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1 Русский язык - Russian
Modern translations
ПРП 2023
Новый русский перевод
The Holy Bible, New Russian Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
3-е издание исправленное и дополненное.



Новая версия Слово Жизни. Уже не парафраз, а классического типа перевод Библии.

РБО 2015
Библия. Современный русский перевод
Bible. The modern Russian translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
2-е издание исправленное и дополненное.

Российское Библейское Общество


Новый Завет издавался отдельно, как «Радостная весть».

3. New Testament
НЗб 2014
Новый Завет по тексту большинства
New Testament Textus Receptus
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Российское Библейское Общество


Соответствует тексту большинства по широко известному изданию, подготовленному американскими учеными Артуром Фарстадом и Зейном Ходжесом (The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text. Edited by Arthur L. Fastard and Zane C. Hodges. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982).

4. New Testament
РВу 2012
Радостная весть. Новый Завет. Современный русский перевод. Учебное издание
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Перевод выполнен с греческого текста Нового Завета: The Greek New TestamentEd. by B. Aland, K. Aland, J. Karavidopoulos,C. M. Martini and B. M. MetzgerStuttgart, 1993.

Российское Библейское Общество


Одна из главных задач перевода - отразить средствами современного литературного языка смысловое, стилистическое, жанровое и художественное многообразие книг Нового Завета.

5. Some books
Десн 2024
Библейские переводы Андрея Десницкого
Bible translations by Andrei Desnitsky
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Andrey Sergeevich Desnitsky

6. New Testament
ДОП 1999
Опыт современного перевода новозаветных Посланий
Общедоступный перевод.
Andrey Desnitsky

7. New Testament
ДТПВ 1999
Опыт современного перевода новозаветных Посланий
Традиционный перевод. Византийский текст.
Andrey Desnitsky

8. New Testament
ДТПК 1999
Опыт современного перевода новозаветных Посланий
Традиционный перевод. Критический текст.
Andrey Desnitsky

Библия Менге на русском
Menge Bible in Russian
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Переведено с немецкого перевода Германа Менге.
Hermann August Menge

Free People's Mission Krefeld

KJV-RU 2017
Библия Короля Иакова
King James Bible in Russian
Авторизованной Версии Короля Иакова (1611) на русский язык

Общество Библейских Верующих

Simplified language
РСП 2014
Святая Библия: Современный перевод
Bible. Modern translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Русский современный перевод.

Bible League International

12. New Testament - ERV
РСП'07 2007
Новый Завет: Современный перевод
Russian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

World Bible Translation Center

13. BIBLE - Слово Жизни
MDR 2006
Библия: Современный перевод / Слово Жизни
The Holy Bible, New Russian Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Первая версия полной Библии Слово Жизни.

World Bible Translation Center

14. New Testament - Слово Жизни
СЖ 1993
Слово Жизни
Word of Life
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Новый Завет в современном переводе.


15. New Testament
ПНЗ 2009
Парафраз Нового Завета
Paraphrase of the New Testament
Rafael Myzipych

Open Bible
РОБ 2023
Русская Открытая Библия
Russian Open Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sergey Iryupin


17. New Testament
ОПНЗ 2013
Открытый перевод Нового Завета
Open translation of the New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Synodal Bible
18. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1876
Библия. Синодальная
Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society

19. BIBLE - Synodal
RSTJ 1876
Библия. Синодальная (Яхвэ версия)
Russian Synodal Bible (Yahweh Edition)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society


Яхвэ версия синодального перевода Библии, где имя Бога Яхвэ на заменяется словом Господь по еврейской традиции. Кстати, в Библии на иврите, Яхвэ не заменено словом Господь (Адонай), его заменяют лишь при чтении.

20. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1876
Библия. Синодальная с апокрифами
Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society


Православная версия Библии, которая помимо канонических, боговдохновенных книг включает и второканонические, не боговдохновенные, но исторические.

21. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1876
Библия для переводчика
Russian Synodal Bible for interpeter
Нумерация глав и стихов английская (в скобках русское соответствие).
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society

22. BIBLE - Synodal
RSTM 1993
Библия. Синодальная
Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Обновленная синодальная.

Московская Патриархия

23. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1994
Библия. Синодальная с апокрифами
Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Российское Библейское Общество

24. BIBLE - Synodal
JBL 2010
Библия. Юбилейное издание
Jubilee Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
На основе синодальной.

Licht im Osten

25. BIBLE - Synodal
RSTI 2012
Библия. Уточненный синодальный перевод
Russian Synodal Bible Improved
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Синодальная с дополнениями.
26. BIBLE - Synodal
AGP 2004
Agape Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Nicholas Olizarevich


Аккуратна ревизия синодального перевода, архаичные слова заменены современными, синтаксис по возможности приведен в соответствие с нормой современного русского языка.

27. Gospel - Synodal
Хронологическое четвероевангелие 7D
Bible 7D
28. New Testament
ЕНЗ 1989
Еврейский Новый Завет
Jewish New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Перевод с англ. A. Долбин, В. Долбина.
David Harold Stern

Jewish Publication Society

29. Old Testament
TNHr 1975
ТаНаХ Иудейский
Tanakh of the Jews
Rabbi David Yosifon

Mossad Harav Kook

30. Old Testament
Gurf 1990
ТаНаХ в дословном переводе
TaNaKh in the literal translation
Иудейский перевод.
rabanite Frima Gurfinkel

31. Old Testament
ТаНаХ Сборник лучших переводов (5 авторов)
Tanah. Best traslations
32. Torah


33. Psalms - Psalms
Теѓилим. С новым русским переводом и кратким комментарием
Psalms. With the new Russian translation, and brief commentary (Psalms)
Dov Ber Haskelevich (German G Branover)

34. Torah
Бран'92 1992
Пятикнижие Моисеево с комментариями
Под ред. Герман Брановер.
Pinhas Guil



Перевод текстов Торы взят из книги: Пятикнижие Моисеево, или Тора с русским переводом, комментарием, основанным на классических толкованиях РАШИ, Ибн-Эзры, РАМБАНа, Сфорно и других, и гафтарой / Пер. и отбор комм. П. Гиля; под общей ред. проф. Г. Брановера. – Иерусалим: Шамир, 1992.

35. Torah
Shtein 1914
Тора и Исайя
Torah and Isiah
Иудейский перевод.
Osijs N Steinberg

36. Torah
Vadim 1860
Vadim (Vasily Kelsen)

37. Torah
KPLN 1909
Перевод на русский Гедалия Спендаля.
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

38. Torah
Тора из Цийона
Torah from Cion
Jon Levine, Uri Linets

39. Torah - Psalms
MNDL 1862
Тора и Псалтырь
Leonid Mandelstam
לאוניד מנדלשטאם

40. Torah
SHIF 1993
Учение. Пятикнижие Моисеево
Teaching. Pentateuch
Ilya Schiffman

CARS 2009
Священное Писание, Восточный перевод
Central Asian Russian Scriptures
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Издательство 'Стамбул'

CARSA 2009
Священное Писание, Восточный перевод, версия «Аллах»
Central Asian Russian Scriptures
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Издательство 'Стамбул'


Версия «Аллах» отличается от CARS тем, что в ней слова «элохим» и «теос» переведены как «Аллах».

CARST 2009
Священное Писание, Восточный перевод, таджикская версия
Central Asian Russian Scriptures
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Издательство 'Стамбул'


Таджикская версия отличается от CARS тем, что в ней были использованы таджикские варианты для, примерно, 40 имен, например, Исо, Мусо и Иброхим, вместо Иса, Муса и Ибрахим. Эта версия может быть популярна также и среди узбеков.

Смысловой перевод Таурата, Пророков, Забура и Инжила
45. New Testament
Интерлинеарный греческо-русский Новый Завет
Greek-Russian Interlinearny New Testament
Греческий оригинал и русский подстрочный перевод.
Anatoly Alekseev

VIN-RU 2015
Библия, подстрочный перевод
Interlinear Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
Alexey Vinokurov


Перевод Ветхого Завета с Септуагинты, так что это уже не буквальный перевод, а перевод перевода.
Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов.

VIN-EL 2015
Библия, подстрочный перевод
Interlinear Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
Alexey Vinokurov


Перевод Ветхого Завета с Септуагинты, так что это уже не буквальный перевод, а перевод перевода.
Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов.

