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How to cash out the cryptocurrency?

We all know how unstable the courses are, and how difficult it is to stay in the black when investing in a particular token. Sometimes token-holders think about how to withdraw funds to Fiat, but not everyone knows the simple and affordable options to cash virtual coins. We have prepared a review in which we describe four different ways, indicating their advantages by such criteria as convenience, profit and reliability.

Exchange services, crypto-exchanges, payment systems such as Webomney and individuals ready to buy a token for dollars, rubles and other fiat currencies can provide crypts to "physical" money.


Crypto-currency traders have long been accustomed to using exchange platforms not only for speculation with the exchange rate, but also for selling bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. Exchange accounts support the function of input/output of money. The easiest way to perform such an operation is BTC, ETH, LTC. If you have something more exotic, then Poloniex will help. They work even with Riecoin or DNotes.

What do you need to do? Find a crypto-pad that supports the pair you want with the USD. For example, if you have a Ripple, look for XRP / USD. Intra-search engines and Google to help. The first option is more reliable, because in the search for Google sometimes turn out to be promoted for money fraudulent sites.

Expose the crypt to the auction. There is a buyer for the transaction. On the fact of its completion in the menu choose Withdraw and take off on the card, WM-purse and other payment. Minus is the commission. Plus - the level of security. Benefit - the moment is individual.


The online exchanger of this type offers a conclusion on banks, VISA and MasterCard, WebMoney, Kiwi, ЮMoney etc. Choose based on the course. In order not to become a victim of scammers, use proven resources. The network has a rating of exchangers similar to Baksman and other exchangers.


  1. Fast,
  2. Reliable enough,
  3. Convenient.


Do not always receive the desired crypto-asset. Sometimes the commission fee annuls all course benefits. Do not be too lazy to count.

Display via WebMoney-wallet

If you have a certificate that is not less formal (a scan document is provided), you can easily send bitcoins to a WM-account, and from there you can get it in a convenient way. There is even a special purse WMX for BTC-assets. Minus - commission more than stock exchange.

We appeal to private traders

Sellers can be searched through specialized forums. They leave ads and contact details. The probability of being deceived is always, although, among these people there are also honest entrepreneurs. logo Bestchange — Bitcoin exchange

Bestchange — Bitcoin exchange

The site contains information on exchange offices that change Bitcoin into rubles, euros, Paypal and many other purses and currency.

Let's say we choose Paypal and get a list of dozens of exchange pips with the exchange rate. We select the most convenient course, reserve and check reliability, in any case I would check.

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