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logo Ideas for Metrika

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Owner: Yandex,

address: Russia

Ideas for Metrika

A platform where you can share ideas and suggestions for the development of Yandex.Metrica.

If you have something uncomfortable, something is missing, you can express your opinion here.

The fact is that Metrics has made this site, because it is determined to develop the service based on user feedback.

logo Ya.Analytics
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reliable site
English - Russian

Owner: Yandex,

address: Russia, Москва


Service for creating a detailed statistics of site traffic.
Simply super. Simple and easy design, everything is visual and functional.


  1. Free,
  2. no banner,
  3. visibility and detail of the statistics.
If you are registered on Yandex, simply use this account. Or enter it. Yandex.Metrica for AJAX and Flash-sites.

iTunes Android


Mobile apps analytics: behavioral analytics, stability monitoring and push campaigns in a single marketing platform.

Track installations from any source of traffic - from the web, applications, mail, instant messengers and even offline in real time.

All the necessary information about your advertising campaigns - from installations to conversions - is broken down by channels, creatives or any other parameters.

Manage reattribution at the campaign level to successfully launch retargeting and customize the attribution window as you see fit for each method separately.

Along with postbacks, send effective setup and conversion parameters to your advertising partners to optimize your CPI and CPA campaigns in real time.

Deeplinks will allow directing users who clicked on advertisements to the necessary section of the application or to the relevant landing page.

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