Internet review - Lite Web-master Graphics Games Freeware Time Christmas Bible
Social accounts Contacts Tags Owners Used Geography Applications

Ph4 / United Kingdom / London

City University, London -

Virtual Museums -
Museums of the world virtually.


Museums of the world virtually.
One enthusiast has gathered the world's museums in one place. Or rather, collects, there's a way to add.
Museums can be searched on the map and then get to sites where you can make a virtual tour.

During the coronvirus there was a need to diversify the leisure time without leaving home.
Therefore, more and more museums began to offer virtual visits, excursions.
And those that already offered such an opportunity, often it was as if advertising, limited. Now they are trying to make the virtual visit as comprehensive as possible.

Dead Man's Switch -
Letters that will be sent when you die.


Trouble is happening. Sometimes they happen to us. If something really happens to us. And you regret that something is not finished. Well, the truth is, there are things that somehow awkward to say in life, for this we need some special case. For this we need this site.

How does it work?

  1. You write several e-mail messages and select recipients. Write, how you loved someone and so on, words that you would like to be the last of your words. Or testament, if you wish.
  2. Your letters are stored, believe me, no one on the site has anything to do with them.
  3. If you do not show signs of life for 30-60 days (if you do not set a deadline, then after 60 days, you can set your own timer for everyone), so if after your last activity takes a maximum of 60 days, your letters will go Addressees.
At the moment you can send a maximum of 2 letters to two recipients for free.
You can send up to 100 emails, then it will cost $20.

One Two Trip -
address: 275 New North Road, Office 386, England, N1 7AA
tel.: +7 (495) 981-68-81
Tickets to the tourist.


The site is decent, support ITAR-TASS, Businessperson, Bloomberg and Hopes&Fears.

With each purchase, bonuses 1% of the price.
Payment by bank cards Visa and MasterCard directly to the airline.
Purchase and statement Electronic air tickets.

What 3 Words -
address: Studio 301 Great Western Studios 65 Alfred Road W2 5EU
The coordinates of the selected point in 3 words.


The coordinates of the selected point in 3 words.
How do we determine our coordinates? - On a Google map.
How about an easier one? - On what3words.
Each 3m square is given a unique combination of three words: what3words address.
Now you can find, share and navigate to exact locations using three simple words instead of long coordinate numbers.
Easier to remember.

WhoSampled -
address: c/o Metropolis Studios The Power House 70 Chiswick High Road W4 1SY
The world's most comprehensive, detailed and accurate database of samples, cover songs and remixes.


The world's most comprehensive, detailed and accurate database of samples, cover songs and remixes, covering the entire history of music spanning over 1000 years and documenting all the fascinating musical connections along the way.

Tic-Tac-Toe -
To kill time.


The site is nothing more, just a close-up of a classic grid of 9 cells.
Playing with the computer.

Fat Llama -
tel.: +1 (020) 8629-17-36
A platform that allows you to rent your things to other people nearby.


A platform that does not require any special knowledge to create a single-page sites.
Actually we register and immediately have a website. Our task is to customize and fill with your content: name, contacts, etc.

As a result, we have an light modern website. Suitable for a business card site or presentation of a new product or service.

As a basis, you can take a template of 300 proposed.

Nature Publishing Group -
address: The Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan Street N1 9XW
tel.: +44 20 7833 4000
Publishing house for physical, chemical, applied sciences and medicine.


Publishing house for physical, chemical, applied sciences and medicine.
Open access to 85 magazines of the publishing house.

London Remembers -
Monuments of the world on the map.


Attractions of London on the map.
Google maps are used.

The map is not the main thing that is on the map. It is more of a help, for the sake of clarity to tourists. The main thing is you can see the Monuments, get exhaustive information about them ...

Thus, the site will be useful to those who plan to visit London and have not yet decided on the itinerary. And those who have already visited, but want to refresh in their memory.

British museum -
address: Great Russell Street, WC1B 3DG
tel.: +44 20 7323-80-00
Virtual museums and galleries around the world.


Virtual British Museum.
Well-done site, you can choose a tour for 1 hour or 3.
We will visit the halls Egypt, Japan, Latin America, Asia and Europe is one of the most famous museums in Europe.

Skrill -
tel.: +44 74 495-13-67
The leader in the development of cross-border payments for business and entertainment people in different corners of the globe.

