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Contractual service

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Contract mil

The site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the contract service.

There is a lot of text on the military service, service stages, duties of military personnel. There is a map of the military districts, an appeal to enroll in the 76th Guards Airborne Division and even promos with Vasily Stepanov from the "Uninhabited Island".


  1. knowledge of the Russian language,
  2. age from 18 to 40 years (up to 30 for foreigners),
  3. physical and mental compliance with army norms.
The site has a lot of holes, not all are indicated, for example, wages, so you need to contact yourself and find out, use persistence.

logo Go army

Go army

Recruiting site of the best army in the world is similar to a computer game.

This site immediately shows the attitude of the employer to their future soldiers. Not only can you apply on the couch sitting on the couch and you will be answered. Or find out which companies will take me then to work with a perk.

Citizens US and having a green card are taken into the army.

Foreign Legion

The French Foreign Legion is more than 7,000 mercenaries from around the world who are fighting for the interests of France, for the most part in Africa.
Regardless From your background, religion, citizenship, level of education and, family and professional status. There is a risk of death in the jungle. On the other - a new life, until the name change. Service in France or at the Kourou cosmodrome in the tropics. Military brotherhood and a constant war under the slogan "The Legion is our Fatherland". The right to French citizenship. An initial salary of 1043 euros plus a full allowance in both senses. They take only men to the Legion, with "some kind of identity card," they do not ask about the past, it is desirable to be strong.

The site clearly and in modest detail describes the requirements and rules for admission.

In Russian
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