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Books of Bible in languages of nations


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Biblija Bible

Stary zakoń

Old Testament
  1. Gen - Genezis (Genesis)
  2. Eks - Eksodus (Exodus)
  3. Lew - Lewitikus (Leviticus)
  4. Num - Numeri (Numbers)
  5. Deu - Deuteronomium (Deuteronomy)
  6. Joz - Jozua (Joshua)
  7. Sud - Sudnikow (Judges)
  8. Rut - Rut (Ruth)
  9. 1Sa - 1 Samuel (1 Samuel)
  10. 2Sa - 2 Samuel (2 Samuel)
  11. 2Kr - 2 Kralow (1 Kings)
  12. 1Kr - 1 Kralow (2 Kings)
  13. 1Ch - 1 Chroniki (1 Chronicles)
  14. 2Ch - 2 Chroniki (2 Chronicles)
  15. Esr - Esra (Ezra)
  16. Neh - Nehemia (Nehemiah)
  17. Est - Ester (Esther)
  18. Ijob - Ijob (Job)
  19. Psa - Psalmy (Psalms)
  20. Při - Přisłowa (Proverbs)
  21. Koh - Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)
  22. Pěs - Pěseń pěsnjow (Song of Solomon)
  23. Jez - Jezaja (Isaiah)
  24. Jer - Jeremia (Jeremiah)
  25. Žał - Žałosćenja (Lamentations)
  26. Ece - Ecechiel (Ezekiel)
  27. Dan - Daniel (Daniel)
  28. Hoz - Hozea (Hosea)
  29. Joel - Joel (Joel)
  30. Amos - Amos (Amos)
  31. Obad - Obadja (Obadiah)
  32. Jona - Jona (Jonah)
  33. Mic - Micha (Micah)
  34. Nah - Nahum (Nahum)
  35. Hab - Habakuk (Habakkuk)
  36. Cef - Cefanja (Zephaniah)
  37. Hag - Haggai (Haggai)
  38. Sac - Sacharja (Zechariah)
  39. Mal - Maleachi (Malachi)

Nowy zakoń

New Testament
  1. Mat - Ewangelij po Mateju (Matthew)
  2. Mar - Ewangelij po Marku (Mark)
  3. Luk - Ewangelij po Lukašu (Luke)
  4. Jan - Ewangelij po Janu (John)
  5. Jap - Japoštołske skutki (Acts)
  6. Rom - List Romjanam (Romans)
  7. 1Kor - Prěni list Korinćanam (1 Corinthians)
  8. 2Kor - Druhi list Korinćanam (2 Corinthians)
  9. Gal - List Galatam (Galatians)
  10. Efe - List Efezanam (Ephesians)
  11. Fil - List Filipjanam (Philippians)
  12. Kol - List Kolosanam (Colossians)
  13. 1Tes - Prěni list Tesaloničanam (1 Thessalonians)
  14. 2Tes - Druhi list Tesaloničanam (2 Thessalonians)
  15. 1Tim - Prěni list Timotejej (1 Timothy)
  16. 2Tim - Druhi list Timotejej (2 Timothy)
  17. Tit - List Titusej (Titus)
  18. Flmn - List Filomenej (Philemon)
  19. Heb - List Hebrejam (Hebrews)
  20. Jak - List Jakuba (James)
  21. 1Pět - Přeni list Pětra (1 Peter)
  22. 2Pět - Druhi list Pětra (2 Peter)
  23. 1Jan - Přeni list Jana (1 John)
  24. 2Jan - Druhi list Jana (2 John)
  25. 3Jan - Třeći list Jana (3 John)
  26. Jud - List Judy (Jude)
  27. Zje - Zjewjenje swjatemu Janej (Revelation)

Second-canonical books

  1. - (Tobit)
  2. - (Judith)
  3. - (1 Maccabees)
  4. - (2 Maccabees)
  5. - (3 Maccabees)
  6. - (Psalm 151)
  7. - (Prayer of Manasseh)
  8. - (Wisdom)
  9. - (Sirach)
  10. - (Psalms of Solomon)
  11. - (Baruch)
  12. - (Epistle of Jeremiah)
  13. - (4 Maccabees)
  14. - (Bel and Dragon)
  15. - ()
  16. - (2 Ezra)
  17. - (3 Ezra)
  18. - (Susanna)
  19. - (Azariah)
Comparative review

Biblical studies Abbreviations for Bible versions

Lists of Bible translations
Only complete Bibles by languages All translations by languages Bible version groups Bible translations by year Bible translations by editors
Bible translations
Types of Bible editions Unlocked Bible Hebrew version Literal translation Simplified Translation Paraphrase
Russian translations
Russian Bible History Russian Bible translations Modern Russian Bible translations A Brief History of the Synodal Translation of the Bible into Russian Synodal Translation 1876 Götze Bible New Russian Translation RBS Modern Translation Kulakov Bible Desnitsky Bible
English versions
Abbreviations for Bible translations in English Best English Bible translations English Bible translations Easy English translations English living Bibles Numbering difference of Russian and English Bible

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