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Porno and children

Pornoaddiction | Statistics Internet porn | Porn Filter | Porno and children | How to search for a missing child with the help of Internet | How to tell a child about sex | Combating child pornography in social networks and video/photo hosting

There are 2 problems here: child pornography and children watch pornography.

Child pornography

Pedophilia, who does not know this word today?
How many people knew him before?
And now there are societies protecting pedophilia.
Yesterday it was obvious to all that sex with minors is a crime.

Every minute they sell 2 children for the porn industry.
Abduction and child trafficking.
What awaits us?
What generation is coming?

The problem is obvious.

Children watch pornography

100% of children visit porn sites if we do not protect them. They do it with curiosity, they wonder how everything works.

Even if you type in the search engine the word "potato", then, passing from the link to the link, you can still easily please the porn site, - says 14-year-old Andrew. - Well, yes, I've seen porn films.
And that, everything is clear, as it happens - normal, no questions! "Today's teens, active users of the Internet, sooner or later face porn.

62% of Europeans from 14 to 18 year regularly visit porn sites, watch movies on DVD, photo, anime or comics.
And for the first time this happens all the earlier: porn resources become available long before the first sexual experience.
Among the readers of Psychologies, 27% were faced with a similar image when they were less than ten years old, 46% at the age of 10 to 14 year.

How do teenagers face encounters with (video) sexuality and is there really an excuse for unrest?

Harm from pornography

  1. Viruses. When we visit a pornographic site, we open up to attack BD, Trojan or some other pest that first optimizes your antivirus, easily introduces it and sends it, sends it, sends it.
  2. Statistics show that the overwhelming majority of abusers were sitting on porn sites, and what they learned was used in practice.
  3. Not always the child just visits these sites and looks at these pictures. The child will be offered contact on ICQ or via a webcam, they will be offered to undress before the webcam or meet.
  4. Sexual slavery. Usually disenfranchised people, often emigrants, become the property of the porn industry.
  5. Trafficking in Children. With the development of pedophilia, children became a "commodity". Every minute 2 children are kidnapped for sale for the porn industry.
  6. Pedophilia has become a global problem, and recently very few people knew about it
  7. Homosexuality. The Internet has been pornographed and such massive advertising can not be left without a fetus. To predict what we should expect tomorrow, just look at the fruits of such an advertisement of pornography in the west, where the internet was before.
    Homosexuality is elevated to the rank of a policy European Union. If you are not loyal to homosexuality, then you will not be accepted into the European Union. And tomorrow probably will not be accepted in European Union, if they are not homosexuals.

What should I do?

  1. Recognize that this is a harm and that no one is protected unless nothing is done.
  2. You can participate in someone's initiative, thereby contributing. The more of us, the more chances to be heard.
  3. You can be the initiator of the movement yourself. I recommend only if you have fundamentally new ideas, why reinvent the wheel?
  4. Put to computer a porn filter. Especially if you have children, otherwise they will visit porn sites and as a result - you will get these consequences. Children are curious to know what everything is done. Protect them. Do not put the filter, leave the child at the touch of a button from pornography. This all the same, how to throw porn magazines around the apartment and explain to the child that it's bad to watch them.
  5. You can participate in the process of healing and release by prayer and by sending to the appropriate site, if you yourself can not serve in this problem.
The main weapon against rampant porn - filters - Put yourself and recommend to friends.

Protection of children Guide to Child Safety on Internet Intolerance to violence

Porn filter How to tell your child about sex Children's browsers

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