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Sea maps

Arctic Bathymetry in Google Maps

Bathymetry is engaged in mapping the topography of the seabed and measuring the depth of the ocean with the echo sounder. One of the main goals of bathymetry is the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits.

Ocean Mapping Group of the University of New Brunswick created this map with bathymetry for the north of Canada. The map shows many layers of bathymetric data for this area. The layers have different colors. Each color indicates the depth of the ocean according to the color scale in the upper right corner of the map.

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Open sea map.

The goal is to collect information useful to seamen and yachtsmen, and provide it in a convenient form.
Here is information about lighthouses, buoys and other navigation signs, repair shops, shops, restaurants, etc.

OpenSeaMap is created by OpenStreetMap and uses its database, filling the gap, so to speak.
OpenStreetMap deals with the land, and the water space is not affected.
OpenSeaMap fills water space with navigation information.

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Online maps for fishermen and yachtsmen.

How is it different from simple online maps and satellite imagery?

  • depth map
  • wind map
  • Ice conditions (for lovers of ice fishing).
Just borrowing, it becomes immediately clear that these are special cards, and not just Yandex maps.

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