48. New Testament
VINT 2015
Новый Завет, буквальный перевод
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов.
Alexey Vinokurov

VIN 2008
Дословный перевод Библии с греческого
The literal translation of the Bible from Greek
Для мобильного.
Alexey Vinokurov

50. New Testament
LCV 2020
Дословно-Смысловой Перевод
Literal Contemporary Version
Первое издание.
Victor Zhouromsky

51. New Testament
JKNT 1895
Новый Завет
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Vasily A Zhukovsky

52. Some books
DV 1973
Поэзия и проза Древнего Востока
Ancient east poetry
Iosif Braginsky

53. Some books - Psalms
Prob 1930
Поэтические переложения Евангелия и Псалтирь
Poetic Gospels
Archpriest Vasily Probatov

54. Psalms - Psalms
Рифмотворная Псалтирь 
Rithm Psalms
Simeon of PolotskY

55. Psalms - Psalms
Псалтирь, переложенный в русские стихи
Psalms, arranged in Russian poetry
Vladimir Korneev

56. Psalms - Psalms
Псалом Давида
Valery Briusov

57. Psalms - Psalms
Псалом 18
Konstantin Balmont

58. Psalms - Psalms
Псалом 125
Vladimir Benedictov

59. Psalms - Psalms
Переложение псалмов
Iliya Golenishchev-Kutuzov

60. Psalms - Psalms
Книга псалмов
Naum Grebnev

Publishing firm "Eastern Literature" of the Russian Academy of Sciences "School-Press" Moscow

61. Psalms - Psalms
Псалмы царя Давида, жреца Асафа, трёх Кораховых сыновей — певцов, Моше-пророка, царя Шломо, Эйтана-мудреца…
Vera Gort

62. Psalms - Psalms
Властителям и судиям (Псалом 81)
Gavriil Derzhavin

63. Psalms - Psalms
Псалом 57
Mihail Dmitriev

64. Psalms - Psalms
Псалтирь (поэтическое переложение)
Vasily Kapnist

65. Psalms - Psalms
Преложения псалмов
Mihail Lomonosov

66. Psalms - Psalms
Псалом 1
Herman Plisetcky

67. Psalms - Psalms
Arye Rotman

68. Psalms - Psalms
Псалмы Тредиаковского
Vasily Trediakovsky


Псалтирь, или книга псалмов блаженного пророка и царя Давида, преложенных лирическими стихами и умноженных пророческими песнями от Василия Тредиаковского в Санкт-Петербурге.

69. Psalms - Psalms
Псалом 8
Alexander Fedorov

70. Psalms - Psalms
Псалмы 68 и 132
Konstantin Fofanov

71. Psalms - Psalms
Псалмы 1, 14 и 136
Nicolay Iazykov

72. Psalms - Psalms
Стихотворная псалтырь
Poetic psalms
Alexander Sumarokov

New Testament
73. New Testament
Steiner 2000
Новый Завет Штайнера
Перевод с английского.
Rudolf Joseph Lonz Steiner

74. New Testament
Кальвин 2007-2012
Новый Завет Кальвина
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Текст, который вытащили из его комментариев.
Jean Calvin

Some books
75. Some books
Alexander Boev

76. Some books
Экклезиаст, перевод и примечания
Igor Vegeria

77. Some books
Исход, Псалтырь
Pavel Gorsky-Platonov

78. Some books - Psalms
Псалмы в русском переводе, Иов
Psalms in Russian. Translation, Job
Pavel Gorsky-Platonov

79. Some books
Реконструкция текста Послания апостола Павла Галатам
Vlad Valberg

80. Gospel
Lutk 1991
Евангелия Лутковского
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Leonid Lutkovsky

81. Some books
SOT 1991-1995
Научные переводы Ветхого Завета
Scientific Old Testament
Iliy Shifman, Mihail Rizhsky, Are Olman


Модуль создан на основе изданий: Учение. Пятикнижие Моисеево.
Пер. и пред. И. Ш. Шифмана. М.: Республика. 1993, Еврейская Библия. Ранние Пророки. Издание Рора.
Перевод Арье Ольман и Алина Позина при участии Михаила Вайскопфа и Игоря Тантлевского. Книга Рут в пер. Арье Ольмана. дополнена 22.06.10, М. И. Рижский: 'Книга Иова: Из истории библейского текста', Новосибирск: Наука, 1991., М. И. Рижский: 'Книга Эклезиаста', Новосибирск, 1995.

82. Some books
Сонч 1866
Историческія книги Священнаго Писанія Ветхаго Завѣта
The historical books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament
Mihail S Gulyaev

83. Some books
Екклесиаст, Песня Песней
Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
Igor Deacons

84. Gospel
KRPT 1997
Евангелия и Деяния
Gospel and Acts
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Жемчужина Карпат

85. Some books
Песня Песней (Перевод и комментарии)
Song of Songs (Translation and Commentary)
James Lah


86. Some books - Psalms
Псалтирь и Песня Песней Левинова
Psalms and the Song of Songs Levinau
Rabbi M Levin

87. Gospel
Евангелие в изложении Марка
The Gospel of Mark translated S. Lezova
Sergey Lezov

88. Some books
Песня Песней, Нагорная проповедь, Откровение
Song of Songs, Mountain Sermon, Revelation
Dmitry Leo

89. Some books
Отдельные книги Ветхого Завета
The individual books of the Old Testament
Ivan Maksimovic (Rudnev)

90. Some books
Исайя и Даниил
Isaiah and Daniel
Akim Olesnitsky

91. Some books
Свиток Рут с комментариями
Scroll of Ruth with comments
Arie Olmany

92. Some books
Послание в Ефес
The message to Ephesus

93. Some books
Отдельные книги Ветхого Завета
Some books of the Old Testament
Palladium (Nicholas Dobronravov)

94. Gospel
Arkady Poznyshev

95. Some books
Книги Ветхого завета
Books of the Old Testament
Bishop Porfiry (Konstantin

96. Some books
Песня Песней
Song of Songs
Nokhum-Zeev Raport, Baruh Kamyanov

97. Some books
Библейские вольнодумцы. Иов. Екклезиаст
Biblical freethinkers. Job. Ecclesiastes
Michael Rigsky

98. Some books
Книги Ветхого завета
Books of the Old Testament

Санкт-Петербургская Духовная Академия

99. Some books
Nokolay A Sergievsky

100. Some books
«Записки на книгу Бытия» и «Опыт объяснения псалма 67»
Notes on the Book of Genesis and Experience the explanation of Psalm 67
Filaret (Metropolitan)

101. Psalms - Psalms
Книга псалмов: текст и комментарий
The Book of Psalms and the comment text

Jewish School

102. Some books
Галатам, Ефесянам
Galatians, Ephesians
Alex S Hamsters


103. Gospel
Соединение и перевод четырех Евангелий
4 Gospels
Leo Tolstoy

104. Some books
Бытие. Первая книга Моисея: Поэт. интерпретация Адольф Шведчиков
Genesis. The First Book of Moses: Poet. interpretation of Adolf Shvedchikov
Adolf Shvedchikov

105. Psalms - Psalms
Псалмы Давида. Толкование А.Эскина
The Psalms of David. Interpretation A.Eskina
Avigdor Eskin

106. Some books
Abram Efros

107. Some books
Руфь, Екклесиаст, Иона
Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Jonah
Edward G Yunts

108. Some books
Vish 2007
Новозаветные Писания и книги Ветхого Завета
Parts of the Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Бытие, Иов, Псалмы, Экклезиаст, Песнь песней.
Geli Vishenka-Vishenchuk

109. Gospel
Aver 2004
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Sergey Averincev

Kyiv, Spirit of the Litter

110. Some books
Премудрость Иисуса, сына Сирахова, Иов
Wisdom of Sirach, Job
Agafangel (Alexey Solovyov)

111. Psalms - Psalms
Hieromonk Ambrose (Dmitry A Timrot)

112. Some books
Бытие, Иона
Genesis. Jonah
Solomon K Apt

113. Some books - Psalms
Псалтирь, Екклесиаст и Исаия, поэтическое переложение
Psalms, Ecclesiastes and Isaiah, poetic transcription
Nahum Basov

114. Psalms - Psalms
Бирук 1985
Псалтирь пророка и царя Давида
Перевод с церковно-славянского языка.
Eugene Birukova, Igor I Birukов


Переводчики стремились не только помочь нашим современникам проникнуть в дух и смысл Псалтири, но и создать перевод, максимально близкий к ритму и интонациям славянского текста, его образам и эпитетам. Перевод сверен с греческим текстом Семидесяти толковников Т. А. Миллер, ею же составлены ориентированные на святоотеческое предание примечания, призванные показать исторический контекст и символический смысл отдельных стихов Псалтири, а также пояснить малопонятные для современного читателя образы.

115. Some books
Песнь Песней
High songs
Перевод с масоретского текста.
Avzer L Bloshteyn

116. Some books
Grigory A Brodovsky

117. Some books
Псалтырь, Экклесиаста, Исайя
Andrey E Grafov

118. Some books - Psalms
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета
prof Vasily A Levison

119. Some books
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета
Daniil A Chvolson

120. Some books
Лондонскій переводъ книги Пѣснь пѣсней царя Соломона
121. Some books
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета
Luca V Manevich

122. Some books
К Римлянам
Archbishop Mefody (Mikhail A Smirnov)

123. Some books
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета
Mikhail G Seleznev

124. Some books
Есфирь, Притчи, Даниил
Evgenia B Smagina


Притчи — Евгений Борисович Рашковский, Андрей Сергеевич Десницкий, Евгения Борисовна Смагина.

