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Closing accounts Subscription Delivery


A great alternative to spam.
If spam is filtered, deleted without reading and a negligible percentage is read. The newsletter is readable.
If you are not satisfied with the newsletter, you can safely unsubscribe, that is, your address is protected, it does not remain with the author of the newsletters.
Thus, you are looking for your newsletter, the author is looking for his audience.

Mailing list server Internet Projects (St. Petersburg)

Use of Subscriptions

  • For example, you liked the site of your subject and you want to be aware of all updates, often a quality updated site has the option of subscription. And you will be periodically informed about updates to the site.
  • News in the world ... let's say software. You want to know in time what updates happen in the software. Subscribe to a number of websites about the software, and then unsubscribe from the unsuccessful.
  • Study. Let's say you want to study something and you can not discipline yourself, maintain a regime. Or you do not have time for serious training. Periodic subscription will resemble and give food for thought.
  • Periodicity. Let's say you love to cook, then from the recipe site you will periodically be given a recipe or advice.


  1. First of all, you need an e-mail address (How to open it and use it in the e-mail section).
  2. There are 2 ways to subscribe. The fact is that the mailing list servers do not create mailings, but organize them. And you can subscribe, like to the sites of mailing lists servers, and to the sites of subscription authors. On the sites of authors to subscribe easier, enter the email and all. But we advise subscribing to the subscription server and remembering your email (if you have more than one e-mail address) that you sign and password to not get confused when you want to unsubscribe from something.
  3. By going to the site of the mailing list, you will register as a subscriber. To do this, you need to find the link "Register" and go to the corresponding form. By entering your e-mail address and filling out the questionnaire, you are waiting for the letter to be sent to the e-mail box. The fact is that all mailing list services make sure that no one else except you can sign your address for some kind of newsletter. It is for this, after the introduction of your address, he will receive a special confirmation letter. In this letter there will be a link, by clicking on which you confirm that you really entered your address as the recipient of the newsletters.

Distribution Format

By subscribing, decide in which format you want to receive the newsletter:
  1. HTML - the letter will come in beautiful form, with pictures (if any), in color, bold, italics, etc., That is, with formatting.
  2. Text format - the letter will come without formatting, bare text, it's easy to load.

Subscription form

Often during registration (or after it) you are asked to fill out a more detailed questionnaire (region of residence, field of activity, education, etc.). This action is not mandatory, but desirable. According to the data you enter, a so-called "Subscriber's portrait". It is always interesting to see: how many men and how many women; How many people of one age or another are interested in the same thing as you; Where these people work, where they live, etc.


Everything comes to an end. You have completed the course or realized that you are not satisfied with this subscription. At any time you can unsubscribe from it. It is imperative in every letter you receive, usually at the end, there is an instruction on how it can be done.
Usually click on the proposed link, get a confirmation letter and click on the link again. logo Soda PDF

Soda PDF

We can declutter your inbox by unsubscribing from unwanted emails and consolidating important but incessant emails into a daily digest.

Unroll.Me currently supports Gmail, Google Apps, Yahoo! Mail, AOL and accounts.

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