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Google Maps API -
Fine-tuning maps for your own, from closed maps to tracking the location of people and objects.

API is how to fit into a map to correct it for yourself.
There are options from free to expensive.


  1. Free - normal use.
  2. Paid - sites and applications that you need to pay for access.
  3. By invitation - private applications or restricted sites, for example. Only the corporate network and the online community, which can only enter by invitation.
  4. Tracking resources - the ability to track the location of people and objects, say you have a courier service or a transport company. You can see on the map who is where and who owns the situation.
Also on this page, you can select the Google Maps API for Android or iOS ....

Google Maps to your website -
You can put on your site map from Google Maps.

You can put on your site a map from Google Maps.

How to create your card:

  1. Sign in to your Google Account,
  2. Visit
  3. Click below the request form SHARE
  4. Select the code and paste the proposed code to add to the website.

Google Maps -
Google Earth program is built into Google Maps.

In fact, this Google Earth program is built into Google Maps.
In order to take advantage of this effect, you need to go into the photo mode and the 3D button below the compass will appear.

The terrain is very well implemented: mountains, valleys ...
As for the cities they remained flat, although the whole picture is tilted. The real effect of 3D up to the trees is only in the large cities of the Western world (Europe, Australia, Canada) and much of the US.

To hold the circle, hold down the Ctrl or Shift and use the mouse.

Waze -
Social navigator.

Social Navigator.
The most popular navigator in the world. It's all about sociality.
That is, if you are not satisfied with the map of your place, you can correct it.
That's how it's corrected and created all over the world.

Also users promptly inform where the road repairs, traffic jams ...
That allows you to have the most correct map and the situation on the road.

I remember I went on the map of Yandex, which offered a short route. But I had to go back, because in that place you can drive only in the summer, and in the summer, there a section of the road is not cleaned and you can not pass.

At another place compared the travel time estimated on the maps of Google and Yandex, Google was very wrong, probably did not take into account the state of a large road section.

Waze has a living map from life today.
By the way, it was bought by Google for $1.1 billion.

Routs on Google Maps -
Google Maps Directions.

Google Maps routes.
Just try.

We tested for northern Scandinavia, where there are very small settlements.
It's very simple, set the point From and point To.
The distance along the road, Time on the car and on foot.
It is described in detail how to get to where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of which route to go.
They even found panoramas (remember, this sparsely populated north is small Country), so that you could see the place of the interchanges, what is, what it looks like.

Environmentally friendly routing

As far as apps are concerned, they will suggest a route that will save fuel.

Learn more about Google Maps. Google Map site

Determine the distance on Google Maps -
Google Maps Directions.

Google Maps directions.
Just set the city in the search form.
It will be the departure point.
A drop-down menu will appear where you will select "How to get there" and enter the destination of the trip.

The distance along the road, the time on the car and on foot will be indicated.
Details of how to get there, Where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of which route to go. Almost navigator.

You can see the panoramas to see places of interchanges, what is, what it looks like. Learn more about Google Maps. Google Map site

Traffic jam on Google MapsTraffic Jam - Google -
Plugs in the world.

Traffic jams in the countries of the world.
There are no traffic jams in my city, Yandex shows little but it's in front of the traffic lights, but Google shows a rather motley picture for our city, too sensitive.
Traffic jams on Google Maps are inferior to Yandex. but here there is a traffic forecast.
We set the day of the week, the time, and you will be shown the average situation that happens at such a time.

How to enable

  1. We go to Google Maps through the browser.
  2. At the top left of the page, click the menu icon.
  3. Choose Traffic.
  4. Decryption appears at the bottom of the screen.
  5. To remove the traffic jams from the map, press the selected item again in the menu.
I looked at my city. We basically do not have traffic jams.
But Google found even now, when a small move. I understand, he determines the speed of traffic.
It is clear that it is slower at a traffic light, at a lying policeman and where often make a left turn.
So not all traffic jams, so called.

Traffic jams

On Google maps, we ask the "Restaurants" query and get the marked restaurants on the map, and next there is a list with the address, contacts, rating, reviews, work hours and attendance by day of the week and hours.

The completeness of the information depends on the provided restaurant.

Global Fishing Watch -
35 000 fishing vessels on the map.

More than 35 000 fishing vessels on the map. You can see where they are at what time of year. There is time for catching each fish species and place.
Now we will know the most fish places of the whole world!

And in fact, the main task of the site is to help identify poachers.
We are familiar with poachers who fish for themselves, eat and sell to someone.
But a much larger problem is posed by poaching on large ships, it drains the world's fish stocks. Here you can find these here.

Property in the UK on Google Maps -
There are addresses, photos. You can insert the entire map or selected house with the address and photo on the site or blog.

There are addresses, photos. You can insert the entire map or selected house with the address and photo on the site or blog.

Restaurants on Google Maps -
On Google Maps, ask the 'Restaurants' and get the marked restaurants on the map.

On Google Maps, we ask the "Restaurants" query and get the marked restaurants on the map, and next there is a list with the address, contacts, rating, reviews, work time and attendance by day of the week and hours.

The completeness of the information depends on the provided restaurant.

Indoor Panoramas on Google Maps -
Google added to the map floor plans inside.

Google added on the map the plans of the premises inside.
Of course not all rooms, but large and significant places, for example, New York airport ...

You can watch through an ordinary Google map. As we approach, we will see the layout of the premises.

You can take the panorama code and paste it on the site.
Click 3 vertical dots to the right of the search and "Share with friends".

Google Street View -
Panoramas on the site.

In order to embed a panorama on a site,

  1. click the menu (three vertical points of the search)
  2. choose Share with friends or get the image code
  3. click HTML and take the code, you can always set the size manually.
Google's panoramas go from simply viewing the streets to viewing places of interest and accommodations.
These attractions can be viewed not only on the map, they are collected in one place.

Street View Trekker -
Google provides cameras for photographers and travelers to create Street View panoramas.

Google provides cameras for photographers and travelers to create Street View panoramas.

The camera can be worn as a backpack and take with you on a hike or bike ride. And you can install on the car, as most comes.

The new Street View Trekker camera has become smaller and tidier, with higher resolution and aperture.

Such a camera can be worn as a backpack or installed, for example, on the roof of a car. At the same time, several cameras take pictures, which are then glued together in one large panorama. In theory, anyone can write to Google and request such a camera. To do this, you need to fill out a story about yourself and explain the purpose of getting the camera.

Google Maps -
Leading the project, more detailed and accurate, in cooperation with NASA Google map.

Leading the project, in cooperation with NASA Google maps more detailed and accurate. If our maps are concentrated mainly around Moscow, something about Russia and the near abroad, then Google is the world leader.

This service spawned a new kind of advertising - on the roofs of houses.

More Google services using maps

  1. Photo on the map.
  2. Personalize Google maps - it's easiest to put a Google map on your site, but in addition, it's easiest to build your service based on Google maps.
  3. Wiki maps - connecting Wikipedia and Google maps.

Arctic Bathymetry in Google Maps -
Nautical charts.

Bathymetry is engaged in mapping the topography of the seabed and measuring the depth of the ocean with the echo sounder. One of the main goals of bathymetry is the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits.

Ocean Mapping Group of the University of New Brunswick created this map with bathymetry for the north of Canada. The map shows many layers of bathymetric data for this area. The layers have different colors. Each color indicates the depth of the ocean according to the color scale in the upper right corner of the map.

Map of the Milky Way -
Map of the Milky Way.

A map of the starry sky in the usual Google map format, we zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, and so on.

Mars Map -
Map was created based on NASA's images.

The map is based on NASA images.
You can see a photo or a map.
You can also see the map on the Google Earth program from Google.
Google Mars, which allows you to walk through Mars using updated satellite images of high resolution almost as soon as they appear in NASA.

Historical Maps - historical maps

But the high resolution photos of the planet were not always there. In this section, you can return during the first shots and see the Mars through the eyes of the discoverers. You can also see maps of Mars astronomers Giovanni Schiaparelli, Percival Lovell and ...

Moon Map by Google -
The map shows the landing site of people.

You can see the photo or map-chart.
You can also see the map on the Google Earth program from Google.

100,000 Stars -
Interactive map of stars.

100 thousand stars. The Milky Way in 3D is a virtual tour of the nearest star systems. You can orient yourself manually, which is great, but what's more interesting, you can turn on Play and see the journey to our planet.

Video education.

North-West State Correspondence Technical University.
Open educational channel.

YouTube -
Video education.

The Global Lecture Hall, where anyone who needs general information about university courses or additional knowledge of a particular subject, can watch educational videos posted by the most prestigious universities in the world, and even participate in their discussion.

YouTube -
Instructions on YouTube.

Linux Video Tutorial.
In this YouTube account, there are a lot of tutorials on Linux and the programs for it: office, GIMP, driver setup, coded ...

Google Android Training -
Android Basics in Kotlin.

Google Developers Training -
Training for Android and web developers.

Google Scholar -
Search scientific literature.

Search for scientific literature.
Using a single query form, you can search in different disciplines and sources, including peer-reviewed articles, dissertations, books, abstracts and reports published by scientific literature publishers, professional associations, higher education institutions and others Scientific organizations. Google Academy allows you to find the study most relevant to your query, among a huge number of scientific papers.

Google Academy Features

  • Search for various sources with One convenient page
  • Search of articles, abstracts and bibliographic references
  • Search full text of a document in a library or network
  • Getting information About basic works in any field of research

How is the rating of articles determined?

Google Academy classifies articles in the same way as scientists, evaluating all the text of the article Doi article, the author, the publication in which the article appeared, and the frequency of citation of this work in the scientific literature. The most relevant results are always displayed on the first page.

Google Translator -
Translation of websites, words and texts, documents, translation of text from images, search with translation.