125. Some books
Исход, Второзаконие
Sergey A Tishchenko, Mikhail G Seleznev

126. Gospel
Мариинское Евангелие
127. Gospel
Иисус Христос — Агнец Божий. Четвероевангелие
128. Some books
Переложение Екклесиаста
Gregory of Neocaesarean (Wonderworker)

129. Some books
historian Igor M Diakonov

Confessional translations
130. BIBLE
ВоП 2014
Восстановительный перевод Библии
Bible. Restored
Это - новая версия модуля с полным набором книг.

Living Stream Ministry


Восстановительный перевод Библии на русском языке представляет собой новый перевод текста Ветхого и Нового Заветов с языков оригинала. Примечания, планы книг и перекрёстные ссылки переведены на русский язык с английского издания. Работа над этой книгой осуществлялась в два этапа. Новый Завет переводился с 1993 по 1998 гг. Перевод Ветхого Завета осуществлялся в 2004—2013 гг. По завершении этих этапов работы были внесены некоторые изменения в Новый Завет, и теперь Ветхий и Новый Заветы издаются одной книгой.

131. BIBLE
BTI 2015
Современный русский перевод Библии
Bible, ed. Kulakov
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Перевод Адвентистов седьмого дня.
Mikhail P Kulakov

Institute for Bible Translation in Zaoksk

132. Old Testament
MAK 1867
Еврейские Писания
Hebrew Scriptures
Archimandrite Macarius

133. New Testament
PAV 1864
Опытъ переложенія на русскій языкъ священныхъ книгъ Новаго Завѣта
Old Testament of Pavsky
Съ масоретскаго и текста LXX.
Gerasim Pavsky

Russian Bible Society

134. New Testament
Острожская Библия
135. New Testament
CAS 1970
Новый Завет, перевод под ред. еп. Кассиана Безобразова
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
При поддержке Британского и Иностранного Библейского Общества.
Bishop Cassian (Sergey Bezobrazov)

136. New Testament
PBNT 1906
Новый Завет в переводе К. П. Победоносцева
New Testament, Pobedonostsev
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Перевод со славянского.
Konstantin P Pobedonostzev

2 славе́нскїй ѧ҆зы́къ - Church Slavonic
137. Old Testament - LXX
UNGR 1921
Введение в Ветхий Завет
Перевод с греческого перевода - Септуагинты.
Pavel A Jungerov


Книги Ветхого Завета с греческого текста LXX

138. BIBLE - LXX
ELZ 1751
Елизаветинская Библия
Elizabeth Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Церковнославянская Библия гражданским шрифтом, перевод Септуагинты.
139. BIBLE - LXX
Церковнославянская Библия
Ortodox Slavic Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
140. BIBLE - LXX
CSL-irm 1900
Библия Церковнославянская


Текст подготовлен в кодировке UCS8, несовместимой со стандартной кодировкой Unicode.
Для корректного просмотра скачайте и установите шрифты UCS8, например - Irmologion.

141. BIBLE - LXX
CSL-pnm 1900
Библия Церковнославянская


Текст подготовлен в кодировке Unicode (UTF-8).
Для корректного просмотра рекомендуем шрифт Ponomar Unicode.

142. New Testament
Новый Завет на церковнославянском языке
New Testament in Slavic
Церковно-славянский, современное написание.
143. Some books
Евангелие и Апостол (церковно-славянский)
3 беларуская мова - Belarusian
144. BIBLE - Synodal
BBS 2002
Belarusian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Перевод с русской синодальной.
Vasil Semouha

New Testament
145. New Testament
NTJS 1959
Новы Закон Спадара а Спаса нашага Ісуса Хрыста
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Yanka Stankevіch

146. New Testament - Psalms
LDNT 1931
Новы Запавет Госпада нашага Ісуса Хрыста. Псальмы
New Testament and Psalms
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Lukas Dekut-Maley, Anton Lutskevich
Лукаш Дзекуць-Малей, Антон Луцкевіч

147. New Testament - Psalms
CHNT 1999
Новы Запавет. Псалтир
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Vladislav Chernyavskii
Уладзіслаў Чарняўскі

148. New Testament - Psalms
Bokun 2016
Новы Запавет і Прыповесьці
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Antonі Bokun

Some books
149. Gospel
GBB 2011
Святое Дабравесце
Holy Gospel
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Біблейная камiсiя пры Беларускім Экзархаце

150. Gospel - Catholic
VH 1939
Чатыры Эванэліі і Апостальскія Дзеі.
Gospels and book of Acts
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Vincent Godlewski
Вінцэнт Гадлеўскі

151. Gospel
BGM 1991
Сьвятое Евангельле
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Mihas Mitskevich
Міхась Канстанцінавіч Міцкевіч

4 українська мова - Ukrainian
152. BIBLE
GYZ 2006
Біблія, Новітній переклад Біблії Гижі
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Oleksandr Gizha
Олександр Романович Гижа

153. BIBLE
UBIO 1962
Біблія в пер. Івана Огієнка
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ivan I Ogienko
Іван Іванович Огієнко


Біблія або Книги Святого Письма Старого і Нового Заповіту.

154. BIBLE - Synodal
ФІЛ 2004
Бiблiя. Книги Священного Писання Старого та Нового Завiту
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Patriarch Filaret (Deniseno)


Переклад Патріарха Філарета (Денисенка) за Біблією російською мовою, яка була перекладена з єврейської та грецької мов у другій половині ХІХ століття (Синодальне видання Російського біблійного товариства. Москва, 2002)
Видання Київської Патріархії Української Православної Церкви Київського Патріархату Київ 2004.

155. BIBLE
UKRK 1905
Біблія в пер. Куліша та Пулюя
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Panteleimon Kulish, Ivan Pulyui
Пантелеймон Олександрович Куліш, Іван Павлович Пулюй

156. BIBLE
HOM 1963
Святе Письмо Старого й Нового Завіту
Ukranian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ivan Khomenko Sofronovich
Іван Софронович Хоменко

157. BIBLE
TUB 1997
Біблія, Переклад Турконяка
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Rafail Turkonyak

Ukrainian Bible Society

158. BIBLE
UMT 2007
Свята Біблія Сучасною Мовою
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Diana Derkach
Діана Деркач

New Testament
159. New Testament - Psalms
UKDER 1992
Велике Відкриття. Новий Завіт з додатком Псалмів і Притч
Great discovery. New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs application
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Українське Біблійне Товариство

160. New Testament - ERV
ERV-UK 1996
Новий Заповіт
Ukrainian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

World Bible Translation Center

Some books
161. Gospel
Mora 1861
Євангеліє українською мовою
Ukranian Gospel
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Filip Morachevsky
Пилип Семенович Морачевський

5 Azərbaycan - Azerbaijani
162. BIBLE
DBA 2010
مقدَس کتاب آذربايجان ديلی
Daily Bible Azerbaijan
163. BIBLE
AZE 2010
Northern Azeri Translation
6 Gjuha shqipe - Albanian
164. BIBLE
ALBB 1994
Bibla Shqip
Kutsul Kitab

165. New Testament
ALNT 2007
Së bashku

Shoqëria Biblike Ndërkonfesionale e Shqipërisë

7 አማርኛ - Amharic
New Testament
166. New Testament
ANT 2010
አዳስ ሴዳን
Amharic New Testament
167. BIBLE
AMH 1962
The Haile Selassie Amharic Bible
8 հայերեն - Armenian
168. BIBLE
ABA 1910
Արարատյան Թարգմանություն մասնիկներով
Eastern Armenian Bible — ARARAT with notes

Հայաստանի Աստվածաշնչային ընկերություն

169. BIBLE
EAB 1994
Armenian Bible East
New Testament
170. New Testament
ArmW 1953
Հայերեն (արեւմտահայերեն) Նոր Կտակարան
Armenian (Western) NT
9 English
Study Bible
171. BIBLE
Niobe 2009
Niobi Study Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Niobi H Watson

American Standard Bible
172. BIBLE - ASB
ASV 1901
American Standard Bible
The Holy Bible
Philip Schaff


Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, Being the Version Set Forth, Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities and Revised A.D. 1881-1885, Newly Edited by the American Revision Committee A.D. 1901, Standard Edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1901.

173. BIBLE - ASB
RSV 1952
Revised Standard Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


A heavily annotated version by Roman Catholic scholars, notable for its excellent literary quality. A revision called The New Jerusalem Bible appeared in 1985.

174. BIBLE - ASB
NASB 1971
New American Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Lockman Foundation

175. BIBLE - ASB
NRSVA 1971
New Revised Standard Version Anglicised
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Hendrickson Publishers

176. BIBLE - ASB
Logos 1972
The Logos Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Logos International


The Rock of Biblical Honesty.

177. BIBLE - ASB
NRSV 1989
New Revised Standard Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Hendrickson Publishers


Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA.

178. BIBLE - Catholic
NRSV-CE 1993
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Oxford University Press

179. BIBLE - ASB
NASU 1995
New American Standard Bible (Updated)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Lockman Foundation

180. BIBLE - Catholic
New Revised Standard Version Anglicised Catholic Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Hendrickson Publishers

181. BIBLE - ASB
WEB 1997, 2020
World English Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Rainbow Missions

182. BIBLE - ASB
WEBBE 1997, 2020
World English Bible: British Edition

Rainbow Missions

183. BIBLE - ASB
WEB 1997, 2020
World English Bible
Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite


Based on 1901 ASV.

