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Church splits


There were 4 significant schisms in total:
  1. Israel - into Northern Israel and Judea.
  2. Church - separation from Judaism.
  3. Church - into Catholic and Orthodox.
  4. Catholic Church - into Catholic and Protestant.

Schism of Israel

932-928 BC.

Initially, there were 12 tribes or tribes of Israel in Israel.
It is like a united Europe or rather like the principalities of Rus', which later united.
Germany was also formed from the Germanic tribes, and France.
That is, there were completely independent tribes.

A King for Us

Israel wanted a king, which was a sin against God. Why a sin? More on that later.
So, the election of the king happened in the following way:
  1. a council of tribes, if you can call it that, gathered,

  2. the priest asked the Lord and then informed the people,

  3. then the council decided whether they wanted this candidate for king or not.

The 1st king - Saul was elected in exactly this way.

The 2nd king - David had long been desired, was recognized in a similar way, only he had already proven himself in practice.

The 3rd king - Solomon had already ascended the throne as the heir, though during David's lifetime, David's authority was enough here.

The 4th king - Rehoboam could have also come to the throne, like Solomon, and the dynasty would have gone, like other nations.
But Solomon made an unforgivable mistake - he took taxes from all the tribes of Israel, except the tribe of Judah.
It is clear, looking at the tribe of Judah, the rest wanted, at least, a relaxation of the tax burden, which did not happen.
As a result, a split occurred.

First of all, what is happening. Judea still exerts influence on the northern tribes through the temple.
Then, for political reasons, the Northern Kingdom builds 2 altars for itself - in the south and in the north and falls into idolatry.

The result of the split

We remember that Israel took the land of Canaan by crossing the Jordan in the Jericho area.
That is, it entered neither from the north nor from the south, which would be natural, but from an inconvenient position.
History shows that Israel was always conquered not from the north or south, but from the east.
It was divided in half, that is, the enemy entered from the rear and gained the upper hand.
The promised land was also captured.

With the split, Israel became vulnerable.
The result is the northern kingdom, consisting of 10 tribes of Israel, in In the Bible it is also called Ephraim (the most influential tribe), was captured and ceased to exist.
So, Israel lost 10 tribes.

Here is the answer to the question "what was the sin in Israel wanting a king?".
The fruit speaks for itself. The period of judges united Israel and brought it closer to God.
And the choice of a king actually split the country and 10 tribes disappeared from the face of the earth.

The First Schism

3rd century.

How was the schism bigger? And also more influential. But let's take everything in order.
The Church spread among the pagans primarily through the preaching of Paul.
And how did Paul do it?

  1. Paul goes to a new city,

  2. Paul goes to the synagogue and preaches about Christ,

  3. he is thrown out, sometimes with beatings and only a handful of people follow him. Why such sacrifices?

  4. When Paul left, he could not simply abandon the newborn church of pagans, it would have been a nightmare.
    He appointed elders from former Jews. They were waiting for the messiah, were instructed in the Word.
    Only they were able to lead.

The church spread more easily and quickly in the east, but when the Muslims came, then all the eastern Christians were converted to Islam.
And Europe became the citadel of Christianity.
And so the church of pagans with Jews at the head turned out.

A conflict arises. Since the time of Jesus, there has been a Greek translation of the Bible - the Septuagint, so that pagans also have access to the Word.
This is essentially how a revolution occurs.
The Church disowns its Jewish roots and everything Jewish:

  1. The first symbol of Christianity was the Star of David, which is natural and understandable.
    Jesus came to the Jews.
    The Jews were waiting for the Messiah and He did not deceive ... Christianity rejects this symbol and the cross becomes the symbol.

  2. The day off, and then the 7th day of the week, becomes Sunday instead of Saturday.

  3. The Church determines its date of Easter in such a way that it does not coincide with the Jewish one, ignoring the Jewish calendar.
    Thus, Christian Easter becomes guaranteed to be wrong.
    Even when it coincides, in Christianity everything revolves around Sunday, not Saturday.

  4. Pentecost is called Trinity, and autumn holidays and ignores it altogether.

  5. Yeshua becomes Jesus. Jesus is not the name of the Messiah, but the Greek translation of the Hebrew name.

  6. A translation of the Bible into Latin Vulgate is made and it becomes a more correct Bible.

  7. New Year is moved to January.

  8. Own holidays are invented. The main holiday becomes Christmas, not Easter.

  9. Paul is introduced into the apostles, who was not with Jesus, but he preached to the pagans.

  10. They built their own temples in the land of Israel, so that historical places associated with Jesus became difficult to find.
    The reason for many temples in holy places is business, making money from pilgrims.