Translation of websites, words and texts, documents, translation of text from images, search with translation.
Yandex Translator works with more than a hundred languages, there is an auto-recognition of languages.

Translation of sites

You can watch the translated site, or you can watch the translated and the original in parallel frames.

Translation of words and texts

In addition to translation, a number of examples of using the phrase in texts will be offered.
You can listen to the text or enter it by voice.

Translation of words and documents

Drag and drop a document of doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and others up to 5 Mb in size and get the translated version.

Text translation from images

Drag and drop a jpg, png, gif and other image up to 5 Mb in size or specify a link to the image online. We get the translated recognized text from the specified to the specified languages.

Google QR code -
Google offers to create a QR code via link.

This service is used by almost everyone to create a QR-code or service, like ours.
We also used this service on this page.

  • chs - The image size in pixels, for example - 150×150.
  • cht - Image type: 'qr' means QR-code.
  • chl - The text itself, which we want to put into QR-code.

Translator in Google Chrome -
This translator is built into the Google Chrome browser.

This translator is built into the Google Chrome browser.

You can also configure it here to automatically translate pages in an incomprehensible language.

If the translation is not offered automatically, go to Options/Advanced/Translate
Check the box on suggest translating pages if I do not know the language they are written in.

Now, if the site is not in Russian, then at the top there will be a panel that defines the language And suggests translating the page. You can change the language if the program was wrong.
On the right in Settings you can specify that this language is always translated.

Google Translators Community -
Translation of the whole world.

Google came up with the principle of translation from the "Internet base", but it's not all good either, because I decided to add the user's ability to correct this translation and created a Google Translate Community

Here everything is simple and understandable. If you have a Google account, you do not need to register. And if you do not have a Google account, you'll need to register an account.
We go in, choose the languages we own (by the way, I somewhere in the account indicated, so in my case he issued a list and asked me how it matches

Next, choose a pair of languages and TRANSLATION or CHECK.I like the second one more when there are several variants of translation, and I note successful and unsuccessful ones.

Google Docs -
Office applications.

Google Docs is an office online.
You can create documents and folders. The access level is set to folders. You can close only for yourself or "share" "- put open access for joint creativity.

A great office combine for working with documents and spreadsheets. It is able to replace Microsoft Word and Excel in most cases.
Has a tight integration with the online software Google Mail (Gmail) and Groups.
Also using Google Docs, you can check Russian spelling and update your blog.

Supports the .docx format (modern Microsoft Office format).
Also supports .DOC, .ODT, XLS, .ODS, .PPT, .CSV, .HTML, .TXT, .RTF and others. It is also used as a file storage for files of any formats.

  • Russian is, plus spelling checker,
  • Place - 1 Gb for free,
  • Limit - 1 file 250 Mb
  • Ability to use as a file storage for files of any formats,
  • There is a paid account - from $20 per year.

Access without registration

It is possible to make documents open to everyone.
Documents are not indexed and not displayed in the Google search engine, but if you make public access, Who knows the address of the link.

The convenience is that a person does not have to register to see your documents that you want to show him.Google Cloud Connect will connect Microsoft Office and Google DocsSource

Google has recently released a plug-in, allow The Google Cloud Connect plug-in allows multiple people to work with just one Microsoft Office document - Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

After installing the plugin, it will request data to authorize the user on the pages of the Google Docs service. After that, a special toolbar appears in the Microsoft Office application window, which allows you to perform two actions at once. First of all, it is to edit documents from Google Docs in the Microsoft Office window without any extra effort.
The system will allow you to synchronize the changes made in the Microsoft Office window with the document that is located on Google Docs pages in one click. Besides, the Google Cloud Connect plug-in will allow you to configure the multiuser mode of the document.

You can edit Google Docs documents offline, without connecting to Internet.
At the first connection, the system synchronizes the data with the online file storage.
This can also be done manually using the buttons located on the toolbar.

The Google Cloud Connect plugin makes working with the Google Docs online office even easier and more convenient.
Work principles and general document management capabilities are the same as in the office suite of Microsoft Office, in fact, whose capabilities and uses the Google Cloud Connect plug-in.
The appearance of this plugin is another advantage of Google's online tools.

On this clip you can see how the plug-in works.

Google Docs on Android

By the way, On Android it makes sense to keep this application only if you actively use it and keep the documents on the Google disk.
Otherwise, there are better offices for Android.
  1. Google Docs
  2. Google Sheets
  3. Google Presentations
  4. Google PDF Viewer

Google Docs -
Joint work online.

Documents and spreadsheets.
You can create documents and folders. The access level is set to folders. You can close only for yourself or 'rassharit' - open access for joint creativity.

A great office combine for working with documents and spreadsheets. It is able to replace Microsoft Word and Excel in most cases. Has a tight integration with the online software Google Mail (Gmail) and Groups. Also using Google Docs, you can check Russian spelling and update your blog.

Supports the format .docx (Microsoft Office 2007).
Also supported formats are .DOC, .ODT, XLS, .ODS, .PPT, .CSV, .HTML, .TXT, .RTF, etc.

Access without registration

It is possible to make documents open to all comers.
Documents are not indexed and not Are issued in the Google search engine, but if you make public access, then anyone who knows the address of the link can look at the document.

Convenience is that a person does not have to register to see your documents, the cat rye you want to show him.

Google Docs -
You can create documents and folders. The access level is set to folders.

You can create documents and folders. The access level is set to folders. You can close only for yourself or "rassharit" - open access for joint creativity.

A great office combine for working with documents and spreadsheets. It is able to replace Microsoft Word and Excel in most cases. Has a tight integration with the online software Google Mail (Gmail) and Groups. Also using Google Docs, you can check Russian spelling and update your blog.

Supports the format .docx (Microsoft Office 2007).
Also supported formats are .DOC, .ODT, XLS, .ODS, .PPT, .CSV, .HTML, .TXT, .RTF, etc. It is also used as a file storage for files of any formats.

  • Russian is, plus spelling checker
  • Location - 1 Gb for free,
  • Limit - 1 file 250 Mb
  • Possibility to use as a file storage for files of any formats
  • There is a paid account - from $20 per year.

    Access without registration

    It is possible to make documents open to everyone.
    Documents are not indexed and not displayed in the Google search engine, but if you make public access, then up to The convenience is that a person does not have to register to see your documents that you want to show him.

    Google Cloud Connect will connect Microsoft Office and Google Docs

    Google has recently released a plug-in that allows you to work with Google Docs documents in a Microsoft Office environment.
    The plug-in allows for joint editing of documents by several users.
    Google Plug-in Cloud Connect allows you to immediately kim people to work with one document Microsoft Office -. Word, Excel and PowerPoint

    After installing the plugin it will ask for the data to authenticate the user on Google Docs service pages. After that, a special toolbar appears in the Microsoft Office application window, which allows you to perform two actions at once. First of all, it is to edit documents from Google Docs in the Microsoft Office window without any extra effort.
    The system will allow you to synchronize the changes made in the Microsoft Office window with the document that is located on Google Docs pages in one click. Besides, the Google Cloud Connect plug-in will allow you to configure the multiuser mode of the document.

    You can edit Google Docs documents offline, without connecting to Internet. At the first connection, the system synchronizes the data with the online file storage. The same can be done forcibly by using the buttons located on the toolbar.

    The Google Cloud Connect plugin makes working with the Google Docs online office even easier and more convenient. The principles of work and general document management capabilities are the same as in the office suite of Microsoft Office, in fact, whose capabilities and uses the plug-in Google Cloud Connect. The appearance of this plug-in is another advantage of Google's online tools.

    On this video you can see how the plug-in works.

    Google table on the site

    Open the table, take url and paste it into the code: SkyLink specifies the region, in this case, the Moscow area. and paste it into the code:



    <iframe height=800 src='' width='100%'></Iframe>

Google Forms -
Generator forms on the site.

You can quickly conduct a survey, make a list of guests, collect email addresses for newsletter and hold a quiz.

You can specify your style for the form.
Add videos from YouTube and photos.
You can set up respondents to get to different pages, depending on which option they choose.

Google Docs -
Google Table to the site.

You can embed into your Google site folders and files from the Drive (documents, forms, images, presentations, tables and videos).

  1. Open the required table in;
  2. On the File menu, click Publish to Internet;
  3. Select Embed;
  4. Then Entire document or Sheet;
  5. We get the code. You can add width (width) and height to the code (height if necessary.
The code looks something like this

<iframe height='800'
src=' CODE/pubhtml?widget=false&headers=false'


Google Presentations -
Online presentation.

Google Slides, part of Google Docs related to Google Drive and Google mail.
The benefits are free. You will have to pay only if you want to increase the already huge Google Drive. By the way, many give less disk space for a paid account.
So this option is very good.

The editor is convenient for those who are familiar with Microsoft Office (that is, practically all), it's just easier.
In addition, there is the possibility of working together.

Autosave, you just work, and the work done will not be lost when Internet breaks down, the computer crashes ...

Compatible with PowerPoint. The important thing, because PowerPoint is currently the standard. A huge base of presentations, templates. In addition, Internet is not everywhere, but it is necessary to show it. PowerPoint document is easier to show.

Google Keep -

Google service for creating and storing notes.
There is a Russian language and API.
For each task, you can set its priority, access level. The task can be accompanied by a label and text notes.

Comparing with other applications, Google Keep has only basic functions: changing the color of the note, inserting the image and adding new sheets. In Internet version of Google Keep, it is not possible to move items in the list and there is no "Save" button, as this happens automatically after making changes.

Google Play -
Google Play.

An online store with extensive features where you can download for free or buy:


Google Play Books -
Google Play Books.

Buying books.
Pre-ordering books.
Adding books to your wish list.