Zoopla -
Comprehensive property website.


Comprehensive property website, very useful for property research such as finding out how much properties have sold for in a given street.

Brunel University -

Cody -
address: 86-90 Paul Street, EC2A 4NE
Free HTML, CSS, JS nuggets library.


Free HTML, CSS, JS nuggets library.

OpenWeatherMap -
address: Openweather Ltd., 17th floor, 1 Ropemaker Street, City Point, EC2Y 9ST
API with weather data for sites and mobile applications.


API with weather data for sites and mobile applications.

Global Trend Tracker -
address: NeoMam Studios, 60 Windsor Avenue, SW19 2RR
Broadcast search queries on the interactive globe in real time.


Broadcast search queries on the interactive globe in real time.

Sumup -
tel.: +1 (888) 250-2164
The technology of accepting payments on plastic cards MasterCard and Visa from a smartphone or tablet using a mobile POS terminal.


The technology of accepting payments on MasterCard and VISAs from a smartphone or tablet using a mobile POS terminal.

Cost of the service: 2.75% per transaction. No transactions - no payments. Just a percentage of the money you receive.

Network-Tools -
address: Quality Nonsense Ltd, 27 Mortimer Street, W1T 3BL
Network Instruments.


Network tools.

Top Universities -
address: London Main Office 1 Tranley Mews, Fleet Road, NW3 2DG
tel.: +44 (0) 207 284 7200
Online training courses in addition to continuing education programmes.


First of all, for information purposes, this is a useful online resource, but one of the main reasons it's a uesful resource is that most universities now offer online learning courses in addition to the on-campus lifelong learning programs.

New Scientist -
address: 25 Bedford St., Covent Garden, London WC2E 9ES
tel.: +44 1444 475-636
Science News.


Diary of science and technology, news of the world of high technologies.

  • events in the world of science;
  • influential technologies that will determine the direction of economic development;
  • ecosystem of relations between people and nature;
  • New formats of science, education, business, art,
  • lifestyle in a post-industrial society.
  • TotalJobs -
    address: Totaljobs Group Blue Fin 110 Southwark Street, SE1 0TA
    Job search sites in the UK.


    A job search site in the UK.
    Google's map is used.

    Attendance is about 3 million a month.

    Virtual piano -
    Virtual piano.


    The site claims that it has 8 million users.
    I readily believe that everything is simple, functionally, visually, nothing superfluous.

    Imperial College of Science and Technology -

    TravelDoc -
    address: 1st Floor, Tavistock House, Tavistock Square
    tel.: +44 20 7874 1493
    TravelDoc Library is a comprehensive travel document verification system in an easy to use interface on your own mobile device.


    TravelDoc Library is a comprehensive travel document verification system in an easy to use interface on your own mobile device.

    You can check all applicable travel requirements for any destination, including whether a visa is required, what remaining validity is required on your passport, whether documents other than a passport may be used to travel, customs requirements including duty free allowances, and health requirements such as vaccinations. You can download all rules for a country to your device for browsing even when you have no internet connectivity.

    The TravelDoc Library app is intended for use only by subscribers to the TravelDoc Library service, but you can request a new account through the app.

    Song kick -
    Tickets for concerts online.


    Hybrid search engine, calendar and
    You can search and, what's more fun, subscribe to events, to your liking, indicating your favorite performers. Some of them are available online booking tickets.

    Now on the site more than a million concert from the past, present and future.


    Art UK -
    address: Art UK, Third Floor, Peek House, 20 Eastcheap, England, EC3M 1EB
    tel.: +__020 7927 6250
    BBC and painting.


    The BBC has digitized more than 100,000 paintings from the state museums of Great Britain. This is a large part of the national collection of paintings, which is planned to be put on Internet in 2012.

    In total, the British national collection of about 200 thousand oil paintings, of which, for example, 2,3 thousand paintings are stored in the London National Gallery. The site notes that the collection covers a 700-year period, and the collection includes both paintings by the greatest artists of the history of art, and the work of thousands of less famous artists.

    Some of the latest on the site were laid out paintings by Edgar Degas, Joshua Reynolds, Rubens, Riley Bridget and others. The portal Your Paintings was launched in June 2011. At the moment on the site are available for viewing the works of about 23 thousand authors. -
    address: 20, Triton Street, Regent's Place, NW1 3BF
    tel.: +44 (0) 207 430 6000
    Media agency Carat is represented in 37 countries of the world, the annual turnover of the agency is more than 10 billion dollars.

