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How to resist Adblock

Protection from advertising | Media for money

How are sites made?

The person downloads the hacked site engine, fastens content to it from other sites and waits for the money to flow through the river. But he does not visit much, and is unlikely to seriously attend.
That's putting the advertisement to the maximum. It is jumping and annoying, it must be pressed.
And then there can be also viruses (for such advertising pay more).

Another person decided to study how the site is done and he succeeded.
This fascinates him and he actively develops his offspring.
Then the enthusiasm ends and the question arises, "what to do with the site?".
We put advertising and here's a miracle - advertising covered the costs to the site.
A few more months passed and advertising began to generate revenue.
Then more income and now it makes sense to make the site the main job, and if things go well, then jobs.

AdBlock appeared

A simple filter has protected the user from annoying advertisements and viruses, now no one requires you to send SMS with all your money.
At the same time he protected you and all other advertising.
It looks like an ideal solution.

How to resist

You have a site and it is the main earnings for you. What allows them to engage in all the time, not about weekends and snatches among the week. So AdBlock becomes a problem.

Fights with him is not difficult. He has an algorithm through which he distinguishes advertising from other content of the site. Somehow, the standard sizes of ad units. It blocks in size. It also blocks related CSS and JavaScript with names similar to advertisements - ADVERT, REKLAMA, ADSENSE, PORNO ...

Just experiment with what you have. Try to give out advertising for not advertising and vice versa. You can override the menu in JavaScript, for example with the help of such form. And give the first name to the file like an advertisement. W and everything, now the visitor was left without navigation. You just need to tell him that you should disable Adblock.
If no menu appears, then this place is free. Just make a background image with text like "to use our site you need to disable AdBlock". When the menu appears, it will close this picture.

There may be options like for example to the site such a form2web-master.

I recommend not using the proposed templates for protection. If many use them, AdBlock will pay attention to it and will bypass such protection. Protection should be its own, artisanal, unique.

There will be visitors who do not want to disconnect and just leave your site. I lost so much more than a quarter of visitors, but earnings rose by a third. So I'm not offended, and the visitors are sorry.


There are several scenarios here.
It is clear that the Internet will not be free and without advertising. No one will be free to work.
Of course, there are sites that are filled with content by the whole world or enthusiasts.
But this is a small part of the Internet, in most weak quality.
Successful little like Wikipedia, which every year for a couple of months expose a large banner and begging for money.
How is this different from advertising?

Ideal would be the option, when any intrusive advertising is blocked, but contextual advertising is not blocked.

If this does not happen, sites will block AdBlock, as we do.
If this is successful, then the site will be paid. Payments have already become leading newspapers in the US and the UK.

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