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About slavery

Slavery is mentioned in almost all books of Bible, the root “slave” occurs more than 780 times, 132 of them in the books of the New Testament.
The root “slave” is not found only in the books: Song of Songs, Hosea, Obadiah, Jonah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, the epistles of John and the epistles to the Thessalonians, 11 in total.
In other words, one way or another, slavery is spoken of almost everywhere.
And this is understandable, there is no slavery - there is no freedom.

God was somehow loyal to slavery, He was not against, moreover, He regulated slavery.

Deut.15:12 If your brother, a Jew, or a Jewess, sells himself to you, then for six years he must be your slave, and in the seventh year let him go from you to freedom;

In biblical times there were no prisons like we have now.
Imprisonment was rare and most often only until the end of the investigation, or in a debtor's prison.
Slavery is mentioned in almost all books of Bible, the root “slave” occurs more than 780 times, 132 of them in the books of the New Testament.
The root “slave” is not found only in the books: Song of Songs, Hosea, Obadiah, Jonah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, the epistles of John and the epistles to the Thessalonians, 11 in total.
In other words, one way or another, slavery is spoken of almost everywhere. And this is understandable, there is no slavery - there is no freedom.

They put a person in a pit because of the special cruelty. Normally, slavery played the role of a prison.
Both took away the freedom of the individual. Prison and slavery, which is better?

PRISON: a person who could not fit into society with its laws allowed, say, theft.
For this, he is planted among his kind and all he could learn was to become a great expert in the thieves' business.
The longer the term, the deeper the prison education.

SLAVERY: in this case, a person falls under the power not of prison authorities, but of a law-abiding citizen, moreover, to someone who had money, because slaves were sold, not distributed.

If a person has received a good upbringing, education, he will be a successful person.
And if he did not receive either one or the other, he may not fit into society, but live as it is necessary and he becomes a criminal.
In this case, he needs to make up for upbringing and education. He is sold into slavery, and a successful person buys him.
So he studies and for the 7th year - graduation.
That is, the position of a disenfranchised slave is the position of a child.

Gal 4:1 …an heir, while in childhood, is no different from a slave, although he is master of everything…

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