Reading books online or offline.


  • Android, iPhone and iPad
  • Web browsers
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Other e-book reader
Purchased books appear in my li

Google Analytics -
Detailed statistics service for website visits.

Detailed statistics service for website visits.
Processes site statistics for up to 10 million pageviews per month for free.

Integration with Google AdWords allows you to run a site advertising campaign.

Like Yandex.Metrika, you can get a lot of information on geography, age, duration of site visits.
Track visitor behavior, the most visited pages, the number of bounces ...

At first glance, the service looks overloaded, but only to find exactly what I need.
However, it is not better than Yandex.Metrika, it is different.
I use both services, which I recommend to you.

Google Ads -
The world's largest contextual advertising system, with the most powerful tools of planning advertising campaigns.

The world's largest system of contextual advertising, with powerful tools for planning advertising campaigns.

Advertisers are not yet actively using Google AdWords, because the prices for advertising are much lower than on the already widely used, dire

Google My Business -
Organizations on Google Maps.

Google provides the ability to add data to search and display on the map, when asked for your kind of organization in your city.

How to add an organization?

First of all, you need to create an account on Google, if you do not already have it, especially since it will be needed more than once.

We go to the site and add, following simple instructions.
But you need to be ready for this.

You need to know the exact address of the organization, phone, email, working time.

Then on this mail address will come the letter with the code, on the SMS phone with the code on Email the letter with the code. So we can confirm the correctness of these data, without which they will not be added.

Not everyone adds their organization, say I'm a webmaster and I'm asked to add someone's organization. So we do not have access to their mail, we may not know the time of work ...
I must clarify that they need to forward all the codes for confirmation.

And it will take time to receive the code by mail, tell it to the customer, otherwise he will ask every day why the data is not yet available.

Google APIs & Developer Product -
API products from Google by categories.

Products API from Google by category.
This is how Google navigates through its services.
Everything is arranged according to categories and you can also select the ones you need through the labels that are located at the top as a menu.

Google API For example, the Google Maps API used more than 350,000 sites: Open the table, take url and paste it into the code (in the code you can change the height, width:

Google Public DNS -
For faster loading of sites and more stable work of the Internet.

Completely free of charge.
Why would I do that? For faster loading of sites and more stable work of the Internet.
I highly recommend just to try.

As a reward, Google will get to know you better, but not to steal bank details and steal your money.
It's just that Google will find out your preferences so that you can see the least intrusive advertisement. To make your ads fit your needs and interests, and Google will earn more money from them.

Google Public DNS Addresses - IPv4:

Preferred DNS server:
Alternative DNS server:

Google Public DNS Addresses - IPv6:


Firebase -
High Tech News: articles, blogs, reviews and podcasts.

Online storage for Android applications. Let's say your application uses certain databases or …
Everyone can download only what they need, for example, maps or Bible translations …
These databases need to be kept somewhere.

Material Design Icons -
750 free icons from Google.

AdMob -
The AdMob platform is a technology from Google that will help you analyze user behavior and maximize your advertising revenue.

The AdMob platform is a technology from Google that will help you analyze user behavior and maximize your advertising revenue. You do not have to search or invent anything anymore - everything you need is already in AdMob. Achieve maximum occupancy and high revenues by displaying ads from more than 40 networks. Enable ad network optimization and get the maximum real-time CPM in the aggregator stack.

Free promotion

Show your own ads that promote your other apps (or your friends' apps).

Direct deals

Conduct transactions with advertisers directly on the "Campaigns" tab in AdMob.

Fast and reliable payments

Get payments in local currency - quickly, safely and without commission.

Think with Google -
Test your mobile speed.

Check the speed of your mobile phone.

Enter the site url into the form field and display the download speed of your site, and how many users you lost.

Google Trends -
That request around the world through Google.

What is being requested all over the world via Google right now.

Google Search on site -
You can customize this search both on one site and on several.

You can customize this search both on one site and on several. For example, you have 5 sites and you want to see if the visitor was searching right away at all of them.

Google AdSense

If you host advertising on your site from Google AdSense, then you can put on your site exactly the same form of search and earn a little more.

Google -
Search the site.

Google AdSense

If you are advertising on your site from Google AdSense, Then you can put on your site exactly the same form of search, but it can search not one for your site, but several.
For example, you have 3 sites. You enter all 3 addresses when setting up the search form and you have a search on all your sites on the site.

This search is implemented on our website.

Google Sites -
Free site builder and hosting.

Free site builder and hosting.

The WIKI principle is used. The constructor is simple and comprehensible to most people and completely unacceptable for programmers. You can not insert your code, adjust ... Just use the designer's ability, you can use Google services by linking Google Docs, Calendar, YouTube, photos to the site ...

You can deal with the site together by giving someone access.

By the way, here you can create only a simple website, so to speak, business card. Free of charge only 100 Mb.

Performingarts -
Theaters, Google Culture Academy.

Theaters, Google Culture Academy.
Over 60 theaters: Bolshoi Theater, Carnegie Hall, Berlin Philharmonic, Sao Paulo City Theater, Brussels Opera and ...

Website with 3D video. We can visit the theaters and watch the production directly from the stage, choose the angle.

Lessons Learned from SSH Credential Honeypots -

Google Archivator -
Saving your account data in the archive.

Saving your account data in the archive.
You can download all your Google Account data.
They will be downloaded in HTML format as a website. You can browse through the browser.

What do we get?

  • address book and all emails,
  • all photos from Google Photos,
  • all the videos from Youtube,
  • all documents from Google Drive,
  • and other information.
Actually on the page you can choose the desired one or all, just tick the required checkboxes.

ISS virtual tour -,-95.086042,3
Google made the panorama of the International Space Station.

Google made the panorama of the International Space Station.

Canvas -
Drawn to quickly create simple drawings in the browser.

Drawn to quickly create simple drawings in the browser.

The goal is not to draw, but just to visually sketch something. How we do it on a piece of paper.
Such drawings are not valuable and are not stored, however, you can save and edit them here in the future.Everything is simple and minimal.

How it works

  1. Choose a paint color (only primary colors are offered, however, you can choose a palette and choose any color)
  2. choose a pen (pencil, pen, marker)
  3. there is a rubber band
  4. The drawing is automatically saved in your collection.
  5. can be imported into a .PNG format image and downloaded.

Google Contributor -
Unified service for viewing sites without ads.

Service for viewing sites without ads.

How it works

We add $5 to your account. When viewing a page without ads, you will be charged for such a viewing. It is listed to the creators of the site (minus a small amount that Google retains to compensate for the cost of the service). The cost of viewing the page without ads is set by the site owner. If it changes the price, you will receive an alert about it. You can change the settings of Google Contributor at any time, as well as add and remove sites from the subscription.

The Dead Sea Scrolls by Google -
About 5000 photographs of manuscripts of high-resolution Qumran scrolls.

About 5000 photographs of manuscripts of high-resolution Qumran scrolls and comments.

elgooG -
Fun site.

As you can see from the title, this is Google written in reverse.
We go to the site and get a mirror image of the Google search engine.
But that's not all, as the site suggests to be faked over Google, you can go under water, connect a guitar,, Play a snake ...

FeedBurner -
Processor RSS.

RSS handler.
The service is owned by Google and the only one of its kind.
FeedBurner skips through RSS feeds, correcting small errors in them and adding functionality, for example. The Play button for podcasts.
Also provides statistics on subscriptions to the RSS feed.

World Population -
Population map.

Google -
When requesting "work near" or "driver vacancy" gives vacancies from different sites.

Google Bookmarks -
Smart bookmarking service.

Smart bookmarking service.
It will show you what queries you made, your visiting trend.
That is, you can dig on Internet, then dig into your browsing history and add what you need to your bookmarks.

Google Cultural Institute -
World files.

Here you can find historical documents: manuscripts, letters, photographs, videos about important events of 1905 - 2008.

Other Google archival projects

In collaboration with organizations from around the world, Google demonstrates to users works of world art, Christmas and Dead Sea Scrolls.


Admire the wonders of the modern and ancient world

Art project

World art on your screen

Yad Vashem

Documents on the Holocaust

Dead Sea Scrolls

Digitizing Biblical Manuscripts

Nelson Mandela's Memory Center

Nelson Mandela's Legacy on Internet

Versailles in 3D

Look at the three-dimensional copies of the Versailles Palace at different times

Arsenal Pavilion

Paris in 2020 on the huge display Liquid Galaxy

Relief maps of France

France of the XVII century in Google Earth.

Google Logos -
Doodles - Google logos stylized for holidays or events by year.

Doodles - Google logos stylized for holidays or events by years.

Google Transliterate -
Virtual keyboard.

Virtual keyboard with many languages and alphabets.
Let's say you are in Africa and have access to a computer, but there is no Russian layout.
It's okay because there is this service.
Its advantage is that there are a lot of alphabets, including quite exotic ones.

Google -
Voice Search.

Search for Google using Voice Search instead of typing requests.
For many Android phones, for the iPhone and Nokia S60, this feature is included in the Google Mobile App.

Voice search is not available in all languages and Not for all mobile phones.

Previously, voice search for Google Chrome did not work with the Russian, now it works.
You will need a microphone. If you use Skype, then you already have it.
If not, buy a webcam with a built-in microphone.

Google Cloud Platform -
A set of cloud services.

Cloud Platform.

A set of cloud services for those for whom Google Drive is not enough in size and features.
You need to have a bank card or bank account to sign up because the service is chargeable.

Includes G Suite, enterprise versions of Android and Chrome OS, as well as APIs for machine learning and Google Maps.
Run apps, host sites, store data.

Google Photos -
Photo hosting.