    Bike Share Map -
    Bike Share Map shows the locations of docking stations associated with bicycle sharing systems from 400+ cities around the world.


    Bike Share Map shows the locations of docking stations associated with bicycle sharing systems from 400+ cities around the world.
    Each docking station is represented by a circle, its size and colour depending on the size and number of bicycles currently in it.
    The maps generally update every few minutes.

    There is a version that replays the last 48 hours of colour and size changes.
    In many cities, an ebb and flow of cycle commuters can be seen.
    Bike Share Map is complemented by a UK bikeshare news blog, Bikesharp.

    The Sun -
    address: 1, Bridge Street, SE1 9GF

    Seene -
    address: 30a Vyner Street, E2 9DQ, UK
    Instagram in 3D.


    Instagram in 3D.
    Instead of posting photos in 3D.

    Unlike Instagram, Seene is only tied to iOS. The application allows you to view photos in 3D and make such photos.
    The process of shooting is not easy, but it is well explained.

    On the Seene website for any snapshot, you can get the code to embed on any site.

    Blogtrottr -
    address: Blogtrottr Ltd, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9JQ
    RSS by email.


    RSS by email.
    We give a link, email address and specify the time - immediately or once a day ...

    Chipin -
    address: 38 Goldsmiths Row, E2 8QA
    tel.: +44 (0) 330-87-87-87
    When you need to raise funds online for an event or a cause.

    CV Maker -
    Create beautiful, professional resumes in minutes, free.


    Create beautiful, professional resumes in minutes, free.

    Guinness Book of World Records -
    An annual directory that reveals information about record achievements of people and animals, unique natural phenomena, outstanding achievements of show business, media and culture.


    An annual directory that reveals information about record achievements of people and animals, unique natural phenomena, outstanding achievements of show business, media and culture.

    In London, people love to hang out in pubs drinking Guinness and talking about who is the best at something.
    Who is taller than everyone, who is smarter than everyone...
    So Guinness decided to create a guide about all the incredible records.

    You can inquire about records or declare your attempt to set a new one or break an existing one, Guinness will arrive and record the success or failure of the attempt.

    Codex Sinaiticus -
    Codex Sinaiticus online - manuscript photographs and text.


    Codex Sinaiticus, a manuscript of the Christian Bible written in the mid-fourth century, contains the earliest complete copy of the Christian New Testament.
    Handwritten text in Greek. The New Testament is written in the original vernacular language (Koine), while the Old Testament is written in a version known as the Septuagint, which was adopted by the early Greek-speaking Christians.
    On the site you can work with text online.
    We select a place in the Bible and get to a page where you can:

    1. look at photographs of fragments of the codex,
    2. get Greek text in PDF that can be copied
    3. text of the fragment translated into English.

    Bob’s Books -
    address: 241A Portobello Road W11 1LT
    tel.: +44 20 3011 1644
    Site offers digital photographers the ability to create a photobook. Сайт предлагает сегодняшним цифровым фотографам, художникам и дизайнерам возможность создать индивидуально подобранную, красиво представленную фотокнигу.


    offers today’s digital photographers, artists and designers the ability to create a personally-customised, beautifully-presented photobook.

    Website Planet -
    Online resources for web master.


    Online resources for web master.

    1. Redirect check,
    2. checking Sitemap XML file,
    3. adaptability test,
    4. SSL Checker,
    5. icon generator,
    6. my screen resolution
    7. Robots.txt Checker,
    8. GZIP compression,
    9. open multiple links at the same time
    10. reviews of hosting, form designers ...

    The Guardian -
    Daily left-liberal newspaper in the UK, founded in Manchester in 1821 under the name The Manchester Guardian.


    Daily left-liberal newspaper in the UK, founded in Manchester in 1821 under the name The Manchester Guardian.

    In 1959, she changed the name to the current one, and in 1964 the editorial staff moved to London.

    Sunday edition is designed as a newspaper The Observer. It belongs to the Guardian Media Group.

    Website Planet -
    address: 64 New Cavendish Street, W1G 8TB
    Favicon Generator.


    Icon Generator.

