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Theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deception or abuse of trust.

Fraud, as a rule, is a crime. The basic principle of fraud is to mislead the victim by establishing a trusting relationship with her, and, taking advantage of this trust, to induce her, under one pretext or another, to voluntarily transfer money, Property, the rights to anything scam.

Cherry. A purse, a bag, a pussy, a money bag, on an uproar or with a string.

* Private treasury, money, wealth.

* In animals: a handbag, where the nuclei lie, the more used it will detract. scrotum.

* Rasten. Scam, Capsella bursa, tokun? Chizhev eye, sparrow's eye, swindler. Get the Mashnu, pay. Otkupshchichya cherry. Got the power, shake the treasury! It's not the soul that lies (or lied), but the moshna (about the honest nonpaymentist). Little came, as from the moss, disappeared. There is no in the head, there is not even in the mosques. In the mosques it is dense, so it is not empty at home. And great was the power, but the whole thing came. As moshna is empty, so the mouth will be baked. You do not need a penny, but you need a moshna, so that the fringe can enter. It is not craving to pay from someone else's moshna. From the alien moshna is not a pity and give (alms).

In someone else's mantle - not in his own cave: you can not guess if there is a dough, al empty space.

In someone else's mantle - not in his own cave: you will not realize where it is thick, where it's empty. Another's conscience, that's another's conscience: darkness.

Moshen, -non-night, -nnov, cherry, to the mosnah, a fraud related. Moshnovaty, fraudulent, on moshnu similar, marsupial.

Fuzzy, -yastny, with a lot of power; rich. Moshnyak m. Rich man (hock, see moss). -Key, belonging to him. The Moshnyakovs are mansions in the mountains, the poor people are creeping under the mountain.

Moshnukha — Is grown. Physalis, see michunka. The swindler m. Pickpocket, taxpayer, pocket thief; A beater that beats people across the bazaars; Thief, deceiver. He was cut out of the rogue, he was hit by a rascal. Damn the rogue cheater.

* The scamp, the swindler, is old. Working moshny, leather purses, stitches and cats, -nikov, -itsin, belonging to them. -nichy, -nic, relating to them or their own.

Fraud, engage in fraud, to trade fraud. Theft and deception. He pissed off my horse from me, got it deceived. He got home to the mare. He again cheated. The guy was completely deceived. He cheated, and was like that. He was all deceived. Frauded, exiled him.

Helped a little; Promoshennichal his age. Razmoshennichalsya nevmeru. He cheated once in his life.

Earlier, crooks were recognized by their eyes. The Internet hides its eyes and remoteness protects them from retaliation.
In fact, if we are reasonable:
  • Do not run for freebie,
  • Do not visit questionable sites,
  • we will not trustfully follow the link, but manually dial the address when paying or sending important data,
  • choose decent online services,
  • have a complex password and store it well,
Then problems should not arise.

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