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logo PodFM


The leading audio magazine of the Runet, where you can register and start broadcasting your podcast or listen from the offer.

The largest site, this means that everyone will find podcasts to their own taste, according to their subject matter. There are also many high quality podcasts.

Unfortunately, most authors believe that a simple microphone for Skype is enough to make a podcast. And only the most advanced understand that it is worth spending and buying a decent studio microphone.

Eminent podcasters, famous radio presenters, scriptwriters and experts work with - all those who know and understand how to create high-quality programs that are interesting to a wide audience.

The list of professionals is constantly updated, and next time you visit, you can find your favorite presenter's audio shows.

It is possible to take the player code and paste it on the site. Like for example a YouTube player, audio only.

In Russian
logo Podster

reliable site

address: micronesia


Social audio platform.
More than 3 million unique auditions per month.
Thousands of podcasts, talk shows, radio shows and music.

A platform for publishing and promoting our own podcasts.
You can publish it with and iTunes.

Monetization is planned, but I wouldn't expect much, podcasts are monetized badly.


In Russian
reliable site
English - English

Owner: Apple,

address: USA

Apple Podcasts

Probably the largest podcast base in the world.
Actually, the name SHIPPING is taken from iPOD.
So the first podcasts were on the iPod.

logo Yandex.Non-music

additional url:


Yandex.Music has a Non-music section with podcasts and audio lectures.

The section allows you to add podcasts to podcasts.
It should be borne in mind that Yandex is very demanding to the quality of podcasts and not all podcasts are accepted.

iTunes Android

reliable site
English - English

address: USA, Сан-Рамон


Online radio aggregator and podcasts.
There is a large number of radio channels.

Sam site and the player is made very qualitatively, often better than the presented radio channels, especially all in one place.

Good collection of podcasts.

iTunes Android huawei


One of the best international sites with podcasts.

iTunes Android huawei Kindlefire

In Russian

Create a podcast with Spreaker.
Spreaker provides simple yet high quality tools to create your own podcast from 2010.
Any user can create, store and distribute their audio content easily.

Website And mobile applications for Android and firmware offer easy-to-use tools that direct podcasters through the entire creation process. Features include console recording, audio storage space for hosting shows, the ability to connect with social networks and embed players, detailed information about the audience, and much more.

iTunes Android

Russian English - Russian

address: USA

Google Podcasts

Internet podcasts on Google.

Google indexes the Internet and collects information about podcasts.

How to add podcast to Google

  • You need to have a website,
  • place on the RSS site with a list of podcasts,
  • to have at least the first release of mp3 or m4a.podcast

iTunes Android

English English - English



A platform for social broadcasting.
Or an iPhone application that allows you to record audio notes and share them with friends.

The genius of this service is its simplicity: you can simply record an audio note and simply upload it to your podcast feed is nothing more.

The main and first function of Audioboo is to upload the recorded podcast episode to the Audioboo server and provide subscribers with all kinds of access to it. So, you only need to record an audio note, which, by the way, is called “boo” in the context of this service, and click on the “Send” button. Well, the second function, as you might guess, is the ability to listen to the latest notes of other users.

Yes, the iPhone application is not very sophisticated, but it doesn’t need it. The developers had a completely different goal: to make podcasting simple and affordable. And Audioboo is fully aligned with that goal. Sometimes you don’t feel like bothering with a lot of settings to quickly and quickly record a short episode of a podcast on the go. It is in such cases that Audioboo is simply irreplaceable. In addition, a recorded podcast episode can be shared with friends on several social networks - Audioboo can automatically update data on Facebook, Twitter and even iTunes.

The website of this service itself is also not particularly noticeable. It provides the ability to listen to audio notes and subscribe to other users' feeds (you can sort podcasts by date and popularity).

But, note again, this service does not claim to be a full-fledged podcast terminal: it is a kind of analogue Twitter in podcasting is easy to use and easy to distribute. If you want to try to start recording your podcast, but do not dare to sit down and figure it out, then this solution is perfect for you: Audioboo is podcasting without any problems.

iTunes Android

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