Google Photos - convenient photo hosting for use.
Sharing, built-in editor, shared folders.
Collages that you can create and share as a photo.
You just put on your own On your computer Google Photos and through it you can upload photos and videos or download.

15 Gb of free space


You do not need to match, it's just that when uploading, the quality will be automatically cropped:
photos up to 16 megapixels (if they are larger), Up to 1080p.
That's much more than elsewhere.

Basically, you can store everything in the original and increase the space to 100 Gb for almost $2 per month Or 1 Tb for almost $10 per month.

Free Tier Google Cloud -

Google reCAPTCHA -
Captcha online without typing.

You can use Google Captcha for free for your mail form or where you need it.
Before Google did a good captcha, but now it has become generally super.
If before you had to enter the proposed text into the form, which was not just a random set of symbols, but similar to a word or a real word, then now there is NOT ANYTHING TO INTRODUCE.
Has come, I saw, I clicked and all!
How do they find out that this is a person? I do not think that we will understand until the end, and do not. The main thing is that it is convenient for the visitor and us.

Google Weather -
Weather in the search engines.

In the usual form of search on Google, we set the city and see the result.
We simply write weather City "or" weather City ", for example," weather Moscow "or" weather Moscow. "

Google Travel -
Travel portal.

Travel portal.

Convenient flights at competitive prices.

When we plan a trip, we use Google to choose a place, time, hotel, plane.

Well, if we find out anyway through Google, they collected this kind of information in one place.
What do we need?
We do not want to come to India for the rainy season, we do not want to buy the most expensive tickets.
We want to see something new.
And we are limited by budget.

The portal allows you to choose a place, hotel, plane tickets.
So it will be more convenient to find a place, respectively, prices.

The portal offers links to selected hotels on

with specified prices, you can go and make an order or search for something more interesting.

Google -
Calculators all.

Search and construction of mathematical graphs.
Just enter the mathematical formula in the search form, for example. x/2,cos(pi*x/5),ln(x/2),(x/2)^2.
And Google will build a chart.

Google -
Simply enter in the search box 'Time + City' and get time for this city.

Just enter in the search form "time+city" and get time for this city.

Google -
Leading search engine in the world, quickly and correctly will give you a real picture as far as possible.

The leading search engine in the world, quickly and correctly will give you a real picture, as far as possible.

Just do not ask in the search engine question, and even find the question, and ask the answer, then get an answer to your question.


Google Wikisearch

Google has announced the launch of the "Wikip" claim "in the Russian-language version of its search engine, which allows reordered, removed, and comment on search results on Google.

You can also leave comments on a particular site, or delete the results are not satisfied with the user. These changes will be visible each time you enter the same query.

To use Wikipoisk, you need to log in to your Google account. It will store all the changes made by the user.

"Wikipoisk" also allows you to share your opinion with other Google users. To see how Internet community worked collectively on search results, click on the link "All changes for this wiki page."

New, while only in the English version - on the left is a menu of options for presenting search results.
There is a display of only videos, pages from forums, and reviews. There are options for displaying results with pictures (not image search), outputting more text, and many other interesting and useful options.

Exchange rates at Google -
Exchange rates on Google.

Exchange rates on Google.
We enter into the search line for example "100 dollars in rubles" and get something like "100 US dollars=6 395.49757 Russian rubles"

And you can make a query "$100 in rubles" or "$100 in Rub, you can all the same in Englis

Google Flights -
Order plane tickets online.

The purpose is to help find cheaper airplane tickets.

The idea is not new and it seems like Google should get the most convenient options from Internet.
In fact, they are looking for a large number of partners.
So Russia is represented more poorly.
And personally, I would use this service only to search for flights of Western airlines.

However, the service is new, with time and we will catch up.

Google Groups -
Support from Google — help each other.

This is a free service that gives users new opportunities to communicate with each other and access information via e-mail and Internet.

Google -
Image Search.

Search for images by images.

  1. Go to Google search.
  2. Choose "Pictures".
  3. In the query field to the right, click on the camera icon.
  4. We upload an image from a computer that we want to search for similar or enter URL images on Internet.
You can specify a search for ex. "Cup of coffee", you will get many different photos and pictures of a cup of coffee. Then click on the one you like.
Then click on "More ..." on the right and go to the page where you can select "All sizes" in the upper part, that is, the same picture in other sizes.
Or lower "Similar images", you can see other pictures similar to yours. There may be a text or a color scheme, or very similar.

Google -
Old photos.

Search among millions of historical photographs.

Search for photos from the LIFE photo archive, from 1750 to today. Most have never been published and were first made available through the collaboration of Life and Google.

Inside Abbey Road -
We may follow in the footsteps of musical legends, and step inside the famous British recording studio as it’s never been seen before.

We may follow in the footsteps of musical legends, and step inside the famous British recording studio as it’s never been seen before.
Once inside, you can explore every nook and cranny of the three recording studios, and discover stories, images, videos and music spanning the decades.
You can also be guided around by producer Giles Martin, Head of Audio Products Mirek Stiles, or broadcaster Lauren Laverne, and even play with interactive versions of pioneering Abbey Road Studios equipment.

Kiddle -
Safe search: sites appearing in Kiddle search results satisfy family friendly requirements.

Safe search: sites appearing in Kiddle search results satisfy family friendly requirements, as we filter sites with explicit or deceptive content. Please read more on kids safe search on Kiddle here.

Kids-oriented results: the boxes below illustrate how Kiddle returns results for each query (in the order shown):

Typically, results 1-3

Safe sites and pages written specifically for kids. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.

Typically, results 4-7

Safe, trusted sites that are not written specifically for kids, but have content written in a simple way, easy for kids to understand. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.

Typically, results 8 onwards

Safe, famous sites that are written for adults, providing expert content, but are harder for kids to understand. Filtered by Google safe search.

Big thumbnails: most Kiddle search results are illustrated with big thumbnails, which makes it easier to scan the results, differentiate between them, and click the most appropriate results to your query. Thumbnails serve as visual clues and are especially beneficial to kids as they don't read as fast as adults.

Google Lens -
Image recognition and visual analysis technology based on neural network.

Image recognition and visual analysis technology based on neural network.
That is, the technology sees the picture, finds out what is shown in the picture, based on the huge available database. And when he learns what is shown in the picture, he offers the available information about the presented subject.

For example, we offer Eiffel Tower and get an article - when it is built, by whom, geographical location, ratings, hours of operation and other interesting facts.

If it is a simple house, the system may guess the city or country or find nothing.

If it is a dish, it will try to find out the name and recipe.

Explore the flora and fauna around you, such as the name of a beautiful flower on a flowerbed or a dog breed you saw in the park.

Did you see a great dress or the perfect chair for your home? You can find similar items in your wardrobe or interior without describing them.

You can use the app to add events to your calendar, create routes, dial phone numbers, use an interpreter, etc.

Google60 -
This is not Google '60s, and how could look like in Google Search 60th.

This is not Google 60's, but how would Google look like a search in the 60's.
I will not say that it's worse, but otherwise.

Chrome Music Lab -
Song Maker.

To make a song, add notes by clicking the grid. Then, share your song with a link. You can also use a MIDI keyboard or sing a note into your mic.

You can also use your computer keys. Press the arrow keys to move, enter and backspace to add and remove notes, and spacebar to play.

Google News -
Sports news aggregator.

Sports news aggregator.

Searches media sites for news related to sports.
Very comfortably. Different media outlets publish different articles on the same events. You can choose where to read, you can compare.

You can bookmark the link and then read the latest news.

Google News -
News on the site.

The Google News News search service offers a tool to export news headlines to other sites. The code is based on the new Google application - Ajax Search Wizard.

The user specifies the necessary window sizes and keyword phrases that will display the news, and receives the code from the Ajax Search Wizard for posting on his website.

In addition to the news widget, Google Offers to export information on books, videos, maps and video search.

  1. News for your mobile phone.
  2. RSS or Atom feeds.
  3. Working with publishers.

Photofunia -
Editors photos online.

Editor of photos for teapots online.
Editor with photo effects.

Quick, Draw! -
Drawing on using neural network.

Google -
Guide to Child Safety on Internet.

Google has created a simple and intuitive guide that describes simple ways to protect children in Internet space, how to set up various Google services (search, YouTube, Google Photos ...), Android ... .

  • Google security tools
  • How to report inappropriate content
  • Partner recommendations
  • Video tips from parents
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Asked Questions

Santa Tracker -
Path follow Santa in real time.

The journey of Santa in real time.

You can follow the route in real time on Google maps.

Google Advanced Search -

The answer to the main question of life, the universe and all that. Google knows the answer even to this question.

Cached pages - if the page is out of date, you can see the old copy with the required information.

Advanced Search - fine-tuning.

Create a Google Account -
Registration is required at ..

The leading Internet portal of the world.
In order to effectively use all its advantages, you still need to register.

If you already have mail on Yandex, let it be here, you will need it. See Making Copies
If you have a phone on Android, you will need an account.
If you use the Google Chrome browser (which we recommend), then you just need a Google account.

What we get

It's harder to say, but there is a regular need to enter the service under a Google account.

Data and personalization -
Set up tracking of your actions in your Google account.

Set up tracking of your actions in your Google account.

Here you can set tracking parameters for your actions.

  • in search,
  • on Google Maps,
  • on YouTube.
Google is interested in your anonymized data. Your personality does not interest him.
Data is not transferred to third parties, it is used to make it more convenient for you to use Internet services on a computer and on a smartphone, so that you have to make a minimum amount of body movements.

If you ever want your behavior not to be fixed, go to your browser in INCOGNITO mode.

But if you are nevertheless concerned that a certain ill-wisher learns something that you would not want.
This page allows you to limit the storage of the history of your visits on the Internet.

