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English teacher

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Vacancy: teacher of English.

The average income of 40,000 rubles per month.
You can get more, it all depends on you and the number of lessons you take.
Possible option with the employment of the teacher from 12 hours a week.

You can use your materials and methodical developments.
But most likely you will not need it, since there are already enough materials on the platform to conduct lessons with students of different levels, ages and interests.

You do not have to search for students by yourself.
Minimum reporting on work and regular salary payments, as well as support and care from the methodologists.
A teacher in Skyeng does not need to do the routine work, it remains only to teach.
The school provides an opportunity to improve their skills with the help of free tuition, internal programs on online teaching methods, free speaking clubs with native speakers.

If you have any technical difficulties, our support team will always be able to help you.

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