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Weather on map

logo NOAA


Marine weather stations on the map.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Administration (NOAA) and the National Data Center for Buenos (NDBC) continuously receive information from numerous coastal stations and buoys located in different parts of the world.

Marine Stations measure the speed and direction of the wind, atmospheric pressure and air temperature, wave height, water temperature, etc. Clicking on the station marker, you can get this information for the selected region.

Weather Yahoo

Just try, maybe you will like it, but they use the forecasts of the main world site

You can see the weather on the map from the service Mapbox.

iTunes Android

logo Gismeteo

reliable site

address: Russia


Maps of precipitation, cloudiness, temperature, winds.
The main and most accurate weather forecast.
It will be useful for tourists before visiting new places so as not to get to the rainy season for example.

In Russian
logo Ventusky


An application that displays maps of winds, precipitation and temperatures for the Czech Republic and the whole world, data from the most accurate numerical models of GFS, ICON and GEM.

The application combines a classic weather forecast for a specific location with a map that shows the change in weather over a wider area. This allows you to see where the rain comes from or the wind blows. The uniqueness of the application lies in the large amount of data displayed. Looking through the weather, you will immediately find out the forecast of precipitation, wind speed, cloudiness, atmospheric pressure, snow cover and other meteorological data for different altitudes above sea level.

Wind Animation

The Ventusky application visualizes the weather in a very interesting way. Wind is displayed in the form of production lines, which demonstrate the continuous development of weather phenomena. Air currents on Earth are always in motion, their movements are displayed on the map. This makes obvious the interrelation of all atmospheric phenomena.

Weather Forecast

Detailed weather forecast for 10 days.

For the next three days, the weather forecast is scheduled for every hour. On other days you can see the forecast for every three hours. Users can also find out the time of sunrise and sunset in any geographic location.

Weather Models

Ventusky users receive data directly from numerical models that were used only by meteorologists just a few years ago. The application collects data from three numerical models. In addition to relatively well-known data from the American GFS model, it also presents data from the Canadian GEM model and the German ICON model, which has the highest resolution of weather forecasts for the whole world.

iTunes Android huawei

Yandex.Weather on map

One can look at the weather situation in the region, the country or in the world at a glance.
Approach, delete and get a general or more detailed forecast.

Meteum technology compares traditional forecasts with weather stations. She sees repeated mistakes and uses MatrixNet's machine learning method to detect statistical patterns in them. So a set of rules is formed, allowing you to make a more accurate prediction.

Weather can be viewed at the current time, as well as the forecast for the selected date.

iTunes Android huawei

In Russian
logo Rain alarm

Rain alarm

Site of the State Meteorological Service.
Works in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain (including the Balearic and Canary Islands), Slovenia, Croatia, UK, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Iceland, USA, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Mexico, El Salvador, Argentina.

The first thing a site does is determine your geographical location. However, you have the opportunity to specify the city manually.
There is a Russian language.

It shows the situation visually and lively in real time.

iTunes Android

In Russian
Jetset Weather

Choose trips by weather.

How it works

  1. It's very simple, go in and see where it is warm now. However, you can choose the temperature filter yourself (warm, hot, cool ...).
  2. You can set the time, region.
  3. We will be offered a series of photos showing the city, country, temperature (sunny, overcast ...) and prices.
  4. If you are interested in something, click to get some more detailed information.

Weather on the map across Russia.
A simple and intuitive website, a map for the entire page, nothing superfluous.

logo World Weather

World Weather

Weather service that provides its users with weather data in an easy-to-read and analyze form. The service was developed by a team of like-minded people who set a goal for themselves - to create a website that is as loyal and adaptable as possible to the interests of users.

Feature of the site - the ability for users to customize the appearance of the page depending on their preferences. Each visitor to the resource can leave only those blocks with information that are of interest to him personally, and disable those that, in his opinion, have no information value. Thus, the site pages load faster and, consequently, consume less Internet traffic. At the moment, our site is the only weather resource that provides such opportunities for its users.

Weather service uses its own data processing technologies provided by the resources:,,

In Russian

Webcams around the world.
Here you can find a webcam around the world on a Google Maps map.
I must say that Google Maps uses this database.
There is a Russian language.


  • search for a webcam on a 3D map - Google Earth,
  • add webcam,
  • popular webcams,
  • new webcams,
  • search by tags,
  • webcams with video function, accelerated shooting - in a few seconds we will see this place throughout the day,
  • blog,
  • community,
  • there is an API, you can display webcams On your site,
  • or just the HTML webcam code, as you see below.

iTunes Android huawei

In Russian
logo Multimaps


Online maps for fishermen and yachtsmen.

How is it different from simple online maps and satellite imagery?

  • depth map
  • wind map
  • Ice conditions (for lovers of ice fishing).
Just borrowing, it becomes immediately clear that these are special cards, and not just Yandex maps.

In Russian
Weather Nomad

Weather for a year on the map.
You can find the average temperature for April or May, maximum and minimum, wind strength, humidity, precipitation.
Filters, in Celsius or Fahrenheit. I could not find my city, but there is a lot of information on the area.

It will help tourists to choose the time of visiting distant places, so as not to get into a mess.


Geographic maps Reserves on the map Disaster maps If the glaciers melt Ecological maps Nautical charts Polar Lights on the map

Water temperature on map Wind on the map

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