  11. In the end, it was the church that gave birth to anti-Semitism.

In short, we built our own, we built a new world, moving away from our roots, from our origins.
The question arises "was the church following God in all this or ... who then?"

Today, especially when Israel is restored, Christians are becoming more interested in it, as well as interested in its history.
More and more Christians are paying attention to the roots, the foundations.

Jewish Christianity

The Church did everything not to bring a Jew to the church, but to ensure that he would not get there.
  1. The cross for a Jew is like a swastika for a Russian. The Crusaders and the Church killed many Jews.
    And why is the star of Moses not suitable? In Judaism, there is no contradiction when you accept the Messiah.

  2. The Christian church sounds absurd to a Jew, that is why the Jewish church is called "Messianic Synagogue", which is more correct in Jewish.

  3. It is absurd for a Jew to call Yeshua Jesus. And the Messiah Christ.

By the way, there is a Jewish New Testament, where biblical places are called by real names, as a Jew and we normally call them in everyday life, and not as translated from Greek. Peter is called Kefa.
And the cross is called a stable execution and there is no contradiction here, because in the original it is not written cross, but a pillar, because the shape of the pillar is not more important (history says that the shape of the pillar was a cross), its material is wood.

The Great Schism of the Church

Let's start with the fact that the Church was not homogeneous.
Initially, the natural leaders of the Church were Jerusalem and the Jews.
When the number of pagan believers increased, the Church distanced itself from Judaism.

The pagan Church was not homogeneous, it had a clear division into East and West
. The eastern part was previously part of the empire of Alexander the Great and the Greek language dominated there.
In the western part of the Roman Empire, the Latin language dominated.

The Church spread from East to West. Apostle Paul actively served there.
The West, on the other hand, was a younger church. Therefore, it is more natural for the eastern wing of the Church to be the leader.
Moreover, it was the Greek language that became the basis for the creation of the Bible:

  1. The basis was the translation of the Old Testament into Greek - Septuagint. It was this that determined the division into books, the order and the names of the books of the Old Testament.
  2. Naturally, the New Testament was written in Greek (a book cannot be written in different languages).
Proficiency in Greek became a great advantage of the eastern wing of the church.
The western wing of the church created its own translation of the Bible into Latin - Vulgate and canonized it.

The West claimed leadership for natural reasons - the capital of the empire, Rome, was in the west, and where else could the center be if not in the capital. Especially when the Church became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
It would be strange if the head of the state religious system was not in the capital.

But when Rome fell, another argument was needed for Rome to have the right to supremacy.
Then they came up with a fairy tale about the Pope having direct ordination from the Apostle Peter.
True, they later looked into it and found out that this was not so, but time passed, the situation stabilized and no one was interested in the foundation anymore.

395 - the Roman Empire was divided into Western and Eastern, with its own emperor in each.

7th century - Filioque - the Western wing of the Church arbitrarily changed the Creed, that is, the Holy Spirit proceeds not only from the Father, but also from the Son.
This had the effect of an exploding bomb. It's like changing a constitution.

1054 - contradictions accumulated, which led to the Great Schism, consolidated by mutual anathemas.

The Last Schism - Protestantism


A famous schism, when the Catholic Church split into Catholic and Protestant.

The Church has always strived for uncontrolled unlimited power.
At one time, Peter I besieged the Orthodox Church.
But the Catholic Church has always had very great power without any alternative.
Having such power, the Catholic Church has deviated greatly from the truth.
It found a way to finance, a kind of tax - indulgence, essentially a way to pump money out of believers.

This outraged the sincere German priest Martin Luther, who resisted the imposed order and became the founder Protestant movement.
He wrote 95 theses and attached them to the church door.
There was a reaction in Rome - the priest got drunk, no matter, he'll sleep it off.

Martin Luther did not want a schism, he wanted a reformation of the church. The church wanted to change everyone, anyone, but not itself.
As a result, there was only one possible way out - a schism.
This spurred the priests to study the Word of God and choose - to follow Christ or the Catholic Church.

The Bible became accessible to all people.

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