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Support service Yandex

Yandex has the best support service among the leading portals.
On support malicious (you still and guilty will remain), on Google instead of a support service you will send on forums - ask each other.
Yandex responds not instantly, you have to wait a couple of days or several, but you will get a good authoritative answer.

Somehow, the client intercepted the domain, because they hurried to pay it.
2 year they were offered to buy it, and then threw it away. We bought it again, but it was banned, because there were recently viruses.
I wrote to the support service Yandex, outlined the situation, after some time it was solved.

Some services (for example ЮMoney) have a toll-free number. I called, it turned out that on my question I called not quite at the address, I was helped anyway. logo Yandex Blog

Yandex Blog

The blogosphere itself is closed, but Yandex still conducts its blog. Here you can find news, ask a question and get an answer.
This is not a support service, but one more contact site with Yandex.
You can influence the project or new functions in the process of creating them, when the back reaction is in demand. Then something is unlikely to change.

reliable site
English - Russian

Owner: Yandex,

phone.:8 800 800-11-67 (Russian Customers toll-free)
address: Russia, Москва

Yandex Contacts

Company Yandex - Contacts - Moscow.

Phones, faxes, emails of a number of Yandex services.
As well as addresses with location on the map and description of how to get there.

There are not all Yandex contacts here, but enough information if we need an office, and not certain services.

In Russian
logo Yandex.Support
additional url:

reliable site
English - Russian

Owner: Yandex,

phone.:8 800 333-96-39 (Russian Customers toll-free), 8 800 234-24-80 (Russian Customers toll-free), + 7 (495) 739-70-00
address: Russia, Москва, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16


Yandex has a good and not overloaded Help.
In many cases it's better to read and quickly solve your question.

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