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Hebrew - vowels

(heb. נִקּוּד‎ nikud - dots)
Adding additional characters to the text indicating vowels and other nuances of pronunciation.
Mat.5:18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one line shall pass from the law until everything is done.

Some believe that this is about vocalizations. But vowels will appear almost a thousand years later.
We are talking about the smallest Hebrew letter י (yod) - this is the floor of the vertical bar.
Letters also consist of dashes, the presence or absence of which can change the letter, for example.

תחה םס דר בכ וי נו
Vocalizations appeared according to various sources - in the 6th-7th centuries or the 10th-11th centuries.
Already at the time of Jesus, the Jews spoke Aramaic, and Hebrew was used to read sacred books.
There is a feature in Hebrew, they have practically no vowels.

In the example, we write MILKO and say MALAKO.
So why write vowels if we already know how to pronounce correctly?
Another thing is that for hundreds of years the Jews have been speaking a different language, even other languages, because they have scattered all over the world.

So we decided to create notes to clarify vowel sounds.

It should be understood that vowels are rather not vowels that were simply added, they rather resemble transcription, as in English.
In English transcription there are sounds O, O open, A, A open ...
Here too there are a few A's, a few E's.

English sounds of their voicing

Aאָ - אַ - אֲ - a horizontal stroke (maybe an additional downstroke, like the letter T, but it's important that all the horizontal dashes are A's)

Oאֹ אוֹ - a dot at the top left corner of a word.
    example: שָׁלוֹם‏‎ - (shalom) - peace, tranquility, greeting

Uאוּ - אֻ - slanted points, and when using the letter VAV - a point in the middle.

Eאֵ - אֶ - אֱ - horizontal dots.

Iאִ - אִי - one point down.

'אְ - two vertical dots - no vowel.
    example: שֹׁומְרוֹן (Shomron) - Samaria.

Hebrew alphabet

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