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Social network and employer

All the more often the employers turn ATTENTION on the behavior of job seekers in social networks.

It is important that the employer, by looking into your account, is located to receive you.

It should be understood that we leave traces on the network, so to speak, "document" our actions and make it public. Social networks - a gold mine for those who want to look inside us with a view to

  • determine our poise,
  • As far as we can be trusted,
  • as far as we can be competent,
  • can we relate a couple of words ...
If you are not on social networks, you are hiding something.
If you are inactive, you are hiding something.
If your activity is perfect, this is a showy account.

Your activity should show that you are a real person and at the same time balanced.

Personally, it was a shock for me to meet people on the Internet.
There they behaved in a way that they would never allow themselves to meet me on the street.
The Internet completely lacked the concept of decency, politeness, respect ...

So, just behave online the same way you would behave in a public place.

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