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Task managers

logo Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk

One of the most functional services for storing lists of cases.
There is a Russian language and API.
For each task, you can set its priority, access level. The task can be accompanied by a label and text notes.

Variations for

  1. iPhone App Store
  2. Android
  3. Google Calendar
  4. Twitter
  5. MS Outlook
  6. Gmail
  7. and offline access, that is, when there is no Internet.

Receive reminders for

  • email,
  • SMS,
  • via instant messaging systems (supported by Gadu-Gadu, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, Skype and Yahoo!).

Location on the map for tasks

You can add a location on your map for your task to plan the best route.

Work Together

Share and publish tasks and lists with friends or with the world. Remind your loved ones about your household chores that need to be done.

iTunes Android


English English - English

address: USA

Chinese task manager with calendar and synchronization with Google calendar.
Languages - English, Japanese and Chinese.
Service worthy. Everything looks clear, the engine is comfortable.
You can write tasks for today, the shopping list, plans for the calendar. In my opinion (and probably for my purposes), it is clearer and more convenient than the well-known Remember the Milk.

In any case, it's worth the attention.

logo TodoX

English English - English


Simple and easy task manager.

There are many task managers who allow you to work as a team, plan and so on and so forth.
Is it always necessary?
Why a large menu when you need only a couple of items?

This site AI is such a simple task manager.

logo Do it (Tomorrow)

Do it (Tomorrow)

Do it (Tomorrow) - postponed for tomorrow.
Only here the well-known phrase has a different meaning. Do not postpone and forget, and postpone, write and do it.
An extremely simple organizer. For those who need not complicated, but not to understand for a long time.
In fact, before us is a diary, take and use. Intuitively understandable for someone who is used to a paper diary.
Just go, write tasks, if you screwed up, it is clear how to remove.

iTunes Android

In Russian
logo Buy Me a Pie!

Buy Me a Pie!

Convenient and easy to use shopping list.
3 million users worldwide.


  • simple input of products and their quantities;
  • quick and easy navigation through the dictionary of products;
  • Automatically add unfamiliar words to the product dictionary;
  • Automatic grouping of products in the list.
  • cloud synchronization of lists between devices, which allows you to maintain lists with other people in real time;
  • ability to create multiple lists;
  • Created lists can be sent by mail, in a message, printed or duplicated.

iTunes Android huawei

In Russian
logo Daily Todo

English English - English


Daily Todo

The simplest list of cases for a day, or a few.
Without registration.
Even the address of the page is not needed to remember, however, if it's important, I would keep it.
Only I live not for long, it's not a task planner, but to quickly write things for today or for a week.

logo Todoist

Russian English - Russian

address: USA


A popular online task manager.
An intuitive interface.


  • you can add cases,
  • group them into projects,
  • assign labels to them.
  • for better perception, projects can be highlighted in different colors.
  • Create nested to-do lists.
  • tasks can be tagged.
  • To search for tasks in the list, a system of queries and dynamic lists is available.
  • view expired or scheduled tasks, as well as tasks for the next week.
  • Support hotkeys to work with the service.


  1. integration with Gmail,
  2. Firefox sidebar,
  3. mobile access,
  4. Reminders,
  5. labels, Netvibes and the iGoogle widget
  6. and ...

iTunes Android

In Russian

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