Access to your Google Account -
Access to your accounts.

On this page, a list of sites that have access to your account on Google mail.

Often you are invited to easily log on to some site to use an account on well-known portals so that you do not register again. This simplifies the matter and we readily agree with this.

It is usually suggested to log in using accounts on Google, Yandex, Facebook, VK, Twitter ...

And if it offers a known or official (state) site, then You can use it.

Or some service to get started suggests opening access to your mail to create a social circle for you. For example, you first register with Skype and you do not even have to call anyone. But most likely some of your friends already have a Skype account. You open access to your mail for Skype and find out which of your friends can be added to the address book on Skype. It's the same on some social networks.

But over time, we do not even remember where and why we registered in this way.

On this page, you can see this list and, if desired, disable access. Especially if there is no such need.

After these operations, it is recommended to change the password.

Password manager -
Check passwords.

Check passwords.
Here you can see which passwords are stored in your Google account, as well as change or delete them.

You do not need to enter anything. You are already in your Google Account, if you use it.
Just go to this site and it provides you with a list of where you are registered, and you yourself decide where you are really registered and where not.

Maybe it’s time for you to change your password.

Google Account - Action tracking -

It's no secret that Google knows what you do through its account.
This helps Google to help us find what we need, to continue to watch the YouTube video from the place where we finished watching last time ...

Personally, it simplifies my life.
But there are people who literally panic.
So Google provided an opportunity to allow us to track our actions on some services or to ignore them.

Now we can customize it.

Google Dashboard -
All the services of your Google account in one place.

All the services of your Google account in one place.

Fine-tuning the search, plus a number of additional features:

  1. Saving in the cache, that is, if the page does not already exist, you can view its last snapshot.
  2. The calculator, and considers not only figures, it is possible to introduce systems of measures, for example. Pounds, teaspoons and ...
  3. Currency conversion, for example. 3.5 USD in RUB
  4. Definitions. Enter the word "define" and after the space, specify the desired word or phrase, for example. define a computer.
  5. Search in documents, for example. In PDF, Microsoft Office documents, PostScript, Corel WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, etc.
  6. Search by number: patents, phone numbers ...
  7. Search for similar pages.
  8. Ex. admission rules site:
  9. Spelling checker. If you write with an error, you will see the message "Did you mean: (more common)?"
  10. Translation of web pages. Currently the following language pairs are supported: English - Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Portuguese and French, and German - French.
  11. Who refers to you? You can find out by typing, for example. link:

Google Alerts -
The messages that are sent to your e-mail when new search results, videos, articles and reports on topics of interest to you.

Emails sent to your email address when new search results, videos, articles, or posts appear on topics of interest to you.

This is a convenient way to track:

  • news that's important to you;
  • events that are relevant to your business;
  • New blog posts on a specific subject;
  • sports results and more.

Support — Google -
Right 'to be forgotten'

All that we do on Internet, remains on Internet. A person can do stupid things and grow up.
But these stupidities are still on Internet and they are evaluated by new acquaintances, employers.

How to break free of the clutches of the past?

In Europe and Russia, Google clear the history of the person in extradition, at his request.

By the way, in the UK the first rushed to clean their history of pedophiles.

We also have a similar law.

Support — Google -
Google Support.

Google Help Forums -

All About Google -
Information, beliefs, activities, news, vacancies ...

Oppia -
Online IT Education.

Free open educational site from Google.

The essence of training is in practice. There is not a course of lectures on video, but real assignments from the teacher.

Google Digital Garage -
Learn Online Marketing - Free Training Course.

Learn Online Marketing - Free Training Course.

Grow your career or business at your own pace, with flexible and personalised training courses designed to build your confidence and help you thrive.

Google Calendar -
The calendar.

You can put the schedules of friends and family members next to yours and easily add activities saved in other calendar applications, as well as other interesting events found on Internet.


  • Adding events using the form
  • Importing events from other calendar programs, for example from Yahoo! Calendar and Microsoft Outlook.
  • Send invitations - just add its email address to the "Guests" section of this event.
  • Guest replies to email invitations, regardless of whether they use Google Calendar or not.
  • Guest comments - all invited guests can see.
  • Reminders - via email, in pop-up windows or on a mobile phone.
  • Creating multiple calendars - you can create different calendars for different areas of activity and hobbies, for example, create a special calendar for games and football training.
  • Subscribe to other calendars to view your friends calendars and automatically add non-working days.
  • Show or hide calendars or events.
  • Changing the color of calendars
  • You can also change.
  • Settings for public calendar access - give other people access to all calendar information. This function is useful in case a group of people participates in a number of activities, for example, in games and training of the football championship.

Find device -
You can see the location of your smartphone and take the necessary actions

Here you can see the location of your smartphone on a Google map in real time.
In addition, we can:


The device will beep for five minutes even if it is muted.

Lock device

Lock your device and sign out of your Google account. Optionally, add a message or phone number to your lock screen. Once locked, you will still be able to locate your device.

You may need to sign in.

Clear device

Remove all data from the device. Once the device is wiped, you will no longer be able to locate it.

You may need to sign in.

YouTube -
Videos on the site.

Sign up

  1. Click on Share,
  2. then click on HTML code,
  3. the already highlighted code appears on the form, it is copied.
If you are not satisfied with the size, then click MORE. A video player will appear, and below it select the sizes in the drop-down list.

Select the appropriate one and copy the code again from the form in step 3.

YouTube -
Video Hosting


The user is offered:
  1. short videos, full-length movies, streaming.
  2. Official and artisanal.
TV Channels offer broadcast via YouTube (extremely rare) and a news archive.

Movies are offered to watch mostly paid, there are free, and pirated, but in very different capacities, often in low and live may not last long.

Videooblogers - like TV channels, use streaming and as an archive.

News - there are news stories, not just TV channels.

Education, instructions - for example, lessons on the use of software products or in general lessons.

Official accounts - as a rule, serious sites (not only sites) can get an account, and here to keep high-quality videos describing their field of activity, site operation, etc.

Amateur videos, there is usually a porridge, mostly of poor quality and interesting only to close friends.

When we use, we can share videos with friends on our social networks, add to favorites on your YouTube account. The more we use, the more our YouTube feed becomes suggestions and recommendations. So we find more interesting.


Sign up Humanity video store.

Upload your videos and view others by topic and category.
Limit: movie up to 20 Gb, time limit 15 minutes. But it will be easily removed if you did not violate anything and confirmed your account by mobile phone.
After registration confirmation you can upload video up to 128 GB, up to 12 hours.
Record video via webcam. Download from mobile phone - send videos using MMS.


  • WebM - video codec Vp8 and Vorbis audio codecs
  • MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV - usually support h264 and MPEG4 video codecs, as well as the AAC audio codec.
  • AVI - many cameras create videos in this format, usually using MJPEG video codec and PCM audio codec
  • MPEG PS - usually support MPEG2 video codec and MP2 audio codec
  • WMV.
  • FLV b> - Adobe-FLV1 video codec and MP3 audio codec are used.


Audio files (MP3, WAV, etc.), as well as image files (JPG, PNG, etc.) can be converted to rollers with slideshows.


  • assign a rating of one to five stars;
  • send to a friend for review;
  • save to favorites stored in your YouTube profile;
  • send a video to a group (this is something like clubs for interests);
  • leave your comment on those
  • write in your blog about this video with the ability to play it on your page, and get a link to the video and send all contacts from your IM client;
  • look similar, in the opinion of the service, videos;
  • look at other videos of the user;
  • complain about a video that does not meet your moral standards.
Optimized for different mobile phone models.
Requirements - built-in video streaming (RTSP/3GP and H263/AMR).

It remains to add that such a successful project was bought Google for more than one and a half billion dollars in Google shares.

How to create a channel -
Create a channel in your YouTube account

Create a channel in your YouTube account

How to create a channel

  • Open YouTube on your computer or go to your mobile site.
  • Upload video, leave a comment or create a playlist.
  • We will be asked to create a channel.
  • If the name and icon are correct, and confirm the creation of the channel.

YouTube -
Video hosting HD.

Leading video hosting. Uploading your videos and viewing others by topic and category.
Limit: file to 2 Gb, <15 minutes maximum.
Download from mobile phone - send videos via MMS.
Formats - WMV, AVI, MOV and MPG.


  • assign a rating of one to five stars;
  • send to a friend for reference;
  • Save to favorites, which is stored in your YouTube profile;
  • send the video to a group (this is something like clubs for interests);
  • leave your comment text or video;
  • write in your blog about this video with the ability to play it on your page, and get a link to the video and send all contacts from your IM client;
  • look similar, in the opinion of the service, videos;
  • view other user videos;
  • complain about a video that does not meet your moral standards.
Mobile version -
Optimized for different mobile phone models.
Requirements - built-in streaming video streaming technologies (RTSP/3GP and H263/AMR).

It remains to add that such a successful project was bought by Google for more Than a half billion dollars in Google shares.

BreezoMeter -
Real-time & Street-level Air Quality Information.

Air quality on a map in real time and at street level.
The map is maintained by environmental engineers who specialize in measuring environmental quality.

YouTube -
Video hosting without compression - Full HD.

YouTube supports video at 4096×3072 (4k).
This means that your original video is saved, of course, the visitor can choose a lighter option.
But this video can be viewed in high quality on a screen with a diagonal of 7 meters.

You can upload or see
However, if you put the player on Your site, then there Original (the original size) will not be.

YouTube 3D -
3D video.

Customize 3D for viewing

Three-dimensional videos appeared on YouTube. They found one of the users of the service YuriyTheBest, as reported on the official forum. To watch the video, you will need special glasses, and the authors of the videos should use the "yt3d: enable=true" tag.

