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World Bank Open Data - data.worldbank.org address: 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 tel.: +1 (202) 473-1000 Free and open access to global development data.moreFree and open access to global development data. Very simple and understandable, the search form, the filter by country and by subject, for example. Energy, poverty ... |
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Iris - iris.edu address: IRIS (Corporate Headquarters), 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 400, DC 20005 tel.: +1 (202) 682-2220 email: rporter@iris.edu Elements Maps.moreSeismic monitoring. Seismic state of the earth in real time. The more activity, the more red the color and the bigger the ring. |
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Global Forest Watch - globalforestwatch.org address: 10 G St NE, DC 20002 tel.: +1 (202) 729-7633 email: gfw@wri.org Google Maps.moreForests in real time. It is possible to see how much when it is cut down and cut down and how much is planted again. |
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Library of Congress - loc.gov address: 101 Independence Ave SE, DC 20540 tel.: +1 (202) 707-5000 Largest library in the world, with more than 162 million items.moreAmerica's oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 162 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs... |
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White House - whitehousemuseum.org Virtual museums and galleries around the world.moreVirtual Museum of the White House. WhiteHouseMuseum.org is not affiliated with the White House Historical Association or WhiteHouse.gov. Click Start the TourIn principle, not bad, only to see a long time done, Because the design of yesterday, as well as the functional. It's good to refresh. You can see what's inside the White House, a 3D image of the Oval Office. |
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Gallaudet University - gallaudet.edu |
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Gallup Organization - gallup.com tel.: +1 (202) 715-3030 email: mediainquiry@gallup.com One of the world's largest consulting firms specializing in marketing research, public opinion and consumer behavior. |
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George Washington University - gwu.edu GW |
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The American University - american.edu |
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National Geographic - nationalgeographic.com/history/article/m 'Dead Sea Scrolls' at the Museum of the Bible are all forgeries |
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Museum of the Bible - museumofthebible.org/dead-sea-scroll-fra A Journey for the Truth: Investigating the Recent Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments |
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Voice of America English News - learningenglish.voanews.com address: VOA Learning English, Room 3400, 330 Independence Ave. S.W., DC 20237 email: LearningEnglish@voanews.com Radiouroki English.moreSpecial Voice of America radio project for English language learners. The project was created as an experimental communication tool aimed at foreign listeners of the Voice of America - broadcasting in simplified English, more understandable for non-native speakers. To date, the project is a set of tools for learning English, getting information about America, getting acquainted with various world news. |
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The Catholic University of America - catholic.edu |
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Science Magazine - science.sciencemag.org address: AAAS, P.O. Box 96178, Washington DC, 20090-6178 tel.: +1 (866) 434-22-27 email: membership@aaas.org The journal of natural sciences covers the latest developments in the natural and applied sciences.moreThe magazine of the publishing house AAAS (The American Association for the Advancement of Science). The journal of natural sciences covers the latest developments in the natural and applied sciences. |
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Voice of America - golosameriki.com tel.: +1 (202) 619-3919 email: golosameriki@voanews.com An American international public broadcaster.moreAn American international public broadcaster.The channel presents an American view of events in the world. News about events in the U.S. is the most interesting. They are usually more detailed and balanced. |
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Washington College - washcoll.edu |
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University of Washington - washington.edu |
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NASA - nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/ address: 300 E. Street SW, Suite 5R30, DC 20546 tel.: +1 (202) 358-0001 The site is NASA TV - streaming from the ISS, as well as a lot of interesting entertainment.moreNASA (NASA) - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (English National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - an agency owned by the US federal government, reporting directly to the vice-president of the USA and financed on 100% from the state budget, responsible for the civil space program of the country.The site has NASA TV - streaming with the ISS, as well as a lot of spectacular interesting. |
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Smithsonian institution - 3d.si.edu Virtual museums and galleries around the world.moreSmithsonian Institution, Washington, DC - USA 3-D Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. On the Institute's website, you can see the exhibits in 3D: twist, approximate. The quality is high, only sometimes you need to wait to Loaded. |
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Smithsonian’s National Zoo - nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/amazonia/ address: 3001 Connecticut Ave., NW, DC 20008 tel.: +1 (202) 633-48-88 email: info@nazarethvillage.com Webcams - wildlife.moreOn the page of the National Smithsonian Zoo (Smithsonian's National Zoological Park), you can find dozens of two different webcams installed in the habitats of living creatures. In addition to the standard tigers and toucans in this case, one of the cameras is installed directly under the water in the Amazon, so you can look at a variety of exotic fish in real time. Keep in mind that the time zone of another part of the world differs by an average of eight hours in the opposite direction. |
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Howard University - howard.edu |
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GovTrack - govtrack.us Use RSS to track government.moreUse RSS to track government. |
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GovLoop - govloop.com address: 1152 15th St NW tel.: +1 (202) 407-74-21 email: info@govloop.com The knowledge network for the government is a social network uniting more than 300,000 leaders of the federal, state and local levels.moreThe knowledge network for the government is a social network uniting more than 300,000 leaders of the federal, state and local levels.MissionTo connect government to improve government. This is done by- In-depth editorial reporting and research about topics at the intersection of management and technology.
- News coverage of issues and events that are pertinent to the government community.
- Weekly online trainings and self-paced courses.
- Speaking engagements.
- Leadership programs, and more.GovLoop also works with top industry partners, such as ESRI, HP, Microsoft and IBM, to provide resources and tools, such as infographics, market trend reports and educational events for public-sector professionals.
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NG - nationalgeographic.com/maps/ National Geographic maps online. |
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MIGA - miga.org address: 1818 H Street, NW | Washington, DC 20433 tel.: +202 458-25-38 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. |
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IDB - iadb.org address: IDB Headquarters, 1300 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20577, tel.: +1 (202) 623-1000 Inter-American Development Bank. |
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IIC - iadb.org/iic/ address: IDB Headquarters, 1300 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20577, tel.: +1 (202) 623-1000 Inter-American Investment Corporation. |
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NASCO - nasco.org address: 444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 203, DC 20001 tel.: +1 (202) 347-3257 email: information@nasco.org National Association of Security Companies. |
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INTOSAI - intosai.org address: 441 G St NW 20001 email: intosaijournal@gao.gov International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. |
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NPR - npr.org It's not just a radio program: Today NPR offers everything from instant news coverage to smart podcasts for your device.moreNational Public Radio. It's not just a radio program: Today NPR offers everything from instant news coverage to smart podcasts for your device. |
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MEETin - meetin.org Social network. |
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The White House - whitehouse.gov |
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U.S. Coast Guard - uscg.mil |
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Voice of America TV - golos-ameriki.ru tel.: +1 (202) 619-3919 email: golosameriki@voanews.com The US public media, the purpose of which is to convey the US point of view to citizens of other countries.US Public Radio and Television. The original goal is to convey the truth about events in the US and the world. The original goal is closed countries, primarily the socialist camp (USSR, Eastern Europe ...). Today, these are another point of view on the situation in the world and on |
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Washington Post - washingtonpost.com |