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Security For kids Protection

Porn Filter

Pornoaddiction | Statistics internet-porno | Porn Filter

Protection can be of 2 types

  1. Do you want to protect yourself from accidental hitting a pornographic site
  2. You want to protect your children or employees.
In the first case, you will need soft protection.

Soft protection - for yourself

If, in addition to you, no one uses your computer, and you want to protect yourself, there is no need to install special software.
If the computer is used by children, then such protection is very simply disconnected, bypassed or simply ignored, in one word - soft, and simply does not work. Then you need strict protection.

Filters in Search Engines

Leading search engines Runet Yandex and Google, they have a built-in filter of porn resources, we can only include it.

For Yandex

  1. Click
  2. Select Family Filter,
  3. Click Save and return to search.

For Google

  1. Click
  2. Select Strict filtering,
  3. Click Save Settings.
If you use several browsers, for example, you use Opera or Firefox to access the Internet, but you still have Internet Explorer in the system. That is, it is better to filter on each one. Moreover, it is not difficult.

Strict protection for you

In most cases, it will not work, because it will block more than I need. But if you are not self-confident or porn-dependent, then the next point is for you to forget that porn exists at all.

Strict protection - Porn sites blocking programs

If you want to protect your children or employees, here the search engine settings can not be avoided. They are easily disconnected, and the history of visits can be easily cleaned. Here you need a program to block sites. You can configure the program and protect the settings with a password.


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With the help of the color images are reduced to the so-called 'safe' palette that consists of 216 colors to all the picture displayed correctly in all browsers and on all monitors. No installation required

Category: Internet/Filter

Tags: Control Protection


| Windows


The advantage of this program - it has a Russian version. Her someone recommends, but I for some reason have not been established. However, you can try
Personal filters family «NetPolice» are innovative software products, distinctive features of which are:

  • a simple interface and easy to work in the program;
  • 63 categories. filtration;
  • filtering profanity sites;
  • a permanent online checking all items loaded on the database;
  • a regular updating of the database. Every day updated database of 4.4 thousands of new resources. In this download database on the user's PC is not required.
«NetPolice» Community Safer Internet users has more than 40 million active users.

Category: Internet/Filter

Tags: Control Protection

K9 Web Protection

| Windows home page |


One of the best programs. Free, but registration is required.
We tested about ten programs restrict access to resources "for adults", but only one well coped with the task, it is K9 Web Protection. The program has blocked all the porn sites that we tried to open it, plus everything else it was free and


  1. Go
  2. Enter your information:
    • First Name* - Name
    • Last Name* - Name
    • Email* - e-mail (this will send the code) and if you forget your password, you can request a recall,
    • verify your Email* - confirm the e-mail address (enter again)
    • How did you hear about us* -? how did you know about us, then you can choose the Other and specify (can specify that you want, there is no affiliate program, the program is free, just for them . information)
  3. Check whether the code has come on email

    In paragraph 2 it is written:. "During the installation, you will be asked for your license Your K9 Web Protection license is. "and then the bold code is specified on a line that looks like this:


  4. Go to the page for the download the program.
  5. click the big button that says "download K9 for Windows", if you Windows or "Download K9 for Mac OSX", if you have a Mac OSX or higher.
  6. Download and install the program by following the instructions on the screen.
    • During installation, enter the code deported,
    • create administrator password - create an administrator password. There are 2 golf - come up with a password and enter it twice. It should not be a phone number, date of birth. Pay attention to the coding and register.
  7. Restart your computer.
  8. Open Yandex, enter "porn" into the search box, click on the porn sites, if a site is blocked, so everything is done correctly.
In the future, with a password, you can remove the ban on a category of sites, individual sites or if you do not believe, to allow access to the site for 15 minutes.

K9 user manual in Russian

Category: Internet/Filter

Tags: Control Protection


| Windows home page |


Russian software developer in the field of Internet security, conducted a study of the age categories of children whose parents are concerned about the impact of electronic resources on their children.

