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The actual schedule of electric trains in real time.

  1. The exact departure time,
  2. the ticket price,
  3. platform,
  4. reminders for the selected train,
  5. the history of route browsing and favorites without connecting to Internet.
More than 70 regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Lithuania.

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Timetables of air and railway transport. In the long term - water transport and intercity buses.

There are timetables for suburban trains for a number of cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Veliky Novgorod, Tyumen and Nizhny Tagil.

We choose the point of departure and the point of arrival, the date of dispatch and Arrival and voila.
If there is no flight for the selected date, you will be asked to search for the route with a transfer.

You can trace the route on the map.

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