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Types of Hosting

This is the server where you host your site.
The server is a regular computer on which there is not a normal operating system like Windows, but a software server is installed. In short, the principle is this: you are sold what space on a computer that is always online.

Hosting is paid and free.
Which is better? - Of course paid, free of charge cheaper.


Please pay special attention to this kind of things.
If you do not see any restrictions, believe me, they are still there, check with the support team. I remember buying hosting from our host at that time, the Hosting Center.
There was plenty of space on the disk, so I bought it.
Suddenly it turned out that they have serious limitations on the number of files.
So does not own my site on their "big" hosting.
. But in order to return the money it was necessary to write an application, scan the passport and send it by mail. This is the experience.
  • Disk Storage,
  • number of files,
  • bandwidth,
  • traffic,
  • number of visits per month,
  • the number of subdomains (many are unlimited and some need to pay extra),
  • number of siteshosting (more often limited),
  • free SSL.
  • If you plan to use a CMS (Wordpress, Bitris, Joomla! ...), check if the settings on the site are suitable for it?
Well, read the reviews about hosting, the pitfalls will pop up. Too enthusiastic to ignore, usually hosting encourages users to write positive reviews.

Illusive benefits of hosting

  • Free website transfer from another hosting.
  • Fund refund - 60 days. Tried a couple of months, did not like it, got the money back.
  • Benefits for the first month for migrating from another hosting.
  • Free domain (first year). By the way, the extension may be more expensive than elsewhere, so it may end up not profitable.
There may be other pleasures.
Only, this is all a one-time thing.
So it is not worth paying much attention to.

Well, you can bother yourself once and move the site itself (all the same, the control panel site once will have to study), but the other conditions on the site will be more convenient.


  • Free Hosting
    This is a hosting that you do not earn.
    Characteristics can be different, usually few opportunities, unstable work, no support services and other people's advertising. That is, this is the site on which you do not earn.
    Suitable for formal sites (said at work to do) and unsupported sites, for those who did not make sites and want to try what it is.
    That is for sites that are not to be thrown away and on which we will not earn anything.

  • Unlimited hosting (Unlimited)
    Advertising trick, you will still limit the number of files, traffic. And this is just a few other indicators of the same site.
    For example, you were not limited in the amount of people living in an apartment, but limited the area and water consumption. You can huddle, but it's all the same.
    You pay only for what you actually use. Although you always use the server, so you should always pay something. Also, you must always pay for the minimum space ...
    Also, how can this be an unlimited place or traffic? Hosting lies to the computer, which is not the operating system, but the Server program. And this computer has certain parameters and quite specific, like the channel of this hosting.
    And all this is limited by your neighbors, you are not alone in hosting.
    You can be warned, recommended to switch to a more expensive tariff or ... I was on a hosting, which really did not limit anything, only at the most necessary time flied for half a day.

Types of hosting for sites

  • Shared Hosting (Virtual hosting or Shared hosting)
    The most common. You buy a place on the server, where besides you there are hundreds of other sites. Because it goes cheaper.

  • CMS hosting (hosting with a ready site)
    Hosting with a pre-installed site management system. (CMS) Usually on virtual hosting you can connect CMS. There are types of hosting, where it is already connected, you just need to adjust for yourself. There are 1C hosting, for web studios and others.
    We go in, enter your data, fill your content and use it.

  • Dedicated Server (VDS - Virtual Dedicated Server)
    In fact, you rent a server, where you install the software yourself or use pre-installed, if it suits you.
    It is more convenient for experienced professionals. For the average user, it turns out that you paid for the lack of support services.
    You will have to pay not only for the place occupied by the site, but and for the space occupied by files with technical information, and there may be much more than your entire site.
    So a dedicated server is needed by those who know that they need it. If you do not know, you will have to study a lot, most likely you'll quit and return to Shared Hosting.

  • Landing
    A one-page site, in fact a presentation or a business card page. In many cases, more is not necessary.

  • Colocation
    You drag your computer to the provider. The provider provides your computer with electricity, internet connection, security and provides free of charge for you at any time. You pay for it and service your equipment yourself.
    You yourself can determine which server you need.

  • Server Rental
    We rent a computer with installed software, connected to the Internet. Only here, except us, there will be no one, the whole computer is at our disposal. If desired, we can supply other software, customized for us. No artificial restrictions. The only limitations are the computer settings.
    You yourself can determine which server you need.

  • Virtual Private Server (VPS)
    It's like a Dedicated Server, only you do not rent a computer, but its part. For you, it will not look different, just apart from you to the computer there will be other sites that will take over some of the resources. But so, you can buy less space if you do not need a lot.

  • Cloud Hosting
    A new kind of hosting, because it is not very common and will be somewhat more expensive than it could be.
    The essence is simple, you pay for what you use. It's like a house with a counter for water and electricity, we pay for what we consume.
    You do not need to switch to a different tariff if the site grows or vice versa, it decreases. Convenient for seasonal sites, where attendance fluctuates.
    It is inconvenient if you are limited in the means that you want to spend to your site.
    Although there are hostings that allow the threshold of any parameter.

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    There is not one server, but a network scattered around the country or the world.
    Such networks are used by manufacturers of well-known programs, which are often updated. Can you imagine? The program comes out and millions of people start to download it at once. No internet has such a bandwidth.
    Here and distributes such hosting streams to hundreds or hundreds of thousands of servers. Payment goes for traffic.
    And imagine the video streams. Broadcasting by the central television channels of the Olympics, World Championships, etc. Through the Internet was conducted through this kind of hosting.

Other Hosting