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Scarlet collar
Workers in the sex industry.
No collar
Free artists, for whom personal success is more important than financial gain.
White collars
Employees, officials, employees of the management apparatus, managers, engineering and technical workers, intellectual workers who are part of the non-production personnel of enterprises. In developed countries, white-collar workers make up the bulk of workers, which exceeds the number of production workers.
Golden collars
Highly qualified scientists and specialists who possess entrepreneurial features of using their professional knowledge.
Brown collars
Service workers.
Red collar
Government employees of all levels are named because of the red ink.
Orange collar
Prison workers, named after the orange overalls, which are usually worn by prisoners.
A person who works under an employment contract and who is subject to the organization's internal work order.
Pink collars
Secretaries, typists, telephone operators, etc.
Grey collar
Employees of social infrastructure.
Blue collars
Qualified workers (manual workers).
Black collars
Workers who are engaged in manual labor or dirty work - especially drillers, oil workers ...

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