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State base of vacancies

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Federal Service for Labor and Employment.
Official website.

Documents, information, projects, territorial bodies.
Everything that should be on the modern official website.

In Russian
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state site

address: Russia

Work in Russia

All-Russian bank of vacancies, information on the situation on the labor market.
You can login through the registration on the site of the State Service.

Search for employment options for citizens.
Finding employees for employers. State job search site. It is done decently, there are mobile applications.
Therefore the site will work stably and there will be a good base of vacancies.

If not found, fill out the resume and wait. You never know where you find the one job that you want.

On the site you can also:

  1. Assess the standard of living in the region by key indicators, such as the availability of housing and social facilities, the average wage.
  2. Get information on investment projects and regional employment promotion programs.
  3. To get acquainted with the statistics on the labor market by regions.
  4. Find the nearest employment center, get contact information about it.

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state site

phone.:8 800 444-01-99 (Russian Customers toll-free)
address: Russia

Civil service

Portal for those wishing to get a job on the budget.


  • formation of a full-fledged information resource on civil service issues,
  • creating a single system of personnel monitoring,
  • forming a database on vacancies in the civil service,
  • ensuring Opportunities for citizens of Russia who are interested in entering the state civil service, to provide information about themselves, which will be available to the personnel services of state bodies.

Main sections

  • About the civil service - texts of normative legal acts in the field of state civil service (searchable), information-analytical and statistical materials On this topic.
  • News - important events about the work and development of the state Civil service and appointments to key civil service posts.
    About education - about HEIs training specialists in the field of state and municipal government and their educational programs.
  • Vacancies - about the vacant positions of the state civil service. Search for vacancies you are interested in and it is possible to get acquainted with the data on the vacant position of the state civil service: the level of the monetary maintenance, the location of the state body, the official time, the qualification requirements for the vacant position, etc. You can fill out a questionnaire that will be available to the staff of the personnel services of state bodies. To fill out the form you will have to register.

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English English - English

Uses: Google maps.



Search remote job.

The goal is to create a social, professional and economic infrastructure for people and teams who work remotely.

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