Heraldry Ireland

Graphics / Heraldry / Coats of arms and flags

Heraldry Ireland

Etymology of the name of the country: From Eire from the Dockel Iweriu - a fertile place or 'place of Eire', the Celtic goddess of fertility.

Full name: Ireland, Republic of Ireland
original name: Éire, Poblacht na hÉireann

Ireland on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps


Parliamentary Republic
26 areas

Territory: 70 280 km2
Population: 4 064 777 people.

Capital: Dublin (on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps)
eng. Dublin
original name: Baile Átha Cliath

Language: Irish Gaelic, English
Main religions: Catholics, Protestants

Bank cards enacted in the country:

Main export items: livestock, dairy products, whiskey, equipment, chemicals, industrial products

Code IOC: IRL - National Olympic Committee

Coat of arms


Domain of the country: IE
Vehicle country code: IRL

Phone country code: 253


Heraldry of the head of state


Text of the hymn

We'll sing a song, a soldier's song,
With cheering rousing chorus,
As round our blazing fires we throng,
The starry heavens o'er us;
Impatient for the coming fight,
And as we wait the morning's light,
Here in the silence of the night,
We'll chant a soldier's song.

Soldiers are we
Whose lives are pledged to Ireland;
Some have come from a land beyond the wave.
Sworn to be free,
No more our ancient sire land
Shall shelter the despot or the slave.

Tonight we man the gap of danger
In Erin's cause, come woe or weal
'Mid cannons' roar and rifles peal,
We'll chant a soldier's song.

In valley green, on towering crag,
Our fathers fought before us,
And conquered 'neath the same old flag
That's proudly floating o'er us.
We're children of a fighting race,
That never yet has known disgrace,
And as we march, the foe to face,
We'll chant a soldier's song.

Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale!
The long watched day is breaking;
The serried ranks of Inisfail
Shall set the Tyrant quaking.
Our camp fires now are burning low;
See in the east a silv'ry glow,
Out yonder waits the Saxon foe,
So chant a soldier's song.


Споёмте песню, песнь солдат,
За здравье встань под знамя,
В очах у нас огни горят,
Костров и звезд над нами;
Мы жаждем наш грядущий бой,
Свет утренний и день иной,
И здесь с тобой в тишине ночной,
Мы песнь споём солдата.

Бойцы, Ирландии сыны
Мы жизнью Родине верны;
Чей зов нас вёл с земель и волн.
Так присягнём брат брату
Не будет впредь земля и дом
Приютом деспоту с рабом.

Мы цепи рабства разорвём
Пусть смерть иль свет войдут в наш дом
Сквозь залпов вой и рёв споём
Мы кровью песнь солдата.

В долинах, скалах, в свете глаз,
Живёт отцов отвага
Сражавших смерть за нас в свой час
Под гордым древним флагом
Не обесчестим стяг отцов,
За матерей, сирот и вдов
Вперёд сметая наглецов,
Мы грянем песнь солдата.
Сыны Гаэла! Мощь земли!
Прервём тьму многолетней ночи.
Сомкнём ряды и пусть в пыли
Найдёт рассвет тиранов клочья.
Огонь, что очи наши жжёт
Смотри зарёй восток зажёг
Смерть Саксам. Свет земле. Вперёд,
Споём им песнь солдата.

Print version

Embassy of Russia in Ireland


website: ireland.mid.ru
address: 184-186 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 14, Ireland
tel: +353-1 492-20-48
emergency tel: +353-1-492-20-48
email: info@russianembassy.ie

Embassy of Ireland in Russia

address: г. Москва, Грохольский пер., 5
tel: 937-59-11, 288-41-01
email: irelland@col.ru
Visa Section
tel: 937-59-00, 737-36-36, 737-54-94


Officially recognized only international driver's license. (In a number of countries, for example. The United States is a formal requirement and it is possible to use Russian rights, here it is necessary to learn separately)

Officially recognized second citizenship.

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