    How it works

    1. Drag the original image with the mouse or select from the suggested ones.
      Supported formats of the source image; JPG, PNG, GIF up to 5 Mb.
    2. Click Settings and select a simple 16X16 icon or a set of icons for the browser, iOS, Android, Windows.
    3. Then we download the resulting archive and text to place in the head of the site pages.
    The instruction on the site is available.

    Website Planet -
    address: 64 New Cavendish Street, W1G 8TB
    Compress images without noticeable deterioration.


    Compress images without noticeable deterioration.
    Supported formats: PNG and JPG.
    Restrictions: 40 pictures at a time, up to 50 Mb each.
    Just drag and drop files into a circle on the site and download the archive with compressed images.

    Christies -
    tel.: +1 (212) 636 2000, 44 (0) 20 7839 9060, 852 2760 1766
    Sites elite auctions.


    Christie's auction house is one of the most famous and respected organizers of auctions in the world.
    Only Sotheby's can compare with it, and together they occupy about 90% of the world market of auction sales of antiques and art objects.

    The elite auction house began its history in the distant 1766, when James Christie organized the first auction.
    And from the very beginning of the existence of Christie was focused specifically on elitism and world leadership.
    The clients of the auction house were titled persons who were willing to pay huge sums of money for art and antiques.
    Even the royal family sent their collections here, and even the values of the British national heritage, as well as the canvases of most of the great European artists: Impressionists, Modernists, Cubists, were often exhibited as lots.

    The most successful times for Christie were XVIII And XIX century.
    It was then that the largest world transactions that are spoken about today were committed.
    For example, Catherine the Great purchased Sir Robert Worpole's collection at the auction, which later became the basis for the Hermitage exposition.

    As in past centuries, today Christie's auction house works only with elite goods.
    Paintings and other art objects exhibited at the auction, decorate the exposition of many museums around the world.
    Since the auction house has an impeccable reputation, the most eminent clients address its services without fear.
    In addition to art, they buy cars, rare books, cigars, collection wines and other valuables here.

    Speaking of Christie, you can not fail to mention the most high-profile transactions made at his auctions.

    • 1940, Matisse's painting "Persian dress" sold for $17 million, initial cost less than $12 million.
    • 1990, Vincent van Gogh's picture "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" sold for $80 million (The most expensive card at auctions).
    • In 2001, Pablo Picasso's painting from the series of the "blue period" - "Woman with the Crossed Hands" sold for $55 million, twice the starting price.

    Sherlock Holmes -
    address: 221b Baker Street, NW1 6XE
    tel.: +44 20 7224 3688
    Sherlock Holmes Museum online.


    Sherlock Holmes Museum online.
    It is good that there is a Russian version of the site. It is known the time (1881-1904) and the place of life of the great detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - London, Baker Street, 221.
    The English created a museum where they recreated the atmosphere of that time.
    Not behind the latest trends, his administration made sure that the site had access to the panoramas of its halls, and also posted a 10-minute video about this sights of the British capital.

    sherlock holmes

    Lingvist -
    address: 6-8 Bonhill St, EC2A 4BX
    Foreign Language for 200 hours.


    Foreign language for 200 hours.
    Learn English, French.
    Plans: Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, Japanese.

    The emphasis here is on a convenient automated interesting interface.

    Memrise -
    address: Memrise Ltd 3-5 Fashion Street, E1 6PX
    We learn words.


    Cards for learning about 200 languages.
    Mobile version allows you to have always at hand.

    CubeCart -
    Convenient and yet powerful buyer's basket, an unlimited number of categories and products, multiple payment gateways, downloadable products.


    Convenient and yet powerful buyer's basket, an unlimited number of categories and products, multiple payment gateways, downloadable products. It is very easy to modify.

    Marvel -
    Free work from the designers we love.

    Website Planet -

    Access to Archives (A2A) -
    address: Ruskin Ave TW9 4DU
    tel.: +44 20 8876 3444
    Archives UK

    ImageOptimizer -
    Changes the size, compresses and optimizes your image.

    Design Jobs Board -
    tel.: +44 20 3488-13-08
    Thanks to the minimal design, this hiring page is easy to see and understand.


    With its minimal design, this hiring page is easy to browse and understand.
    Design Jobs Board has a beautiful design, simple color palette, and accessible information.
    Work varies from full-time to freelancing positions, and location.

    Design Week Jobs -
    address: Wells Point, 79 Wells Street, W1T 3QN
    tel.: +44 20 7943 80-17
    Design Week is another well-known online magazine about design.