184. BIBLE - ASB
RcV 2003
Recovery Version
Holy Bible Recovery Version

Living Stream Ministry

185. BIBLE - ASB
ESV-UK 2007, 2011
English Standard Version Anglicised

Crossway Bibles

186. BIBLE - ASB
ESV 2007, 2011
English Standard Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Revision of the 1971 edition of the Revised Standard Version.

Crossway Bibles

187. BIBLE - ASB
NHEB 2010
New Heart English Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Wayne A Mitchell

188. BIBLE - ASB
ASV 2014
American Standard Version
The Holy Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Philip Schaff

189. BIBLE - ASB
ACV 2015
A Conservative Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Dr Walter Nathaniel Porter


За основу взята American Standard Bible.
Сделаны только незначительные изменения, в основном заменены устаревшие слова.

King James Versions
190. BIBLE - Catholic
RSV-2CE 2006
Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ecumenical w/Apocrypha.


This is one of the first translations of the Greek text done by Roman Catholics. Spencer had published a translation of the four Gospels in 1898, and had completed a translation of the remainder of the New Testament by the time of his death in 1913. The remainder went unpublished until Callan and McHugh revised Spencer's complete translation for this volume.

191. BIBLE - KJV
WYC 1382-1395
Wycliffe Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
John Wycliffe

192. BIBLE - KJV
KJV 1611
King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
193. BIBLE - KJV
PCE 1611
King James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Cambridge University Press

194. BIBLE - KJV
KJ 1769
King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
195. BIBLE - KJV
AV 1914
King James Version with cross references
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
196. BIBLE - KJV
RNKJV 1934
Restored Names King James Version
197. BIBLE - KJV
MKJV 1962
Modern King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Sr Jay Patrick Green

198. BIBLE - KJV
NKJV 1982
New King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Thomas Nelson


Holy Bible: The New King James Version: Containing the Old and New Testaments.

199. BIBLE - KJV
KJ21 1994
21st Century KJV
21st Century King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Deuel Enterprises


The Holy Bible: 21st Century King James Version.

200. BIBLE - KJV
AKJV 1999
American King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite

201. BIBLE - KJV
KJ2 2000
King James 2000
King James Version 2000
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Dr Robert A Couric

202. BIBLE - KJV
UKJV 2000
Updated King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


Same as KJV but with modern word endings Translater.

203. BIBLE - KJV
cKJV 2003
Crossword Project King James Version

CrossWire Bible Society

204. BIBLE - KJV
KJV 2006
King James Version
205. BIBLE - KJV
MEV 2014
Modern English Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
James F Linzey


Modern English Version, The Holy Bible
Passio (KJV based) Charisma House.

206. BIBLE - KJV
BB 1568
The Bishop's Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


Updated 1572 was base text for KJV.

207. BIBLE - KJV
TMB 1998
Third Millennium Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Minor update of the King James Version.
208. BIBLE - KJV
LHB 2006
Lighthouse Bible


Is an update of the KJV.

209. BIBLE - KJV
BSV 2009
Bond Slave Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Revision of the King James Version.
210. BIBLE - KJV
NEV 2011
New European Version of the Bible
Remediation of KJV & ASV.
Russell Martin Stendal

King James Versions
211. New Testament - KJV
KJC 1998
King James Bible, Clarified New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Bill McGinnis

212. New Testament - KJV
RKJNT 2000
Revised King James New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
New International Version
213. BIBLE - NIV
NIV 1978
New International Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


214. BIBLE - NIV
NIV 1984
New International Version


215. BIBLE - NIV
TNIV 2005
Today's New International Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ronald F Youngblood, Kenneth L Barker, John H Stek, Donald H Madvig, Richard T France, Gordon Fee, Karen H Jobes, Walter Liefeld, Douglas J Moo, Bruce K Waltke, Larry L Walker, Herbert M Wol

216. BIBLE - NIV
NIV 2011
New International Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red



The Holy Bible, New International Version: Containing the Old Testament and the New Testament.

217. BIBLE - NIV
NIVUK 2011
New International Version UK
New International Version Anglicized
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


Open Bible
218. New Testament - OEB
OEB 2010
Open English Bible, New Testament and Psalms
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Russell Allen

219. New Testament - OEB
OEBUS 2010
Open English Bible, New Testament and Psalms
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
US spelling.
Russell Allen

220. New Testament - OEB
OEBw 2010
Open English Bible, New Testament (Commonwealth Spellings)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


Commonwealth spelling.

221. BIBLE
UDB 2018
Unlocked Dynamic Bible


An open-licensed translation, intended to provide a ‘functional’ understanding of the Bible.

222. BIBLE
ULB 2017
Unlocked Literal Bible


An open-licensed update of the ASV, intended to provide a ‘form-centric’ understanding of the Bible.

Modern translations
223. New Testament
WNT 1903
Weymouth New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The New Testament in Modern Speech.
Richard Francis Weymouth

224. New Testament
TCNT 1904
Twentieth Century New Testament
The New Testament in Modern Speech
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ernest Malan, Mary Higgs


A Translation into Modern English. Made from the Original Greek.

225. New Testament
JBP 1958
The New Testament in Modern English
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
John Bertram Phillips


A fresh translation in colloquial English. The Gospels were published in 1952, four Prophets (Isaiah 1-39, Hosea, Amos, Micah) in 1963, and a revised New Testament in 1972. Phillips shares some thoughts on his work as translator in his book, Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony (New York: MacMillan, 1967. Revised 1978). See also the discussion in Edwin H. Robertson, The New Translations of the Bible (London: S. C. M. Press, 1959), pp. 119-132.

226. BIBLE
CJB 1989
Complete Jewish Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
David Harold Stern

227. BIBLE - ASB
WMB 1997
World Messianic Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Michael Paul Johnson, Wayne A Mitchell


Based on 1901 ASV.

228. BIBLE
TS 2000
The Scriptures

Institute for Scripture Research

229. BIBLE - ASB
WMB 2000
World Messianic Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Michael Paul Johnson, Wayne A Mitchell

230. BIBLE - ASB
WMBB 2000
World Messianic Bible British Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Michael Paul Johnson, Wayne A Mitchell

231. BIBLE - KJV
IAV 2001
Israeli Authorized Version
Hebraic King James Version
232. BIBLE
OJB 2002
Orthodox Jewish Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Tanakh and Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha.
Dr Phillip E Goble


English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible.

233. BIBLE - KJV
WOY 2003
Word of Yahweh
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Base Text - King James Version 1611.

The Assembly of Yahweh

NHEB-JM 2010
New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jesus Messiah)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Wayne A Mitchell

NHEB-ME 2010
New Heart English Bible Messianic Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Wayne A Mitchell

NHEB-Y 2010
New Heart English Bible (Yahweh Edition)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Wayne A Mitchell

NHEB-YS 2010
New Heart English Bible (YHWH Sabaoth Edition)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Wayne A Mitchell

238. BIBLE
NOG 2011
Names of God Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Baker Publishing Group

239. BIBLE
TLV 2012
Tree of Life Version
The Tree of Life Bible Version (New Covenant).

Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society


The second volume of this paraphrase of the New Testament was first published as A Paraphrase and Commentary upon all the Epistles of the New Testament in 1700. Whitby was a learned Arminian controversialist, who after 1712 advocated Arian views. His most famous work was an anti-Calvinist treatise entitled A Discourse concerning the True Import of the Words Election and Reprobation, etc. (London: John Wyat, 1710).

240. New Testament
WMTH-JM 2013
New Weymouth Version NT: Jesus Messiah Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Richard Francis Weymouth


Based on the Weymouth NT 1909.

241. Old Testament
JPOT 1917
Old Testament Masoretic Text

Jewish Publication Society

242. Old Testament
JPS 1995
TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures.

Jewish Publication Society


The New JPS Translation according to the Masoretic (the traditional Hebrew) text.

243. - KJV
SPE 2013
Samaritan Pentateuch in English
244. BIBLE
TRC 1530
Tyndale Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
William Tyndale Translation.
William Tyndale

245. BIBLE
CVB 1535
Coverdale Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Myles Coverdale

246. BIBLE
GB 1539
Great Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Tyndale-Rogers-Coverdale-Cranmer Bible, Thomas Cromwell Version.
Myles Coverdale


King Henry VIII of England.

247. BIBLE - Geneva
GB 1557
Geneva Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Первый значимый перевод Библии на английский, была основной до перевода короля Якова.

Tolle Lege Press

248. BIBLE
Gill 1763
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
John Gill

249. BIBLE - KJV
RWV 1833
Webster Bible
Noah Webster's Bible
Noah Webster

250. BIBLE
RV 1885
Revised Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
251. BIBLE - DBY
DBY 1890
Darby Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J. N. Darby.
John Nelson Darby

252. BIBLE
ERB 1902
Emphasized Bible
Rotherham's Emphasized Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Joseph Bryant Rotherham


Textual basis: Westcott and Hort, 1892 revision (NT).