One of the YouTube engineers is working on adding a 3D video viewer to the program that allows employees Google dedicates up to 20 percent of the working time to projects that interest them. The allotted time was spent on developing a stereoscopic player. The project has not received additional support from YouTube, the development is still only one programmer.

YouTube 360
Panoramic video on YouTube.

How to upload a panoramic video to YouTube

Video hosting YouTube allows you to watch a panoramic video or create and upload Himself.

Well, first of all, the word is loaded, loudly said, and refers to very few.
This is not a normal video hosting, where you can upload video to any phone. Here you already need special equipment and skills.

It will take a

  1. panoramic camera, there is a better and comparatively cheaper, but worse,
  2. video processing software,
  3. ideally a drone is needed that will remove the video on the move, that More effective.
So the occupation is not cheap.

In addition, the vast majority of people - photographers and videographers are none. We understood this as soon as the photo and video became public.
And if you do not know how to find the right perspective, place, dynamics, then you will suffer a great disappointment - to spend on expensive equipment and no one will want to look.

But when the videos are made by specialists, the look becomes fascinating and we feel as if we are traveling and looking where we want.
You get some effect of presence.

Museums on YouTube -
Created page from the Google project with 17 leading museums of the world, including the Hermitage and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Created a page from the Google project with 17 leading museums around the world, including the Hermitage and the Tretyakov Gallery GoogleArtProject

  1. Frick Collection, New York - USA
  2. Berlin Picture Gallery, Berlin - Germany
  3. Uffizi Gallery, Florence - Italy
  4. The State Museum, Amsterdam - The Netherlands
  5. The Queen's Museum Sofia, Madrid - Spain
  6. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam - Netherlands
  7. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid - Spain
  8. Tate Gallery, London - United Kingdom
  9. Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern Art, New York - USA
  10. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York - USA
  11. Freer Art Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia - USA
  12. Kampa Museum, Prague - Czech Republic
  13. National Gallery, London - United Kingdom
  14. The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow - Russia
  15. Versailles Palace - France
  16. The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg - Russia

YouTube Musiс -
Google Play Music.

Cloud media player.
189 rubles a month for full access, if it is not clear what will be available, you can try a month for free.
However, it depends on the budget, if you are not determined to pay, do not try,

Over 18 million tracks, unlimited number of plays.
Create radio stations based on any track or artist.
Ability to skip tracks in a radio broadcast.
Recommendations based on your preferences.
Possibility to store up to 20 000 tracks from your own collection in the library.
nce download your favorite tracks on your smartphone or Android tablet.

Free storage of music

Add to Google Play to 20,000 songs from your own music collection with Music Manager. This simple application scans your iTunes library and other folders with music on your computer and replenishes your collection. If your collection contains tracks that are not available on Google Play, the app will download them to your library. After adding, you can immediately listen to music online or in the "Play Music" app.

Automatic sync

The Google Play audio library automatically syncs between all your devices. For example, by purchasing an album from a phone, you can immediately open it on your tablet, and adding a track from your computer - listen to it on your mobile device. Forget the wires forever and just enjoy your favorite music!

Share with friends

Have a cool track on Google Play? Share it with friends on Google+, and the first audition will be free for them. And the songs that they will let you listen to will be stored in the playlist "Share with me".


YouTube Musiс -

Few Russian music,
slightly more foreign music than on Yandex,
more expensive - 189 rubles. Per month.

Also allows you to download music, so Internet is not always needed, which is important for Russia.

Like Yandex, there is a radio accordin

YouTube Artists -
Sell music.

Allows musicians to sell their songs directly.
Now Russian musicians can use this service.

Musicians can set prices for their music and determine the policy of its distribution, and listeners - enjoy your creativity on Android-devices anywhere in the world.


A one-time fee for creating an artist page is $25.

This allows you to add an unlimited number of tracks, create and edit albums, edit your page and perform all other operations at no additional cost.
The commission from the sale of music is 30%.

Music Timeline -
The scale of musical styles.

Google considers everything, decided to count music - "I was counted".

Visual scale of popularity of musical styles depending on time.
If you click on any style of music, then we get a scale of this style with component directions. For example, if you press ROCK, we see that it consisted of CLASSIC ROCK, HEAVY ROCK ...

You can not only admire it, but also pick it up And buy it on Google play. Actually this is the service from Google Play.

YouTube Premium -
YouTube and YouTube Music without advertising, offline mode.

YouTube and YouTube Music without advertising, offline mode.
1 month free.
199 ₽ per month.

Offline mode - save videos and watch in transport, at home or ...

Family subscription - 299 ₽ per month.
Up to 6 users over 13 years old (including you) in the same family group.

Student subscription - 125 ₽ per month.
There are restrictions. Student status must be confirmed every year.

AutoDraw -
Drawing with a neural network.

The essence of this painter is simple.
We draw any kalyak, approximately on something similar, and the neural network tries to guess what it could be and offers us options.

It turns out that no matter how we paint, we still draw something decent.

YouTube Kids -
Video for children with parental control and filtering functions.

Video for children with parental control and filtering functions.

How it works

When you first login, you will be offered a child or parent account.
A parent account is essentially an administrator account.
It will not be possible to enter the child's account at once, it should be created and configured by the parent.
The parent specifies the age and the child will receive the material which will be interesting to kids, children of younger classes or teenagers.

Google Workspace -
Paid mail on your domain from Google.

More and more people are registering on Gmail, but where do you get a good name?
On you can get an address of your choice:
So what should we do - should we follow the example of
Google was the first to provide mail in their domain. That is, if you have a website and a domain name, you have the opportunity to get mail on Gmail with your address. For example we can get, etc.
And even for free. Now it's already been shut down and you have to pay to have Google mail on your domain.
But if someone has already started mail on their domain for free, it remains free.

Set up MX records for email

Time to Live
(Время жизни) (TTL*)
Record Type
(Тип записи)
Пусто или @3600MX1ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Пусто или @3600MX10ALT3.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Пусто или @3600MX10ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM

Gmail -
Free e-mail, which is integrated Google search technology.

Free mail, in which Google's search technology is built, is a worthy competitor to all email clients.
The web interface is completely built on AJAX, which gives him the right to be considered a worthy alternative to Batu, Outluk and any other "postman."

And the service Google Calendar is not inferior to the calendar Microsoft Outlook.
In addition to the lack of shortcomings in web applications, these services also have obvious advantages over offline counterparts. Namely, their mobility.
You can not access your mail and organizer, which are stored on your computer, which is not at hand.
But you can always access them if they are stored on the Web.


  1. RSS feeds in Gmail.
  2. Gmail for mobile devices.
  3. Russian inferface, plus Russian dictionary.
  4. Built-in translator.
  5. Built-in chat.
  6. Antivirus scanning.
  7. The best antispam.
  8. An answering machine for the holiday.
  9. Contact groups - You can send messages to a group.
  10. View as HTML - you can view the attached Microsoft Office documents, OpenOffice or .pdf as web pages.
  11. Auto-save - failover protection.
  12. Mail forwarding and the ability to respond with a different email address.
  13. Exporting the address book.
  14. Convenient search.
  15. Mail Chains - group mail.

Gmail - Confidential mode -
Google provides the option to delete the email sent.

Google provides the ability to self-delete a sent email.

How it works

  1. Come to Gmail,
  2. Click "Write."
  3. Switch on "confidential mode",
  4. Set the lifetime of the letter,
  5. Save.

Gmail -
Gmail - mail with a large attachment.

Google linked Google Drive to the mail.
So you can make attachments of up to 10 Gb.


  1. 15 Gb is the general place for mail and Google Drive
  2. 25 Mb - the maximum size of the mail attachment.
  3. 50 Mb - the maximum size of the incoming mail attachment. That is, if someone sends you a letter with this attachment, you will receive it.
  4. 10 Gb - the maximum size of the file you upload to Google Drive.

You can save the file to Google Drive without leaving the mail and Mail a link to it.
Or just make a regular attachment if it exceeds the permissible size, you will be asked to download it to Google Drive and send the link.
From you just need to agree, there's no need to go anywhere, Everything will go unnoticed for you, staying in the mail.
The recipient does not need to have an account on Google.

Google Mail Aliases -
Mail alias.

Google mail has 2 addresses:

In addition, in the name of our account, you can put the point where you want, ex.
This is called Google BLIND, Google Mail does not see the points (rather sees, but ignores).

Also, Google Mail allows you to add text after your login, put a "+", and then your text is Latin and numbers.

Then you can configure the filter and view the mail separately for one or another address.


Translator in Gmail -
This translator is built into Google mail.

This translator is built into Google mail.
If you receive a letter in an incomprehensible language, you can translate it right away or let it always translate.
It's very simple when the email arrives at A foreign language, a line will appear - Translate a message and suggest which language and which one is rarely mistaken, so just click on the link and read the translation.

Register mail

Google Drive -
Recognize the scanned documents.

The text recognition function is available in Google Docs.
29 languages are recognized, including Russian.

.JPG, .GIF, .PNG and .PDF documents are supported in size up to 10 Mb. The .PDF file does not exceed 10 pages.

  1. Go to Google Docs, you can from Google Mail.
  2. Drag and drop the image or PDF-file into the browser window (in Google Chrome it exactly works).
  3. A window appears from below and there is a small menu on top.
  4. Put the checkboxes against the 2 lower items (as seen in the picture):
    • V - Convert text from PDF files and images
    • V - Confirm the settings before each download
  5. Close Window and load the picture again.
  6. Now, when loading it, it offers to recognize the text, you just need to specify the language.
  7. Then the picture was saved as a picture, but if it is opened by its text editor, below the picture there will be recognized text.

Google Drive -
Free provides only 15 Gb space for Google Drive and mail Gmail.

Cloud storage from Google.