    Design Week is another well-known, online magazine about design.
    This magazine seeks to empower designers and developers alike, specifically by offering creative news and a job board.
    This job board allows you to choose how far from home you would

    If You Could Jobs -
    address: If You Could Jobs, 21 Downham Road, LN1 5AA
    tel.: +44 (0) 20 7749-99-12
    If You Could Jobs boasts a simplified platform that allows you to focus on finding a creative dream.


    If You Could Jobs boasts a simplistic platform that lets you focus on finding your dream creative job.
    Order the listing by date submitted or application deadline, and choose your job position by location, company, or salary.

    PeoplePerHour -

    DSGN JBS -
    For a payment for work that is suitable for ads, check the DSGN JBS.


    For a job board that caters to creatives, check out DSGN JBS.
    This board gathers listings from all over the Internet in one clean interface. If you’ve been searching for a comprehensive list of the best designer jobs, you just found it!

    Encyclopedia Britannica Online -
    tel.: +1 (312) 347-7000
    Leading encyclopedia of the world, in English.


    Leading encyclopedia of the world, in English.
    The main drawback - paid. 7 days - test period.

    Near Global -
    Virtual shops.


    The British company Near Software has launched a large-scale and ambitious project to move the famous London area of the West End to a global network. Project manager Alex Rottlesley reports that an accurate 3D copy of the famous district with all shopping centers, theaters, Museums and other institutions.z
    Fans of the online-shopping will appreciate the possibility of a leisurely walk in the shops, In the course of which they will not have to deal with vagabonds, pop Bugs, pickpockets, or insulting street graffiti. Buyers will be able to communicate with each other via social networks such as Facebook or MySpace, send invitations to friends for co-shopping and exchange text messages.

    Over 600 traders from Bond Street, Oxford Street, Regent Street and other streets will receive a permanent residence permit in the virtual world of Near London. The cost of rent will be $40 per month. The owners of retail outlets will be able to invite visitors to their official sites or take the help of Near Software designers to create exact copies of stores in the three-dimensional world. Designers promise to make the virtual world extremely dynamic. The weather in the painted streets will change in full accordance with the real data, and on street newspaper stands the inhabitants of the virtual world will see the headlines of the fresh newspapers.

    The doors of the virtual West End will open for visitors in October next year.

    siteInspire -
    Showcase of the best web and interactive design.


    Showcase of the best web and interactive design. -
    address: C/O Quality Nonsense Ltd, 27 Mortimer Street, W1T 3BL
    tel.: +44(845) 056 8637
    Specifies where the host is hosted, shows the IP address of the site.

    TBN Europe -
    address: TBN Europe, PO Box 72559, NW26 9HL
    tel.: +44 (0) 208 208 5680

    TBN UK -
    address: TBN UK, PO Box 72559, NW26 9HL
    tel.: +44 (0) 208 208 5680

    The London Christian Radio -
    address: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043

    Quintessentially -
    address: Quintessentially HQ, 29 Portland Place, W1B1
    tel.: +44 20 3073 6600
    Club for the rich.


    To become a member of this elite club, you must write a letter to the administration of the resource. After your personal data has been verified, you will receive a portal membership card, which in no time will open the doors of the best VIP-establishment

    Busuu -
    address: Busuu Ltd. Floor 7 City Place House 55 Basinghall Street EC2V 5DX
    Community of learning languages.


    Community of learning languages.

    We study a foreign language giving it 10 minutes a day.

    Courses in 12 languages ​

    English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese.

    How it works

    1. The student chooses a language, and some selects a language.
    2. independently learn vocabulary and grammar lessons,
    3. Talking chat or speaking with native speakers in the community.
    At the end of 2017, busuu has more than 80 million registered users.

    Roskachestvo has identified busuu as the best application for learning English.

    GAFTA -
    address: 9 Lincoln's Inn Fields WC2A 3BP
    tel.: +44 20 7814 9666
    Association of Grain and Food Products.

    IACS -
    address: Permanent Secretariat, 4 Matthew Parker Street, Westminster, SW1H 9NP
    tel.: +44 (0) 20 7976 0660
    International Association of Classification Societies.

    IGC -
    International Grains Council

    OCIMF -
    address: 29 Queen Anne's Gate, SW1H 9BU
    tel.: +44 (0) 20 7654 1200
    Oil Companies International Marine Forum.


