Heraldry IrelandEtymology of the name of the country: From Eire from the Dockel Iweriu - a fertile place or 'place of Eire', the Celtic goddess of fertility.
Full name: Ireland, Republic of Irelandoriginal name: Éire, Poblacht na hÉireann Ireland on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Heraldry of the head of state
Text of the hymnWe'll sing a song, a soldier's song,With cheering rousing chorus, As round our blazing fires we throng, The starry heavens o'er us; Impatient for the coming fight, And as we wait the morning's light, Here in the silence of the night, We'll chant a soldier's song. Soldiers are we Tonight we man the gap of danger In valley green, on towering crag, Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale! перевод Споёмте песню, песнь солдат, Бойцы, Ирландии сыны Мы цепи рабства разорвём В долинах, скалах, в свете глаз, Print version Embassy of Russia in IrelandDublinwebsite: ireland.mid.ruaddress: 184-186 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 14, Ireland tel: +353-1 492-20-48 emergency tel: +353-1-492-20-48 email: info@russianembassy.ie Embassy of Ireland in Russiawww.irlgov.ie/veaghaddress: г. Москва, Грохольский пер., 5 tel: 937-59-11, 288-41-01 email: irelland@col.ru Visa Section tel: 937-59-00, 737-36-36, 737-54-94 VIZAOfficially recognized only international driver's license. (In a number of countries, for example. The United States is a formal requirement and it is possible to use Russian rights, here it is necessary to learn separately)Officially recognized second citizenship. |
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