253. BIBLE
NAB 1970
New American Bible


Translated from the Original Languages, with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources, by Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. Sponsored by the Bishops' Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

254. BIBLE
GWN 1988
God's Word to the Nations Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Phillip B Giessler

255. BIBLE - Webster
RWB 1995
Revised Webster Update
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
256. BIBLE
EJB 2000
English Jubilee Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Russell Martin Stendal

257. BIBLE
ABP 2003
Apostolic Bible Polyglot
English Text.
Charles Lynn VanderPool

258. BIBLE
HCSB 2004
Holman Christian Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Edwin Blum


Holy Bible: Holman Christian Standard Bible.

259. BIBLE - Webster
RHB 2004
Restored Holy Bible
260. BIBLE - NET
NET 2005
New English Translation with Full Notes
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Biblical Studies Press


NET Bible.

261. BIBLE
EXB 2009
Expanded Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Thomas Nelson

262. BIBLE
CGV 2010
Context Group Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
263. BIBLE
LEB 2010
The Lexham English Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Logos Bible Software

264. BIBLE
ISV 2011
International Standard Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

ISV Foundation


An American edition was distributed by William Wells of Boston in 1809. A fourth London edition 'with corrections and additions' was printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor in 1817. This Unitarian revision of Newcome's version (1796) provoked much indignation when it appeared.

265. BIBLE
CEB 2011
Common English Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Common English Bible Committee

266. BIBLE
t4t 2014
Translation for Translators
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
267. BIBLE
CSB 2017
Christian Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Holman Bible Publishers

Old Testament
268. Old Testament
LOT 1853
Leeser Old Testament
Leeser Bible Tanakh Old Testament
Isaac Leeser

New Testament
269. New Testament
JWNT 1755
John Wesley New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament.
John Wesley

270. New Testament
WNT 1770
John Worsley's New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
John Worsley

271. New Testament
PSNT 1846
The Peschito Syriac New Testament
Peshitta Etheridge Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
John Wesley Etheridge

272. New Testament
EDW 1864
The Emphatic Diaglott
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Benjamin Wilson

273. New Testament
ABU 1865
American Bible Union Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
New Testament ABU.

American Bible Union


The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

274. New Testament - KJV
GRN 1869
Noyes' New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The New Testament: Translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf, by George R. Noyes, D.D., Hancock Professor of Hebrew and Other Oriental Languages, and Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Literature, in Harvard University.
George Rapall Noyes


Based on Codex Sinaiticus. The Gospels are presented synoptically in parallel columns.

275. New Testament - DBY
DBY 1890
Darby Bible
The Holy Scriptures A New Translation from the Original Languages.
John Nelson Darby

276. New Testament
TGNT 1902
Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The Godbey New Testament.
William Baxter Godbey


Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek.

277. New Testament
NTM 1913
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
James Moffatt

278. New Testament
NumNT 1914
Numeric English New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The New Testament from the Greek text as established by Bible Numerics.
Ivan Panin

279. New Testament
RNT 1923
The Riverside New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
William G Ballantine


A translation from the original Greek into the English of to-day.

280. New Testament
CTNT 1924
The Centenary Translation of the New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Montgomery New Testament.
Helen Barrett Montgomery

281. New Testament
RWP 1930
Word Pictures in the New Testament
Archibald Thomas Robertson

282. New Testament
TCE 1999
The Common Edition New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Timothy E Clontz

283. New Testament
FAA 2005
Far Above All
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

284. New Testament
JMNT 2010
Jonathan Mitchell New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version.
Jonathan Paul Mitchell


Jewish aspects of the New Testament are emphasized, with explanatory footnotes for gentile readers. Based on the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament (3rd edition).

285. New Testament
EMTV 2011
English Majority Text Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Paul W Esposito

286. New Testament
WPNT 2015
Wilbur Pickering’s New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Wilbur N Pickering

287. New Testament
TPT 2017
The Passion Translation
Brian Simmons


New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs.

288. Old Testament
Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament with Strong's Number
Hebrew Old Testament Interlinear
289. BIBLE
YLT 1862
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Robert Young


The Holy Bible literally and idiomatically translated out of the original languages.

290. BIBLE
SLT 1876
Julia E. Smith Parker Translation
The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments
The first Bible translation by a woman.
Julia Evelina Smith

291. BIBLE - ASB
AMPC 1987
Amplified Bible Classic Edition
Расширенный перевод Библии с пояснениями.
Frances E Siewert

292. BIBLE
LITV 1993
Green's Literal Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
293. BIBLE
MLV 1999-2019
Modern Literal Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Holy Bible, Modern Literal Version

G. Allen Walker

The Open Source Bible Translatio

294. BIBLE - KJV
KJ3 2006
King James 3 — The Literal Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Sr Jay Patrick Green

295. BIBLE - KJV
VW 2006
A Voice in the Wilderness
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Paul Becker


English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts.
A 'Literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV.

296. BIBLE - ASB
AMP 2015
Amplified Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Расширенный перевод Библии с пояснениями.
Frances E Siewert

297. New Testament
AUV 1995
An Understandable Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
William E Paul


A literal translation of the Nestle text, supplemented with parenthetical comments to clarify the meaning of the words.

298. New Testament
ALT 1999
Analytical Literal Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Gary F Zeolla

299. BIBLE
MSG 1993, 2002
The Message
The Bible in Contemporary Language
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The Bible in Contemporary Language.
Eugene Hoiland Peterson

Children’s Bible
300. BIBLE
NCV 1987
New Century Version
Библия для детей на простом английском.

Thomas Nelson


The everyday Bible.

301. BIBLE
ICB 2015
International Children’s Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Thomas Nelson

Living translation
302. New Testament
LONT 1826
The Living Oracles
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Alexander Campbell's Living Oracles New Testament.
Alexander Campbell

303. BIBLE
NLV 1969
New Life Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Gleason Ledyard, Kathryn Ledyard


Simplified English translation.

304. BIBLE - ASB
TLB 1971
The Living Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor


The New Testament was published in 1967. An interpretive paraphrase of the American Standard Version (1901).

305. BIBLE - NIV
NIrV 1996
New International Reader's Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

International Bible Society


Revised in 1984 and 2011. The New Testament first appeared in 1973.

306. Some books
GLW 1996
God's Living Word
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Michael Paul Johnson

307. BIBLE - ERV
ERV 2005
Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Dr Trennis E Killian

308. BIBLE
NLT 2007
New Living Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Tyndale House

309. BIBLE
NLT 2015
New Living Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Mark R Norton


Holy Bible, New Living Translation
1999, Second Edition 2004, update 2007.

Simplified language
310. New Testament
BWE 1959
Bible In Worldwide English
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Annie Cressman

311. BIBLE
BBE 1965
Bible in Basic English
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
The Basic Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments in Basic English.
Samuel Henry Hooke


Basic English vocabulary of 850 words proposed as an international auxiliary language, with an additional 150 biblical words.

312. BIBLE
GNB 1976
Good News Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Today's English Version.

British and Foreign Bible Society

313. BIBLE
GW 1995
God's Word
New Evangelical Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Today’s English Version, Second Edition.
Eugene W Bunkowske

314. New Testament
HNC 2002
Holy New Covenant
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Galilee Translation Project

315. New Testament
FBV 2003
The Free Bible Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
316. BIBLE
NSB 2004
New Simplified Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
James R Madsen

317. BIBLE
EE 2005
EasyEnglish Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
1200 word vocabulary.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

318. New Testament
SENT 2008
Spoken English New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
A New Translation from the Greek.
J Webb Mealy

319. BIBLE - Catholic
CEV 1995
Contemporary English Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Also known as Bible for Today's Family.
Barclay M Newman


A paraphrastic version, at a fourth grade reading level.

320. New Testament
WB 1895
Welcome Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Based on the Textus Receptus, NonCommercial.
Len Gane

321. New Testament
Rem 2005
The Remedy
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Morphological forms, Notes.
The Remedy New Testament Expanded Paraphrase In Everyday English
Timothy R Jennings

322. BIBLE - LXX
ABC 2002-2004
Apostles' Bible Complete
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Paul W Esposito

Old Testament
323. Old Testament - LXX
LXXE 2012
English version of the Septuagint Bible
Septuagint in British/International English
Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton

324. BIBLE - Vulgata
DRB 1609-1610
Douay-Rheims Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Translated from Latin Vulgate.

Douay Bible House


The Holy Bible Douay Rheims Version.

325. BIBLE - Vulgata
DRB 1752
Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Translated from Latin Vulgate.
Richard Challoner


The Holy Bible Douay Rheims Version.

326. BIBLE - Catholic
NJB 1985
New Jerusalem Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Roman Catholic.
Dom Henry Wansbrough

327. BIBLE - Catholic
CPDV 2009
Catholic Public Domain Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ronald L Conte Jr

328. BIBLE - Catholic
NABRE 2011
New American Bible (Revised Edition)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red


The New Testament first appeared in 1963. A conservative literal revision of the American Standard Version (1901).

