet, according to Dondurey, will be more.

But even recently, as a joke, the words were heard that festivals are self-destructive, and one will not have to travel from one city to another, from country to country, to watch a new movie. All you can lay out and see on the Internet. The oldest world festival - the Venetian one - has already taken a step in this direction. There, not the first year in a row, they organize Internet sessions, where you can watch part of the festival program, not being on the Italian island of Lido. You pay a very moderate fee and watch the latest movies on the web. It is not necessary to collect suitcases, fly somewhere and sail.

In the competitive program of the current "Double @ @" will show 13 films. The winner will be determined by the number of points that viewers will exhibit during the festival. The paintings are judged on a 10-point scale. The festival opened with the film "Rehearsals" by debutante Oksana Karas. He appeared a couple of years ago, received the award of the festival "Moscow Premiere", held by "MK", ​​and then dissolved into space. The role of the theatrical artist Alexandra was played by talented pupil Mark Zakharov Alexander Vinogradov, and her crazy lover and actor - Nikita Efremov. They live somewhere above life, they wait for something in the distant future and do not appreciate the present at all. Very funny and partly tragic role in Igor Yatsko, who played a frenetic theater director, experiencing a post-middle age crisis. The contest program also included paintings: "What's My Name" by Nigina Sayfullaeva, "The Role" by Konstantin Lopushansky, "Doctor" by Vladimir Pankov, "Test" by Alexander Kott, "Elysium" by Andrew Eshpai. All of them are awarded with prizes of domestic and world festivals, even such prestigious ones as Tokyo, but and this is not a panacea. They were almost never seen.

In addition to the competition, the audience will be able to see two pictures in the program "Memory": "Ordinary Fascism" by Mikhail Romm, based on a unique newsreel, and "The Process" by Alexander Zeldovich - a documentary tape about the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee shot by Stalin's orders. Three paintings were included in the mini-retrospective of the creative couple Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova. This is "Raffle" - the directorial debut of Men'shov, "The Envy of the Gods", who did not receive the resonance that fell to the lot of his other paintings, and the film with Vera Alentova's "The Time of Desires" by Yulia Raizman.

For outstanding contribution to the national cinema art was awarded on a real, and not a virtual opening ceremony, the cinematic and family duet of Vladimir Menchov and Vera Alentova. Receiving the award, film director Menshov said: "In Russia, one must live long. Then there is a chance to see how the feature films turn into documentaries, and they begin to judge about the past times - what were the trolley buses, what people were wearing. This is an interesting turn in the life of the film. " With the picture "Moscow does not believe in tears" that's exactly the way it happened. Vera Alentova supported her husband: "And in marriage you have to live a long time. Recently, we with Vladimir Valentinovich celebrated a golden wedding. He starts to talk, and this turns out to be what I wanted to say. All of our films have been criticized. This involved a lot of bitter moments, when we did not understand why this is happening, why they treat us so condescendingly and scornfully. " But, according to the laureates, time allowed them to brew like a good wine.

Main international film festivals

"Academy Awards, Oscar"
1929"Los Angeles", "USA" ""
"Golden Globe"
"Golden Globes"
1944"Los Angeles", "USA" ""
"BAFTA Awards"
1948"England", "United Kingdom" ""
"Cèsar Awards"
1976"Paris", "France" ""
"The Guild of Actors Prize"
"Screen Actors Guild"
1995"Los Angeles", "USA" ""
"National film award ""Nika"""
1988"Moscow", "Russia" ""
"Golden Eagle"
"National Cinematographic Award ""Golden Eagle"""
2003"Moscow", "Russia" ""
"Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films"
1973"USA" ""
"Goya Award"
1987"Madrid", "Spain" ""
"Emmy Awards"
1949"USA" ""
"Asian Film Academy"
"Asian Film Awards"
2007"Hong Kong", "China" ""
"European Film Academy"
"European Film Awards"
1988"Europe" ""
"Award of the channel ""MTV"""
"MTV Movie Awards"
1992"USA" ""
"Gold raspberry"
"Razzie Awards"
1981"Los Angeles", "USA" ""
2005"Moscow", "Russia" ""
"Cannes Film Festival"
"Cannes Film Festival"
1939"Cannes", "France" ""
"Berlin Film Festival"
"Berlin International Film Festival"
1951"Berlin", "Germany" ""
"Venetian Film Festival"
"Venice Film Festival"
1932"Venice", "Italy" ""
"Moscow International Film Festival"
1935"Moscow", "Russia" ""
"Karlovy Vary"
"Karlovy Vary International Film Festival"
1948"Karlovy Vary", "Czech Republic" ""
"Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr"
1991"Sochi", "Russia" ""
"San Sebastian"
"San Sebastián International Film Festival"
1953"San Sebastian", "Spain" ""
"Sundance Film Festival"
1978"Park City", "USA" ""