    OCIMF was formed in April 1970 in response to the growing public concern about marine pollution, particularly by oil, after the Torrey Canyon incident in 1967.

    In the early 1970s, a variety of anti-pollution initiatives were starting to emerge nationally, regionally and internationally, but with little coordination. Through OCIMF, the oil industry was able to play a stronger, coordinating role in response to these initiatives, making its professional expertise widely available through cooperation with governments and intergovernmental bodies.

    OCIMF was granted consultative status at the IMO in 1971 and continues to present oil industry views at IMO meetings. Since then, its role has broadened to take account the changing maritime activities of its membership. Its remit now covers safety, health, security and the environment pertaining to tankers, barges, offshore vessels and terminal interfaces.

    The current membership of OCIMF comprises well over 100 companies worldwide.

    Today, OCIMF is widely recognised as the voice of the oil industry providing expertise in the safe and environmentally responsible transport and handling of hydrocarbons in ships and terminals and setting standards for continuous improvement. Membership is extensive and includes every oil major in the world along with the majority of National Oil Companies.

    OCIMF has much to be proud of. Not only has it contributed to a substantial quantity of regulation at the IMO aimed at improving the safety of tankers and protecting the environment, but it has introduced important new guidance on pressing current issues such as piracy and Arctic shipping. With the process of introducing new Internationally-accepted regulation necessarily slow as it crosses many individual countries and jurisdictions, OCIMF is in the unique position of being able to leverage the expertise of its membership to press ahead with much needed guidance on important industry issues. This provides the means to improve practices in the membership and in the wider industry, and serves as a valuable reference for developing regulation.

    In addition to its extensive publications library, OCIMF has a rich portfolio of tools including its Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) programme and Tanker Management and Self Assessment tool (TMSA), both of which have gained worldwide recognition and acceptance. It continues to develop new tools, with OVID the latest to be launched in January 2010, and a new Terminals inspection tool in development.

    IPRA -
    address: Suite 5879, POB 6945, W1A 6US
    tel.: +44 1634-818-308
    International Association for Public Relations. -
    address: Limited, The Warehouse, The Bower, 207-211 Old Street, UK, EC1V 9NR
    The music network - radio online.


    Web 2.0 ears: online radio that adapts itself to the listener.
    It remembers what you are listening to (and what you do not want to listen to), and toss new songs based on the choice of other users with similar tastes. If you put a small nozzle on the player, will also start to take into account the music you are listening at home.

    At the moment, participants Last. Fm listened to and appreciated almost 3 billion tracks, so there's nothing to rely on.
    The best way to find out any new artists on Internet is not yet figured out (except for competitors from and LAUNCHcast).

    It is believed that really should become the 'last radio': the world of FM radio stations will change irrepressibly, but the big Their part will quietly wither away.
    It will happen when the majors give to use their bottomless archives and the newest Revenues, and this is all going to. Source: Big City

    Film Education -
    Learn English through movies.


    A lot of movies (choosing movies, which is important, there are films familiar to us.
    We look and listen.

    LearnEnglish Teens Entertainment -
    address: 10 Spring Gardens SW1A 2BN
    Learn English through movies.


    Funny articles about movies and film reviews from the British Council.

    Marks & Spencer -
    address: Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, W21NW
    This is not even a site, just in the folder are the programs that you need to click and download.


    Famous British online store.
    Sells clothes, cosmetics, gifts, underwear.
    The prices are quite acceptable.
    Delivery to Russia is not for everything. For each product you need to clarify. Shipping cost ~ 600

    ASOS -
    address: London House, Hampstead Road, NW1 7FB
    Online reference for those wishing to learn web programming.


    A popular store from Britain is becoming more popular with us.
    You can buy what you need: dresses, coats, knitwear, knitwear, underwear, shoes and accessories.
    In the online store you can buy clothes, both your own brand ASOS, and a number of others, for example. New look, French connection, American Apparel, Coast ...
    Delivery across Russia is free: to Moscow and St. Petersburg the order goes about 7 days, to other cities - at least 10.

    Blue Inc -
    address: Unit 15a Uplands Business Park E17 5QJ
    tel.: +44 20 8531 7651
    Perfectly executed site of furniture under the order.