10 اللغة العربية‎ - Arabic
329. BIBLE
Live Arabic (targamet El hayah)
330. BIBLE
SVDA 1865
Smith & Van Dyke Arabic Bible
331. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-AR 2009
Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

332. BIBLE - NIV
NAV 1997
كتاب الحياة
Book of Life


11 Afrikaans - Afrikaans
333. BIBLE
ABA 2007
Bybel vir almal
334. BIBLE
AFR 1953
335. BIBLE
AFR 1983
336. BIBLE
DB 2006
Die Boodskap
337. BIBLE
NLV 2011
Nuwe Lewende Vertaling
338. BIBLE
AFR 1953
Die Bybel
Bible Afrikaans
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
J D du Toit, E E van Rooyen, J D Kestell, H C M Fourie, BB Keet

Bible Society of South Africa

12 বাংলা - Bengali
New Testament
339. New Testament - ERV
ERV-BN 2006
Bengali Bible: Easy-to-Read

World Bible Translation Center

13 ဗမာစာဗမာစာ - Burmese
340. BIBLE
BJB 1840
Burmese Bible
Adoniram Judson

341. BIBLE
BurB 1825
Burmese (Myanmar) Bible
Adoniram Judson

14 Български - Bulgarian
342. BIBLE
BG 2008
Българска Библия
Text Revision
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ревизирано издание 1940.

Computer typesetting

343. BIBLE
VBG 2010

Издателство „Верен“

344. BIBLE
BG 1871
Цариградската Библия
Konstantin Fotinov, Petko Slaveykov, Hristodul Sichan-Nikolov

345. BIBLE
BB 1940
Българска Библия: Придворна печатница
346. BIBLE
БЛБ 2001
Библейски текст: Ревизирано издание
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
На ревизираното издание от 1924 г. на протестантския превод на Библията на български език от 1871 г.

Bible League International

347. BIBLE
РИ 2015
Библия, ревизирано издание

Българско библейско дружество

348. BIBLE
РИ 2015
Библия, ревизирано издание
Bulgarian Protestant Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Българско библейско дружество

349. BIBLE
РИВ 2010

Издателство „Верен“

350. BIBLE - Synodal
BSB 1924
Синодалната Библия
Bulgarian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
351. BIBLE - Synodal
СИ 1982
Библия, Синодално издание
Bulgarian Orthodox Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Българско библейско дружество

352. BIBLE - Synodal
СИ 2016
Библия, Синодално издание

Българско библейско дружество

353. BIBLE
НП 2013
Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици (с неканоничните книги)
Contemporary Bulgarian Translation (with Deuterocanon)

Българско библейско дружество

354. BIBLE
НП 2013
Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици (с неканоничните книги)

Българско библейско дружество

355. BIBLE
BPB 1992
Bulgarian Protestant Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ревизирано издание.
New Testament
356. New Testament
BB 2000
Библията НЗ
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
357. New Testament
SPB 2011
Новият завет — съвременен превод
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

World Bible Translation Center

358. New Testament
TZA 1914
Bulgarian New Testament
Tsarigrad Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
359. New Testament
BCB 1871
Цариградска Библия
360. New Testament - ERV
ERV-BG 2004
Bulgarian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

World Bible Translation Center

15 Cymraeg - Welsh
361. BIBLE
BNET 2015

Gobaith i Gymru (Hope for Wales)

362. BIBLE
BWM 1620
Beibl William Morgan

British & Foreign Bible Society

363. BIBLE
BCND 2004
Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig yn cynnwys yr Apocryffa

British and Foreign Bible Society

364. BIBLE
BCN 1988
Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd,
New Welsh Bible
Some books
365. Some books
SC 1621
Salmau Cân

British and Foreign Bible Society

366. Psalms - Psalms
SCN 2008
Salmau Cân Newydd

Гвинн ап Гвилим

16 Magyar - Hungarian
367. BIBLE
UF 1990
Magyar Bibliatársulat új fordítású Bibliája
368. BIBLE
RUF 2014
Revised Hungarian Bible
369. BIBLE
HUNUJ 1990
Magyar Újfordítású Biblia
Hungarian Bible - New Translation

Magyar Bibliatársulat

370. BIBLE
KB 1964
Hungarian Károli
Károli Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
371. BIBLE
KIB 1935
Kecskeméthy István Biblia fordítása
372. BIBLE
KSZE 2011
Revideált Károli Biblia
373. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-HU 2012
Hungarian Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

374. BIBLE - Vulgata
KNB 1997
Káldi Neovulgata Bible
New Testament
375. New Testament
BDUZ 1951
Hungarian Bekes — Dalos NT
Békés Gellért, Dalos Patrik

376. New Testament
BUZ 1967
Dr. Budai Gergely Ujszovetseg forditasa
377. New Testament
CLUZ 1978
Csia Lajos Újszövetség fordítása
Csia Lajos

378. New Testament
CLUZ 2005
Csia Lajos Újszövetség fordítása
Csia Lajos

379. New Testament
CSUZ 1924
Czeglédy Sándor Újszövetség fordítása
380. New Testament
MRUZ 1925
Dr. Masznyik Endre Újszövetség fordítása
381. New Testament
RLUZ 1971
Ravasz László Újszövetség fordítása
382. New Testament
SIUZ 1911
P. Soós István,karmelita szerzetes, Újszövetség fordítása
383. New Testament
UZEF 2003
Újszövetség egyszerű fordítás
384. New Testament
VSUZ 1971
Vida Sándor Újszövetség fordítása
385. New Testament
EIV 2003
Újszövetség: élet, igazság és világosság
17 Wolof - Wolof
386. BIBLE
ShoB 2009
Shona Bible


New Testament
387. New Testament
FL 2004
Téereb Injiil di Kàddug Yàlla
Wolof New Testament (second edition)

Les Assemblees Evangeliques du Senegal et la Mission Baptiste du Senegal

18 Việt - Vietnamese
388. BIBLE
LCCMN 2012
Lời Chúa Cho Mọi Người
Word For Everyone
389. BIBLE
NVB 2002
Kinh Thánh Bản Dịch Mới
New Vietnamese Bible
390. BIBLE
RVV 2010
Revised Vietnamese Version Bible

United Bible Soceities

391. BIBLE
VI’34 1934
Kinh Thánh Tin Lành
Protestant Vietnamese Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Переведено с французского.
Simplified language
392. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-VI 2010
Vietnamese Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

19 Kreyòl Ayisyen - Haitian Creole
393. BIBLE
HCB 1985
Bib La
Haitian Creole Bible
New Testament
394. New Testament
HWCNT 2000
Da Jesus Book

Wycliffe Bible Translators

20 Nederlandse - Dutch
395. BIBLE
HTB 2007
Het Boek
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Книга основана на Живой Библии по Кеннет Тейлор.


396. BIBLE
LUV 1648
Lutherse Vertaling
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
397. BIBLE
NBG 1951

Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap

398. BIBLE - KJV
DSV 1619
Statenvertaling Bijbel
States Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Голландский King James Bible.
21 Ελληνικά - Greek
Modern Greek - Ελληνικά
399. BIBLE
Sfilos 1994
Μετάφραση Σπύρου Φίλου
Modern Greek Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Spyros Filos
Σπύρος Φίλος

400. BIBLE
MNB 1850
Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα
401. BIBLE
NEB 1901
Νέα Ελληνικά βιβλία
Neophytus Vamvas Translation. Modern Greek Bible
Modern Greek.

402. BIBLE
FPB 2013
H Αγία Γραφή στη Δημοτική (Filos Pergamos)
The Holy Bible, Spyros Filos Translation

Pergamos Publications

403. BIBLE
Η Αγία Γραφή (Παλαιά και Καινή Διαθήκη)

Hellenic Bible Society

404. BIBLE
TGVD 2003
Η Αγία Γραφή με τα Δευτεροκανονικά (Παλαιά και Καινή Διαθήκη)

Hellenic Bible Society

22 Ἑλληνική - Ancient Greek
405. BIBLE - LXX
Barach-m 2012
Koine Greek Bible: Septuagint, New Testament, Apocrypha + Lexicon
John Barach at Motoreracom

406. BIBLE
ABP 2003
Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Text
Charles Lynn VanderPool

407. BIBLE
ABP-EL 2013
Apostolic Bible Polyglot. Greek
408. New Testament
NE 1904
Nestle. Greek New Testament
409. New Testament
Tisch+ 1864-1894
Editio Octava Critica Maior
Tischendorf's Greek New Testament: 8th Edition
Constantin von Tischendorf

410. New Testament
APE 1912
Antoniades Patriarchal Edition
411. New Testament
Beza 1598
Beza Greek New Testament
412. New Testament
BGNT 2014
Byzantine Greek New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms.
Kr/Family 35 Textform.
413. New Testament
BYZ 500
Codex Beratinus
Codex Purpureus Beratinus
414. New Testament
BYZ 2005
Byzantine textform with breathings, punctuation, capitalization, lemmas, Byzantine variants and Nestle-Aland variants
415. New Testament
Critical NT text
SBL Greek New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Michael William Holmes

416. New Testament
ETR 1624
Elzevir Textus Receptus
Abraham Elzevir

417. New Testament
F35 2005
Byzantine GNT Family 35
418. New Testament
F35 2015
The Greek New Testament According to Family 35
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
Wilbur N Pickering ThM PhD

