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logo KVN

official site

address: Russia


The official website of the KVN (Club of cheerful and resourceful).
That is, you can find everything about KVN here: jokes, videos, leagues, teams, news, playbill, concerts, tickets. The site is interactive. You can ask a question, find a job, registe

In Russian
logo Evening Urgant

Evening Urgant

The official site of the Evening Urgant program.
First of all, you can see the releases in excellent quality, and most importantly - officially.

Of course there is some material here, but the site is straightforwardly said, not overloaded. The main thing is the program and interactive - groups in social networks.

logo Comedy Club

Comedy Club

video on TNT

Comedy Club - the official site.
Most importantly - video, it's more convenient to watch On the website of the issuer of the TV channel.
The website is more of a commercial information, billboard, services, publications, sales department, artists, projects ...

logo Town


The site of the telecast.
There are jokes, information about the authors, the forum, and most importantly - the video of Gorodok.

logo Anecdote Show

Anecdote Show

Anecdote Show with Vadim Galygin.
Actually the site itself was created as an advertisement for the show, which you can order for a corporate party .... But there is quite a lot of good video material.

Pop, movie and political stars compete in the ability to tell funny jokes every Sunday at 20:00.

In Russian

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