Experts Entensys survey of 1,000 software product users KinderGate Parental Control.
As a result, it was found, that most solutions control access to the Internet are required parents to children from 13 years.

The degree of urgency of the problem of the possible adverse impact of electronic resources is directly proportional to the child's growing up.
important to note that there is a sharp increase of 7 years (from 1 to 10%).
As you know, at this age children go to school, so parents allow the child to use the Internet for homework.

The second jump is seen for children from 13 years of age (from 16 to 72%).
at this time the child begins to actively interested in various social networks, instant messengers, online gaming, to expand the range of his interests and, of course, close the browser when a mom or dad, thereby causing additional concern of their parents.

'The study clearly indicates the lack of attention to the issue of child Internet -. Kurashev said Dmitry, Entensys CEO
Parents continue to believe that a child in a small age is not able to stumble upon objectionable content, as it is his. 'not looking'.
Thus, they advocate a reactive approach to the problem.
The diagram shows that only a small part of the mothers and fathers are actively working to ensure safe access for children up to 7 years in internet network.

Given the well-established trend of "children begin to grow up faster," the bar, "13 years" will start to decrease in the near future. "

Category: Internet/Filter

Tags: Control Protection


| Windows home page |


Parental Control allows you to control the use of the Internet by minors children.

You can forbid and block

  • adult sites content,
  • sites with malware,
  • sites related to drugs,
  • violence,
  • in some cases, gaming sites, etc.
You can also, not banning, just browse the categories of websites to which a child is.
technology uses Entensys URL Filtering, which uses constantly adjusted and growing base of about 500 million. Web sites.

The built-in KinderGate function "Safe Search" allows you to block requests of questionable character search engines Yandex, Google and others.


Category: Internet/Filter

Tags: Control Protection

Norton Family Premier

| Windows home page |

Owner: Symantec, надежные site.


Free service of Internet security from Symantec Only if you have a paid Norton antivirus.
There are Russian language.

The main function

  • spying activities of the child,
  • sending reports about them to email parents (thus, provides remote parental control),
  • blocking dangerous sites,
  • and when Norton Internet Family is active, the child sees that the program is on, and that all of his actions on the Internet are known to parents
However, sometimes there and lining -. so that the same Yandex program blocked for viewing by explaining the fact that the resource belongs to the category of "social networks».
you can adjust it.
But do not allow all of the sites once seemingly secure sites blocked justified

If a child for any reason will be dissatisfied with the actions of the program -. it can directly from the Norton Online Family box to send parents a complaint by email to to those included harmless resource to the exclusions list.

Category: Internet/Filter

Tags: Control Protection
Safe Internet League

The main objective of the League is the complete eradication of dangerous content on Internet by self-regulation of the professional community, participants of Internet market, in order to avoid censorship.

A free solution to protect children from dangerous information allows you to block websites that contain suicide propaganda on your computer and mobile devices And the use of drugs or distributing child pornography (including those sites that have been included in the register of banned information). In addition, the "League" filters will restrict access to pages containing pornography, scenes or propaganda of violence and cruelty, as well as automatically clean out obscene language from the resources visited.

In Russian
logo Yandex.DNS

reliable site

Owner: Yandex,

address: Russia


Free DNS-service, blocking dangerous sites and sites for adults.
Also protects against viruses and fraud.

The easiest way to set up Yandex.DNS is through a Wi-Fi access point.
For D- Link and ZyXEL we have developed firmware together with manufacturers.
Also Yandex.DNS is easy to configure manually:

  • on the access point
  • on a computer or laptop
  • on mobile devices

Addresses Yandex.DNS:

Predecessed DNS server:
Alternative DNS server:

Predecessed DNS server:
Alternative DNS server:

Predecessed DNS server:
Alternative DNS server:

Protection of children Guide to Child Safety on Internet Intolerance to violence Porn and children

How to tell your child about sex Children's browsers

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