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Disasters Water Nature Reserves Nautical charts Weather on map Fires Natural disaster Ecology

Disaster maps

Maps of hazards, disasters

  1. - Karta01 - Map of fire-fighting water supply.

COVID-19 map

  1. - Yandex.Maps - Coronavirus distribution map in Russia and worldwide
  2. - Center for Systems Science and Engineering - Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases
  3. - Bing - COVID-19: tracking and tracing
official site
English - English

Uses: OpenStreetMap.

address: USA


Earthquake map in real time.
The service is maintained by the US Geological Survey.

There is a time-based filtering.

logo Kosmosnimki


Fires map.
The SFMS system is an information service of operational monitoring of natural fires, developed by the Russian company ScanEx RDC.

The goal is to provide access to the result for everyone.
The project is focused on the unprepared user and on experts. As a basic component of the service, a technology based on the algorithm for automatic detection of fires on the "thermal" channels of satellite imagery MODIS is used (for more details, see the detection of fires according to MODIS data).
The monitoring area includes the entire territory of Russia, The territory of neighboring countries falling into the zone of visibility of the SCANEX network of receiving stations.

The main tasks of this service are the speed of reporting information on fires and its wide availability.
To this end, all data is laid out on the geoportal, which provides a convenient view of these data and related thematic information. Additional information includes: weather forecast, peatlands borders, borders of burnt out areas, borders of reserves and national parks.
Please contact us with suggestions, comments and wishes - we are open to negotiations and partnerships for the development of remote fire monitoring projects And early detection.
The strategic objective of our project is to further improve the detail and reliability of operational data and to create public monitoring tools, conducted by a wide range of users, based on satellite imagery and other sources of observations.

In Russian
reliable site
English - English

phone.: +7 (495) 937-64-77
address: Russia, Москва

International SOS

A website with up-to-date information about dangerous regions: an epidemic, civil war and …


logo Iris


Seismic monitoring.
Seismic state of the earth in real time.
The more activity, the more red the color and the bigger the ring.

Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Coronavirus. Online coronavirus distribution map.
Map is used from Yandex.

In addition to the map posted growth charts of infections, healings and deaths.
And also tables of statistics by countries.

In Russian

Geographic maps Reserves on the map

If the glaciers melt Ecological maps Nautical charts Polar Lights on the map
Weather on map Water temperature on map Wind on the map

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