Polar Lights on the map
The Northern Lights, like the fireworks, require presence. Neither photos nor video can convey that impression.
Where can I see the northern lights?There are places on the planet where you can observe this natural phenomenon.Not anywhere in the north can be observed. Let's say in the north of Norway, in the Murmansk region you can observe the northern lights quite comfortably. Of course, at this time it is always cold, but there is no Siberian frost, thanks to the warm Golfstream. The shine itself is predominantly green, rarely lucky to see other tones. And let's say in Naryan-Mar, severe frosts (although moisture freezes out and they are dry, and therefore they are more easily tolerated), but the shine is more close to the ground, mostly and mostly red. When can you see the northern lights?Well, I saw in late August and September. But then the polar day was barely over and it is very bad in the bright sky.The present northern lights can only be in cold weather. The principle is as follows. In the north, the sky is very low to the ground, sometimes clouds are even at the level of the 8th floor. And they keep comparative heat. But they do not allow to see the sky. When it is cloudless, all the heat disappears upwards and frosts come, but you can watch the northern lights when it is. Here is a principle. In the city the northern lights are not visible due to street lighting. Because it is desirable to go out of town or away from the center, somewhere in the suburbs. English English - Englishemail: jake@jrustonapps.com address: Netherlands, Шерль, Roode Leeuw 28 1871AZ My Aurora ForecastMy Aurora Forecast is the best app for seeing the Northern Lights. Built with a sleek dark design, it appeals to both tourists and serious aurora watchers by telling you what you want to know
The site includes 3 webcams with which you can watch the northern lights in real time.
True, they are updated every 2 minutes, so see how the northern lights play will not work. The page also presents data from the satellite. Russian English - Russianemail: info@spaceweatherlive.com address: Belgium, Алтер, Cijnsstraat 9B B-9880 SpaceWeatherLiveForecast of the northern and juvenile lights for the coming days.
You can find out when and where it will be more intense. But do not forget to see the usual weather forecast. You can not see the northern lights with a cloudy sky. The forecast is based on the conditions of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) obtained by the DSCOVR spacecraft. Power in the hemisphereThe OVATION model calculates the total global integrated energy radiation in Gigawatts for the next 30 minutes. For values below about 20 GW, there may be a small or non-visible aurora.For values between 20 and 50, you may need to get close to the shine to see it. For values above 50, the aurora should be observed with a lot of activity and movement across the sky. Once a level reaches 100 or more, it is considered a very significant geomagnetic storm. |
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