419. New Testament
420. New Testament
GNT5+ 2014
The Greek New Testament, 5th Edition, with Diacritics
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms.
421. New Testament
Combines Textus Receptus, Scrivener, Byzantine Majority, Alexandrian/Critical in one text
422. New Testament
NA27 2007
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 27
Greek Nestle-Aland 27
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Eberhard Nestle, Barbara Aland, Kurt Aland

423. New Testament
NA28t 2012
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28
Greek Nestle-Aland 28
424. New Testament
Νέα Δημοτική Μετάφραση
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
425. New Testament
NTG 1993
Novum Testamentum Graece
The Greek New Testament
426. New Testament
NTPT 2003
New Testament Patriarchial Text
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Ελληνική Βιβλική Εταιρία

427. New Testament
RP 2005
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform
Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

428. New Testament
BYZ 2005
Byzantine text-type
Majority Text
Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

429. New Testament
SBL 2010
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition
430. New Testament
SBL 2010
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition
Michael William Holmes

431. New Testament
STR 1550
Stephanus Textus Receptus with accents
432. New Testament
TNT 1886
Novum Testamentum Graece Praetextuit Constantinus Tischendorf
Bible. N.T. Greek. Tischendorf
Constantin von Tischendorf

433. New Testament
TR 1550
Textus Receptus

434. New Testament
Treg 2009
Tregelles’s Greek New Testament
1857 (Corrected edition).
Samuel Prideaux Tregelles

435. New Testament
UBS4 1881
Greek Westcott and Hort/UBS4
436. New Testament
WH 1881
Westcott and Hort
437. New Testament
438. New Testament
RGNT 2015
A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition
Richard J Goodrich, Albert L Lukaszewski

439. New Testament
The literal translation of the Bible from Greek
Для мобильного.
Alexey Vinokurov

440. BIBLE - Joint
Septuagint OT and Westcott-Hort NT
441. Old Testament - LXX
Analytic Septuagint
442. Old Testament - LXX
Analytic Septuagint with accents and with God's name
443. Old Testament - LXX
Analytic Septuagint with with God's name
444. Old Testament - LXX
LXXprs 1935
Μετάφραση των Εβδομήκοντα
С символами.
445. Old Testament - LXX
LXXprs2 1935
Μετάφραση των Εβδομήκοντα
Грамматический разбор с символами.
Joint in original languages
446. BIBLE - Joint
Old Testament — Westminster Leningrad Codex + New Testament — Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament
447. BIBLE - Joint
Old Testament — Westminster Leningrad Codex + New Testament — Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
23 ქართული ენა - Georgian
448. BIBLE
MGB 1982
ახალი ქართულით
Modern Georgian Bible

ინსტიტუტის ბიბლიის თარგმანი, ქართული ბიბლია საზოგადოება

449. BIBLE
ძველი ქართულით
Old Georgian Bible
Some books
450. Gospel
Vani 1200
ვანის ოთხთავი
Vani Gospels
Vani Four Gospels.
24 dansk - Danish
451. BIBLE
D71 1871
Dansk Bibel
Danish Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Revisions of Bishop Hans Svane's 1647 Revision of Bishop Hans Poulsen Resen’s Translation of 1607.

Det Danske Bibelselskab

452. BIBLE
D31 1931
Det Danske Bibel. De Hellige Skrifter
Danish Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Det Danske Bibelselskab


The New Testament is Public Domain.

New Testament
453. New Testament
WIE 1997
Det Nye Testamente
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ole Wierøds

454. New Testament
LB 1866
Lindberg Bibelen
Wierød Danish New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
25 עִבְרִית - Hebrew
Modern Hebrew
455. BIBLE
MHB 2010
Modern Hebrew Bible (Consonants)
Israeli Hebrew, Modern Israeli Hebrew compilation from Westmister (OT) and Modern Hebrew(NT).

Bible Society in Israel / UBS


Еврейские Писания объединённые из Ленинградского Кодекса Танаха, книг Нового Завета на современном иврите.

456. BIBLE
MHBc 2010
Modern Hebrew Bible with Vowels
Israeli Hebrew, Modern Israeli Hebrew.

Bible Society in Israel / UBS


Еврейские Писания объединённые из Ленинградского Кодекса Танаха, книг Нового Завета на современном иврите.

New Testament
457. New Testament
DHNT 1877-1998
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels
458. New Testament
HNT 1977
First Modern Hebrew New Testament

Bible Society in Israel / UBS

459. New Testament
SGHNT 1886-1999
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament with Vowels
Salkinson-Ginsburg edition of 1886, revised 1999 to conform to the Textus Receptus Greek NT.

Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures

460. New Testament
HHH 2009
ha-Derekh Hebrew New Testament (Consonants)


461. Old Testament
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible with Vowels
462. Old Testament
HAC 920
כֶּתֶר אֲרָם צוֹבָא
Aleppo Codex — Keter Aram Tzova
463. Old Testament - WLC
BHS 1977
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft


Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.
Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия». С огласовками.

464. Old Testament - WLC
BHS 1977
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft


Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.
Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия».

465. Old Testament - WLC
BHS 1977
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft


Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.
Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия».

466. Old Testament - WLC
WLC 1008
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents
467. Old Testament - WLC
WLCc 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex (Consonants)
468. Old Testament - WLC
HSB 2013
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents, Transliteration and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration.
469. Old Testament - WLC
HSB2 2013
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration.
470. Old Testament - WLC
HSB3 2013
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear.
471. Old Testament - WLC
HSB4 2013
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels and Accents
Westminster Leningrad Codex.
Adele Berlin, Marc Zvi Brettler, Michael Fishbane

472. Torah
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Jonathan Ben Uzziel (Pseudo-Jonathan)

473. Torah
TO 35-120
תרגום אונקלוס
Targum Onkelos
‏אונקלוס הגר

26 Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian
474. BIBLE
BIMK 1985
Alkitab dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

475. BIBLE
BISH 1985
Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari
Everyday Indonesian
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

476. BIBLE
TB 1974
Terjemahan Baru
The Indonesian New Translation Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

477. BIBLE
TJB 1974
Terjemahan Baru
New Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
478. BIBLE
TJL 1954
Terjemahan Lama
Old Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
479. BIBLE
VMD 2006
Versi Mudah Dibaca
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
New Testament
480. New Testament
BNPB 2009
Bahasa Nias-Perjanjian Baru
Old Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
481. New Testament
Kitab Perjanjian Baru
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

World Bible Translation Center

482. New Testament
AMD 2005
Perjanjian Baru: Versi Mudah Dibaca

Bible League International

483. New Testament
TSI 2013
Terjemahan Sederhana Indonesia
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Yayasan Alkitab BahasaKita

27 Gaeilge - Irish
484. BIBLE - Catholic
ABN 1981
An Bíobla Naofa
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

An Bíobla Naofa

28 íslenska - Icelandic
485. BIBLE
ICEB 2015
Íslenska Biblían
Icelandic Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ágrip rúmlega fjögurra alda sögu.
Sigurð Ægisson

29 español - Spanish
486. BIBLE
NBD 2008
Nueva Biblia al Día


487. BIBLE
DHHED 2002
Dios Habla Hoy Con Deuterocanónicos Versión Española

Sociedad Bíblica de España

488. BIBLE
DHHE 2002
La Biblia Dios Habla Hoy (Castellano Peninsular)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas

489. BIBLE
DHHD 1994
Biblia Dios Habla Hoy
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas

490. BIBLE
BHTI 2014
La Biblia Hispanoamericana (Traducción Interconfesional, versión hispanoamericana)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedad Bíblica de España

491. BIBLE
BTI-ES 2008
La Biblia, Traducción Interconfesional
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
492. BIBLE
TLAD 2004
Traducciόn En Lenguaje Actual con Deuterocanónicos
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas

493. BIBLE
BLPH 2010
La Palabra Hispanoamericana
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedad Bíblica de España

494. BIBLE
BSO 1569
Biblia del Siglo de Oro
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
495. BIBLE
BTX 1999
La Biblia Textual
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedad Bíblica Iberoamericana

496. BIBLE
ESE 1569
Sagradas Escrituras. La Biblia del Oso
Holy Scripture. Oso Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
497. BIBLE - LXX
Jünemann Septuaginta en español
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
498. BIBLE
KDSH 2003
Traducción Kadosh Israelita Mesiánica
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Мессианская Библия.
499. BIBLE
LBLA 1997
La Biblia de las Américas
American Bible

Lockman Foundation

500. BIBLE
NBdLH 2005
Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Lockman Foundation

501. BIBLE
NBLH 2005
Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Lockman Foundation

502. BIBLE
NTV 1996
Nueva Traducción Viviente
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
503. BIBLE - NIV
NVI 1999
La Santa Biblia (Nueva Versión Internacional)
New International Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red


504. BIBLE
SEVA 2002
Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Russell Martin Stendal

505. BIBLE
TLA 2003
Traducción en Lenguaje Actual
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil

506. BIBLE
VIN 2007
Las Sagradas Escrituras — Versión Israelita Nazarena
Nazarene Israelite Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Мессианская Библия.

