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1 place on Google

My site is first in Google search or on the first page for some queries, including the popular ones - download fonts, download logos, download ebook ...

What did I do?

  1. Did not use black technologies. Otherwise, there is more risk of simply being banned. Google is a smart search engine and is constantly evolving.
  2. Did not overload your ad. Advertising to the site is, but if they write that no more than 4 blocks or something like that, it did not break.
  3. Unique content. If you used the material of the Internet, then it was revised, in the form of a review. In addition, the principle of the site is an overview in simple terms, so that an unprepared person can simply understand.
  4. Regular Updates.
  5. Constant development of the site. I track attendance. I have a wide range of topics, just got well and develop the demanded sections. I look at competitors and offer something that they do not offer.
  6. I use Google Sitemap, as they ask.
  7. Clean code, that is not written in a visual editor.
  8. Site is quickly loaded, not overloaded with decorations, scripts. I do not know how much this affects google, the attendance accurately affects.
  9. Lead newsletter.
  10. Correctly use title, meta-tags (description, keywods), h1. That is, I do not write everything, but what is in the text on this page. If the text does not match the text on the page, Google may simply ignore or omit the site. By the way, the fewer words in the description, the greater the weight of the word.
In general, I described. I did not use black technologies, I did not pay for promotion, advertising.

Another example. I did somehow site, collected all sites of Christians Murmansk region on one page and all. The domain name is free. It was
I do not remember, that at all registered, can in Google and Yandex registered. But in 2 months, you type in Google "Site Murmansk" and on the first place gave out my site.

I think the key is unique content.

In short, I shared my experience.


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