Free of charge is only 15 GB of space for Google Drive and Gmail mail.
In addition, you can store photos in Google Photos unlimitedly.

You can expand the space to 100 Gb for a couple of bucks, 10 Tb for $100 per month.

You can specify the location for the folder location in the computer. Which is convenient. Not everywhere it can be done. I have all the documents on the disk: D so I can just blindly take the CD: C and I will not lose any information. Then you can upload what we need and the files will sync with our Google account.

Google Drive is integrated with Google Docs, so you can edit the documents online.

There are applications for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Google Cloud Platform -
A set of cloud services.

Cloud Platform.

A set of cloud services for those for whom Google Drive is not enough in size and features.
You need to have a bank card or bank account to sign up because the service is chargeable.

Includes G Suite, enterprise versions of Android and Chrome OS, as well as APIs for machine learning and Google Maps.
Run apps, host sites, store data.

Google Meet -
Video communication service, which has been put in a separate service from Google Hangout.

Video communication service, which has been put in a separate service from Google Hangouts.

  • Video conferences up to 100 participants,
  • works via browser and Android app,
  • real-time subtitles,
  • meetings are limited to 60 minutes.

Google Chat -
Chat for team communication.

Chat for team communication.

Integration with G Suite and third-party tools.
Meet Bot meetings browse calendars and schedule appointments at a time that's convenient for everyone.

Google Earth -
Online version of the program Google Earth.

Online version of Google Earth.
Actually it is built into Google maps, and uses one database. So, there is no difference how to use it, separately or through Google Maps.

To hold a circular rotation, hold down the Ctrl or Shift button and use the mouse.

Unlike Google maps, here you can share only the link, and not embed the map on the site. But there's a bone in the menu - a random place on the map.

There is a small globe below which shows the place you are viewing.

Google Maps -
Leading online maps.

Leading online maps.
Google was the first to create this miracle, which allows you to see the whole world and the map in terms of and photos of decent quality with detailing to the house.

There are maps that better and more accurately show certain cities or countries, OpenStreetMaps is better in small settlements in Western countries, Yandex.Maps for Russia, Here WEGO - Scandinavia.

But Google is much better in everything: maps in terms of, in photos, 3D, panoramas ... Google maps are integrated with other services. And they are constantly developing, raising the bar higher.


Google linked the panoramas to Google maps, which made them incredibly convenient. I must say that even in Russia Google has covered the incredible territory with panoramas.

As with almost all Google services, maps are Russified. The names of countries and cities in Russian and below the original language. Streets in Russian in the CIS and English in other countries.


In fact, this Google Earth program is built into Google Maps.
In order to take advantage of this effect, you need to go into the photo mode and the 3D button below the compass will appear.

The terrain is very well implemented: mountains, valleys ...
As for the cities they remained flat, although the whole picture is tilted. The real effect of 3D up to the trees is only in the large cities of the Western world (Europe, Australia, Canada) and much of the US.

To hold the circle, hold down the Ctrl or Shift and use the mouse.

Earth Engine -
Google Maps.

Google maps exist only a few years, periodically updated.
Nevertheless, during this time, in some parts of the earth there were changes, the islands were washed, the islands became peninsulas.
Or how Shanghai or Dubai has grown ... or how the Aral Sea has shrunk.
You can visually see a number of places where this happened and see the process.

Google Maps directions.

Just try it.

We tested for northern Scandinavia, where there are very small settlements.
It's very simple, we have set the item From and to To.
It was indicated Distance by road, time by car and on foot.
For St. Petersburg will give out the routes of public transport, including a fixed-route taxi.
Details are described how to get to where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of Trails leave.

There even found panoramas (remember, it's a sparsely populated north of a small country), so you could see the month Then the interchanges that is, how it looks.


All Google Products -
All Google products.

Story of a card -
Places, where we are in any way concerned.

Google My maps -
Here you can find my card, which I put on the site, or simply stored.

Here you can create and store maps created with routes and labels. Also you can store cards created by someone else.

In fact, we store a portion of the Google map with the layer we built.
We'll set point A and point B, Google builds a route, we can change the route with a mouse, and add our tags to it. For example, we can specify the destination of the route and key locations along the route, etc.

Street View -
Street view.

Street view of interesting places to enjoy the views, rather than look for luck on the map.

building Scheme -
Panorama Street view indoors.

Panorama Street view indoors.
They can be found on the map, but there are so few that are hard to find, except perhaps the obvious ones - New York, Manhattan.
Here they are collected in one place. You can go and walk around the panorama using the built-in navigation, but there are large objects, like stadiums, where you can go from floor to floor, use the usual menu.

Copyright -
Formal requests to remove content if it violates your copyright. For example, someone something without a permit posted at the site.

Official requests to remove content if it violates your copyright.
For example, someone posted something without permission on their site.

This can be a YouTube video or information on your website.
Let's say I have had a complaint a couple of times and I've been notified by Google AdSense. Once there was my jamb, and the second time some kind of mistake. I just stupidly deleted both pages, otherwise Google would stop paying me for advertising.

So the good part is that the owners of sites or accounts on YouTube first get a warning and time to delete.
I have a line on Google AdSense that does not understand what's the matter.
But one should not pay attention to such things. Then comes the email with specific claims, that's what they should pay attention to.

All Google services -

Think with Google -
Results for industry research and trends in consumer behavior and new ideas.

Google Analytics Opt -
To enable users to disable the collection of data about sites they visited, Google developed the Google Analytics Blocker. He instructs the script (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js) not to send information to Google Analytics.

Google Fonts -
Fasten themselves.

The service for introducing fonts to the site.
There is no Russian version, but there are Russian fonts (Cyrillic).


The fonts are on the Google server and not on your website. Saves time and increases download speed.

What should I do?

Attention, the service is developing, the number of fonts and features is growing, so changes are possible on the site.
  1. Script: - Select Cyrillic or Cyrillic Extended

  2. At the top of the Preview Text:, you can enter your text, size (Size :) and Sort the fonts alphabetically, popularity ... I chose by popularity. We are looking for the best font from the less popular ones, less popular is less likely to use it and it will be more original.

  3. We select the font for the title (Sentence) or text (Paragraph), depending on how we want to use.

    The beautiful font for the title may not be readable in the text.

  4. Choose the font that best suits us Add to Collection And Quick-use.

  5. We take the code that will be placed in
    . He's at 3. Add this code to your website: This is a link like
      rel='stylesheet' type='Text/CSS'>
  6. Go back and click on the blue Review field (may need to open) and select the font (bold, italic ...) if the font allows it.
In the Test Drive tab, we go through the menu in the right column. There you can set up a lot, it will be more difficult to describe, you will be able to visually see and select, adjust. At the bottom of the main field on a gray background there will be a code like:

 font-family: 'Ubuntu Condensed', sans-serif;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400; font-size: 13px;
  text-transform: none;
  text-decoration: none;
  letter-spacing: 0em;
  word-spacing: 0em; line-height: 1.4;

Copy it and put it where we need it in CSS. font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 13px; text-transform: none; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: 0em; word-spacing: 0em; line-height: 1.4;

Copy it and paste it into CSS.

Custom search -
Search form, which you created for placement on your site.

Google Trends -
Search trends.

Wonderland -
Cartoon Wonderland on Google maps.

Search history -
Here the full story search through Google ads and the history that we clicked.

Registration -
You can create a post on Google or use another email to register.

Reset Google Apps administrator password -ваш-домен/verif
Your Google account has been compromised? Making reset the admin password is required to confirm the domain name through the CNAME-record in DNS.

Is your Google account hacked? We reset the administrator password, you will have to confirm the domain name through the CNAME record in DNS.

In the link to forget to insert the address of your domain: DOMAIN/VerifyAdminAccountPasswordReset

History devices -
Recently used device.

Access -
Here a list of services that have access. It is subject to Google services, for example, Chrome or any smartphone. And yet, you do not want it on a website to register and use your Google Account, here is a list of all of these services.

Google Dashboard -
All Google services you use.

Contact Us - Google -
On the page is represented the official way to find help.

YouTube search history -
Search history on YouTube.

YouTube views -
History on YouTube.

Google Contacts -
The best address book.

Google Mail allows you to work separately with contacts, you do not need to specifically enter the mail.
There is a separate interface.

The page "Contacts" you can import, store and view all important data about recipients.
In addition, here you can combine addresses into groups. Using groups allows you not to enter dozens of addresses when you need to send an email to several people at once, but just select a group once and send an email to all users who are a part of it.

Anyone missing?

Use tooltips to easily add email addresses of people you frequently email to your contact list.

Do you have duplicate contacts?

We can help you find and merge duplicate contacts.

Synchronize contacts with your phone

Google contacts can be synchronized with many mobile devices.
The default synchronization settings may vary from phone to phone.
Most phones synchronize with "My contacts" by default, but some phones may synchronize with other contact groups. Learn more about default contact groups and how to change groups...

Remember: synchronization is done in two ways.
Contacts deleted from the mobile device, are also deleted from the Google Account.

Mistakenly deleted contacts can be restored within 30 days.

Fields at the contact a lot, I will not even list.
Only for the name are 10 fields (prefix, name, name transcription, nickname, write as ...).
In addition to the number of fields of the list, there is a field Notes, where you can write anything.
But besides this you can create your own fields and name them, e.g. Working Time.

Ability to add a photo for a contact.

Export-import formats

  • vCard (Apple Address Book)
  • Outlook CSV
  • Google CSV


Google, Robots.txt file verification tool -


Google Books -
Search from Google Books.

Search for the full text of the books.


Book search is the same as web search.
Try searching on the Google Book Search or on the website.
The results show links to books that match the search criteria.

