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Forms to the site

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Search in Bible


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Search in Bible dictionaries

Search in Bible dictionaries:
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Backlight of passages from the Scriptures

Backlight of passages in any text and their conversion into a reference to the text of Bible to the site

Example (with Backlight):

Adoniram ["(my) Lord is exalted"], the son of Avda, high priest. official          Under the kings David, Solomon (3 Kings 4:6) and Rehoboam, Responsibilities. For the collection of taxes.
         He is Hadoram (2 Chronicles 10:18 in the Hebrew text) and Adoram (2 Kings 20:24; and in Heb.          The text in 3 Sam. 12:18). When the 10 tribes of Israel rebelled against Rehoboam,          The king rashly sent A. a parliamentarian, but the Israelis          A quick slaughter, stoning (3 Sam 12:18; 2Par 10:18).

Code. It must be inserted into the code of your page just before the tag </body>:

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Text block

Code-link to the text from Bible, which will be generated each time you access the page where the code is set:

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<iframe src= frameborder=0
vspace=0 hspace=0 width=120 height=160 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no>
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At the same time, users of Internet Explorer (and about 90% of them) will see a picture of clouds 120×157 pixels each time with a new text from the Holy Scripture.