    British clothing store.
    Clothes of an unusual style and bright.
    Our life consists not only of gray everyday life.

    Youth clothing: Ben Sherman, Police, NY ...

    Of course you will find more familiar clothes.

    Delivery in Russia ~ £ 10.

    Stuff & Nonsense -
    address: Stuff & Nonsense Ltd. Eversleigh, Lon Capel, Gwaenysgor, Flintshire, North Wales, LL18 6EJ, UK
    tel.: +44 (0) 1745 85-18-48
    Stuff&Nonsense believes that a fabulous website design is more than choosing an attractive or according to the latest trend pattern.


    Stuff&Nonsense believes that a fabulous website design is more than choosing an attractive or according to the latest trend pattern.
    The design of your website should convey your personality and be a reflection of your beliefs. It must be different. He must have a soul.
    Effective website design is the result of a well thought out strategy.
    Stuff&Nonsense helps to achieve this.

    The Times -

    Website Planet -
    Sitemap XML Verification.

    eToro -
    address: 42nd floor, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf E14 5AB
    tel.: +44 203 203-03-08
    Social investment and finance.

    WAYN -
    address: LMNext UK Ltd, headquartered in 77 Hatton Garden, EC1N 8JS
    Travel and lifestyle.


    International social network of travelers.
    You can log in using your Facebook account.
    The network first of all helps not to spend extra money. Go to where it really costs and pay less.
    Well, the rest is understandable - friends, share impressions, photos, videos, practical information, just relationships. Maybe they can go to each other. But this is predictable. Moreover, the site has a section - dating.

    Also, the service helps travel agencies keep in touch with tourists. And tourists can buy what they need right here. This is not only convenient, but also reliable, the service is decent.

    Mixlr -
    address: 2nd Floor White Bear Yard, 144a Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5DF
    Broadcast live audio through the network.


    Broadcast live audio over the web.

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    Time Out -
    Widely known in the world is the London magazine.


    Widely known in the world is the London magazine. The site announces concerts and theater premieres, describes clubs, restaurants and shops, there is a detailed schedule of events.

    Financial Times -

    The Sun -
    address: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF

    Memrise -
    address: Memrise Ltd 3-5 Fashion Street, E1 6PX
    Conversational Swedish, entry level.


    Conversational Swedish, entry level.

    250 basic words of Swedish for beginners.

    The author is a teacher and therefore he picked up the most important and necessary words for the initial stage in order to start speaking as soon as possible.

    Nouns are given with articles, because they are important to remember from the very beginning.
    Verbs are given in the present tense, because you can easily form an infinitive yourself, but verb endings in the present tense are often confused.

    Sotheby's -
    tel.: +1 (212) 606-7000, 44 20 7293-50-00
    Sites elite auctions.


    Sotheby's auction house was founded in 1744 by Samuel Baker, and today it is one of the oldest and most famous auction houses in the world.
    Together with Christie's, Sotheby's takes about 90% of the world market of antiques auction sales And art objects.

    Initially Sotheby's was created as a "club for aristocrats". Moreover, aristocratic origin was required not only from buyers (which is natural, because in those days only aristocrats could afford to buy antiques and art for fabulous money), but also from those wishing to work in the auction house.

    Until the middle of the twentieth century Sotheby's lived quite a quiet life, its rapid development began in 1955, when the department was opened in New York. Later, branches also opened in Paris, Los Angeles, Zurich, Toronto, Edinburgh, Johannesburg, Houston, Florence, Melbourne and Munich.

    In the times of industrial crisis of the 80s, the auction house almost went bankrupt. In these difficult times, the main competitor, Sotheby's Christie, poured oil on the fire. His leadership in the desire to drive out the competitor lowered his rates, after which Sotheby's revenue fell by more than 50%. In the early nineties, the management of both auction houses decided to go to each other's meeting and agreed on fixing tariffs for services. However, it turned out that fixing rates is considered a crime in USA, where Sotheby's received most of its revenue. Because of this collusion, a scandal broke out, which resulted in the then CEO Sotheby's being sentenced to a year in prison.

    Today's affairs in Sotheby's are pretty good. In 2007, one of the world's leading auction houses opened a branch in Moscow, where a number of successful transactions for the sale of Russian art objects were made.

    Trustpilot -
    tel.: +1 (844) 661-9927
    Online community reviews.


    Online feedback community, which will help not to use the wrong one.

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