Browsing the books on Internet

If the book is not copyrighted, and with the consent of the publisher, you can use the preview of the book, and in some cases, read all the text.
If the book is freely available, you can download its PDF version.

More in detail - quickly

We have created reference pages for each book, which allows you to quickly find any necessary information: book reviews, links to web pages, maps and much more.


Buy a book ... or take it to the library

After finding the book you are interested in, click on the links 'Buy this book' and 'Take a book in the library' to see where you can buy it or take it.

Where do books come from?

At present, we provide books to readers in two ways: via Affiliate Program and Library Project.>


Automatically forward your Gmail messages to another account -
In Gmail, you can set up automatic forwarding of all or some incoming messages to a different address.


Search Console -
Analyzes the Sitemap for errors. You can add a sitemap.xml to your Google search engine like


Google China


Recover lost access to your Google account or YouTube -
Recover your account if you forgot your password or username, what else is there? To us here.


Google Play Games -
Google Play Games.

Online games store for Android, where they can be downloaded for free or purchased.


Google Page Speed -
Recommendations that need to be changed to improve the site, primarily in terms of speed.


Google Webmasters -

Google Pagespeed Insights -
They check the performance of your website.

Google Sitemap -
The ability to influence the indexing of your site (details)

Google Webmaster Tools -
Toolkit for experienced webmasters.


Google Arts & Culture -
Gigapixel photo paintings.
Online access to exhibits from 1200 museums, galleries and other organizations in 70 countries.

Virtual tours to museums around the world.

Google launched the project in conjunction with 17 leading museums around the world, including the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage (now more than a hundred museums, including a tour of the White House):

  1. Old National Gallery, Berlin - Germany
  2. Freer Art Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC - USA
  3. Frick Collection, New York - USA
  4. Berlin Picture Gallery, Berlin - Germany
  5. Metropolitan Museum, New York - USA
  6. Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art, New York - USA
  7. Queen Sofia Museum, Mad Spain
  8. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid - Spain
  9. Kampa Museum, Prague - Czech Republic
  10. National Gallery, London - United Kingdom
  11. Versailles Palace - France
  12. State Museum, Amsterdam - Netherlands
  13. The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg - Russia
  14. The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow - Russia
  15. The Tate Gallery, London - United Kingdom
  16. The Uffizi Gallery, Florence - Italy
  17. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam - The Netherlands
  • 17,000 paintings,
  • 600,000 graphic works,
  • more than 12,000 sculptures,
  • 300,000 hand-made articles,
  • 700,000 archaeological values
  • and 1,000,000 numismatic values.
You can walk around the museums on the principle of Streetview on Google Maps. Or watch separately pictures in very high resolution, up to 7000 megapixels. That is, you can enjoy the whole picture or bring it closer, such as an eye or a button.

Online access to exhibits from 1200 museums, galleries and other organizations in 70 countries.


  1. Zoom in: view the exhibits in detail
  2. Virtual Reality Mode: use Google Cardboard glasses to immerse yourself deeper into the world of art.
  3. Search for artifacts by creation time and colors.
  4. Virtual tours: visit famous museums and get acquainted with world sights.
  5. Create collections: add your favorite works of art in your own collections and share them with your friends.
  6. Search for museums and cultural events near you
  7. Exhibitions: browse through exhibits selected by experts
  8. Daily reports: learn new things every time the application is launched.
  9. Recognition of exhibits: get information about works of art by pointing the camera on them, even without an Internet connection (available in some museums).
  10. Notifications: subscribe to popular news from the world of art and culture.

Finding a portrait

Finds our twins on works of art.

A VPN connection is required. We recommend Turbo VPN.

Works on face recognition and neural networks. Provides a number of options and indicates the level of similarity. There is an amazing similarity, but there are also ridiculous jambs.

While the function is available in the US, we recommend using VPN. On iOS, turn off the current Apple ID, geolocation, change the language to English and the region to the USA, set up a new Apple ID and include VPN and Arts & Culture.


Google job -
Work in Google. Of course, you need to be fluent in English, so there is no point in making a Russian version of the site.


Blogger -
Blogosphere from Google, one of the leading in the world.

The second blogosphere after the first and main LiveJournal. Blogosphere is free, well-tuned, etc. Owners - Google with all the following consequences: quality code, development ... If you have an account on Google? That's where the blog is created is simple and very understandable.


Google Play Movies & TV -

In Google Play you can find not only the latest blockbuster, but also the classics of cinema. Purchased or rented videos immediately appear in the 'My Movies' section, and you can watch them on any computer or mobile device.

You can watch the movie online or download it to your device, then open it in the application 'Google Play Movies,' even if you do not have Internet at hand.

Please note that offline browsing is only supported on mobile devices. You can not download videos to your computer.


YouTube -
Online Movies.

Full-length movies on YouTube are free and paid.


Keyword Planner Google AdWords -
Search for new keyword ideas and ad groups.


YouTube -


Google Shopping -
Shopping search.

Internet shop from Google.
Everything is simple, evident, nice. Studying this site is like shopping. Define the categories, subcategories, price range, vote for (love) or against (hate) the goods. In the meantime, Google is studying you, analyzing the taste of the buyer and advising you on the goods during the course of the business.
While this is a shop for women only.

We choose the product and get to the store of the seller. In fact, this is not a shop, but a search for goods.


Google Sitemap -
This page describes how to build a sitemap and make it available to Google.


Google Play -
Applications for Android.

Android applications.
On the site you can download applications on a smartphone or tablet with Android.

In addition to a simple search, rating system and feedback that help you choose the best application, you can register on the website through your Google account.
You can bind several smartphones to one account - just log in through Google Play via your Google account.

Then you can search for applications through the computer, press the install button and it will be installed on your smartphone or tablet when they are On Internet.
Besides, not every the application can work with all smartphones or Android version. If the application does not fit on your smartphone or tablet, the ability to download will not be active.

You can download the application in other places on Internet, even to find paid for free. But .... Then you will need to update manually. It's better to download via Google Play and then you will be informed about updates or do it automatically. By the way, the best applications are free, and the paid ones are not expensive.

Create applications

By the way, Google allows not only download and buy applications, but also create oneself. You can also earn by selling or on built-in advertising.



YouTube Music -
Streaming music, audio and video.

Streaming music, audio and video.
Subscription - 299 ₽ per month. It is more convenient to subscribe to YouTube Premium.

There are many music videos on the leading video hosting YouTube.
Google has made a separate service where you can put them together.

The service guesses your preferences and first of all offers videos that you might like.
You can watch them in a stream, or you can watch them as separate videos.

The application allows you to listen to streaming music.


YouTube TV -
We watch sports, shows and news.

Pay online television on YouTube.$65 per month. You can try it for free.

More than 85 Western TV channels, such as ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Fox, FX, AMC, CNN, Fox News, TBS, Discovery, Comedy Central and ESPN.

Complete local network coverage in the U.S. nationwide

ABC, CBS, FOX Network, FOX, NBC, ABC News, ACCN, AMC, Adult Swim, Animal Planet, BBC, BBC World News, BET, BTN, Bravo, CBS Sports, CNBC, CNBC World, CNN, Cartoon Network, Cheddar, CMT, Comedy Central, Comet TV, CourtTV, Court TV, Cozi TV, Discovery, Disney, Disney Junior, Disney XD, E!, ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN U, ESPNEWS, FOX Business, FOX News Channel, FS1, FS2, FX, FXM, FXX, Food Network, FOX Sports, Freeform, Golf Channel, HGTV, HLN, IFC, Investigation Discovery, LAFC, MLB Game of the week, MLB Network, MSNBC, Motortrend, MTV, MyNetworkTV, NBA TV, NBC Sports, NBC Universo, NBCSN, NBCLX, NECN, NESN, NatGeo Wild, National Geographic, Newsy, Nickelodeon, Olympics Channel, OWN, Oxygen, Paramount Network, PBS, PBS Kids, POP, SEC ESPN Network, SNY, Smithsonian Channel, StartTV, SundanceTV, SyFy, TBS, TCM, TLC, TNT, TYT, Tastemade, Telemundo, Tennis Channel, The CW, Travel Channel, TruTV, TV Land, USA, Universal Kids, VH1, WE TV, YouTube Originals.

Additional Networks

Acorn, AMC Premiere, Cinemax, CuriosityStream, EPIX, FOX Soccer Plus, HBO, HBO Max, NBA League Pass, Showtime, Shudder, STARZ, Sundance Now, UMC.



Google My Business -
A free site from Google in a few minutes.

On this site you can register your company on Google and at the same time place it on a Google map.

Now you can quickly create a simple neat stylish website.
The site will be adaptive and will look good on both computer and small screens.
In fact, you have already made some information about your company, why do it again, you just need to use it.

The site is automatically filled with information from your company's page on Google Photo, Google maps.
So we start saving time on creating a website.

Then we add the content, correct it.

And in the end we choose a domain and you do not need to register a site on Google. It is clear that you need to register in other places - Yandex, catalogs ...


Official YouTube Blog -
Official YouTube Blog.

YouTube Creator Blog
The official YouTube blog for video creators.

YouTube Engineering and Developers Blog -
For developers.

YouTube Trends -
Blog for developers.


YouTube broadcast -
Broadcast streaming video via YouTube.

Streaming video streaming via YouTube.
Some TV channels use this stream. This is usually TV channels earning on advertising on air. For example. Muz TV, Russia 24, 112 Ukraine.
For paid TV channels there will be a separate service where it will be necessary to pay the subscription.


Primer -
Pretty business marketing lessons without jargon (from Google).

Google's Project Shield -
Protection from DDoS attacks.


Google Docs

Google Docs

Google Docs


Google Presentations

Google Presentations

Google Presentations

Google Presentations


Google Tables

Google Tables

Google Tables

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