Sociedad Bíblica de España

507. BIBLE - Catholic
BJ 1976
Catolica Biblia de Jerusalén
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
508. BIBLE - LXX
Sagrada Biblia — Versión de la LXX al español — por Guillermo Jünemann
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
509. BIBLE - ERV
PDT 2012
Español Palabra de Dios para Todos
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

World Bible Translation Center

510. BIBLE - RV
RV77 1977
Reina Valera


511. BIBLE - RV
RVA 2015
Reina Valera Actualizada

Editorial Mundo Hispano

512. BIBLE - RV
NRV 1990
Nueva Reina Valera
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
513. BIBLE - RV
RV09 1909
Spanish Reina-Valera
514. BIBLE - RV
RV60 1960
La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera
Reina-Valera edition Revised
515. BIBLE - RV
RV65 1865
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
516. BIBLE - RV
RV95 1995
La Santa Biblia Reina Valera Revisión
Reina-Valera edition Revised, corrected
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
517. BIBLE - RV
RVA 1989
Reina Valera Actualizada
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas

518. BIBLE - RV
RVC 2010
Reina Valera Contemporánea
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
519. BIBLE - RV
RVG 2004
Reina Valera Gómez
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
520. BIBLE - RV
RVP 1602
Reina-Valera 1602 Purificada
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
521. BIBLE - RV
Español Reina Valera
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
522. BIBLE - RV
RVR 1960
La Santa Biblia Reina Valera Revisión, con títulos
Reina-Valera edition Revised without titles
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
New Testament
523. New Testament
NTPB 1919
El Nuevo Testamento
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Pablo Besson

524. New Testament
iBY 2011
Bizantino interlineal griego-español
525. New Testament
NA27 interlineal griego-español
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms.
526. New Testament
Westcott y Hort interlineal griego-español
527. New Testament
Tischendorf interlineal griego-español
30 italiana - Italian
528. BIBLE
NR 1994
Nuova Riveduta

Geneva Bible Society

529. BIBLE
TILC 1985
La Traduzione interconfessionale in lingua corrente
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
530. BIBLE
IPN 1996
San Paolo
531. BIBLE
CEI 1974
La Bibbia CEI
Bible of CEI
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Conferenza Episcopale Italiana

532. BIBLE
CEI 2008
Bibbia CEI
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
533. BIBLE
GDB 1649
Bibbia di Giovanni Diodati
Giovanni Diodati Bibble
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Giovanni Diodati

534. BIBLE
LND 1991
La Nuova Diodati
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

La Buona Novella Inc.

535. BIBLE
NR 2006
La Nuova Riveduta
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
536. BIBLE
RIV 1990
La Riveduta
the Revised
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Waldesan Giovanni Luzzi

537. BIBLE
RIV 1927
Riveduta Bibbia
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
31 Yorùbá - Yoruba
538. BIBLE
BM 2010

Bible Society of Nigeria

32 Қазақ тілі - Kazakh
539. BIBLE
KZB 2010
Киелi Кiтап
Kazakh Bible
Таурат, Забур, Пайғамбарлар жазбалары және Інжіл шариф.

Қазақша аудармасы және көркемделуі 'Жаңа өмір'

33 кыргыз тили - Kyrgyz
540. BIBLE
KYB 2004
Кыргыз тилиндеги Библия
Kyrgyz tilindegi Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Написание кириллицей.

Ray of Hope Mission

New Testament
541. New Testament
KyNT 1991
Кыргызча Инжил
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Институт перевода Библии

542. New Testament - Synodal
KYR 2004
Ыйык Китеп
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
34 中國傳統 - Chinese traditional
543. BIBLE
Romanized Chinese
544. BIBLE
CCB 2010
Chinese Contemporary Bible Simplified, Red letter edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
545. BIBLE
CLB 1997
Chinese Living Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
546. BIBLE
CNV 1992
Chinese New Version Simplified
547. BIBLE
CSB 2011
Chinese Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
548. BIBLE
CUNP 1998
Chinese Union New Punctuation
549. BIBLE
CUV 1919
中文和合本 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇
Chinese Union Version
From English Revised Version.

Hong Kong Bible Society

550. BIBLE
CUV 1919
中文和合本 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇
Chinese Union Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
From English Revised Version.

Hong Kong Bible Society

551. BIBLE
CUVC 1919
Chinese Union Version - Classical Chinese
552. BIBLE
LCT 2007
Chinese Contemporary Bible
553. BIBLE
LZZ 1970
Lü Zheng Zhong
Перевод с оригинальных текстов.
Lü Zheng Zhong

554. BIBLE
RCUV 2010
Revised Chinese Union Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
555. BIBLE
TCV 1979
Today's Chinese Version

United Bible Societies

556. BIBLE
Worldwide Chinese Bible Simplified
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
557. BIBLE - NET
CNET 2011
Chinese New English Translation Simplified

Biblical Studies Press

King James Versions
558. BIBLE - KJV
Chinese King James Version
New Testament
559. New Testament
Contemporary Chinese Version Simplified
35 简体中国 - Chinese simplified
560. BIBLE
CCBS 2010
Chinese Contemporary Bible, Red letter edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
561. BIBLE
CLBS 1979
Chinese Living Bible Simplified
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
562. BIBLE
CNVS 1992
Chinese New Version Simplified
563. BIBLE
Chinese Standard Bible Simplified
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
564. BIBLE
CUNPS 1998
Chinese Union New Punctuation
565. BIBLE
CUVS 1919
Chinese Union Version Simplified
From English Revised Version.


566. BIBLE
CUVS 1919
Chinese Union Version Simplified
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
From English Revised Version.


567. BIBLE
CUVSC 1919
Chinese Union Version Simplified - Classical Chinese
568. BIBLE
LZZS 1970
Lü Zheng Zhong Simplified
Перевод с оригинальных текстов.
Lü Zheng Zhong

569. BIBLE
RCUVS 2010
Revised Chinese Union Version Simplified
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
570. BIBLE
TCVS 1997
Today's Chinese Version Simplified

United Bible Societies

571. BIBLE
Worldwide Chinese Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
572. BIBLE - NET
CNETS 2011
Chinese New English Translation

Biblical Studies Press

King James Versions
573. BIBLE - KJV
Chinese King James Version Simplified
574. BIBLE
LCTS 2007
Literal Chinese Translation Simplified
New Testament
575. New Testament
Contemporary Chinese Version
576. New Testament - ERV
ERV-ZH 2004
Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

36 한국어 - Korean
577. BIBLE
AEB 1994
아가페 쉬운 성경
Agape Easy Bible

아가페 출판사

578. BIBLE
Korean CoTrans Bible
579. BIBLE
CTB 1977
Common Translation Bible

성경전서 개역개정판

580. BIBLE
Korean Easy Bible
581. BIBLE
Korean Hyeondaeeo Bible
582. BIBLE
KLB 1985
현대인의 성경
Korean Living Bible
pastor Ganga Prasad Pradhan

583. BIBLE
Korean Modern Bible
584. BIBLE
평양말 성경
Pyongyang Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
585. BIBLE
KOR 1910
Korean Bible
William D Reynolds, Lee Seung Doo, Kim Jeong Sam
레널즈, 이승두, 김정삼

586. BIBLE
Korean Rentier Bible
587. BIBLE
RNKSV 2001
Revised New Korean Standard Version

Korean Bible Society

588. BIBLE
TKV 1991
Today's Korean Version


589. BIBLE
Korean Bible (Woorimal)
590. BIBLE - ASB
American Standard Hangul
Korean Bible
591. BIBLE - ASB
Korean American Standard Revised
592. BIBLE - ASB
Korean American Standard Revised 4th Edition
593. BIBLE - ASB
NRKV 1998
New Revised Korean Version

성경전서 개역개정판

594. BIBLE - Catholic
KCB 2005
Korean Catholic Bible


595. BIBLE - KJV
KKJV 1994
한글판 킹제임스
Korean King James Version


37 Kurmancî - Kurdish
596. New Testament
PNÛ 2017
Peymana Nû (Încîl)

Hoffnung und Leben e.V.

597. New Testament
KUR 2009
Kurmanji Încîl
38 ភាសាខ្មែរ - Khmer
598. BIBLE
Hmar 1968
Hmar Bible
Rochunga Pudaite

New Testament
599. New Testament
KhNT 2012
Khmer Christian Bible — New Testament

Words of Life Ministries

39 Latina - Latin
600. BIBLE - Vulgata
VG 1591
La Vulgata Clementina
Clementine Vulgate
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
601. BIBLE - Vulgata
V 405
Biblia Sacra Vulgata
602. BIBLE - Vulgata
CVg 2018
Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam


The Bishops' Conference of England and Wales gives its approval to the publication of Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam. Published with approbation. CBCEW, 9th January 2006. The Clementine Text Project was an effort between 2002 and 2005 to create a free online text version of the Clementine Vulgate. This is an historically important edition of the Latin Bible that previously did not exist in electronic form. Many people generously gave their time to help create and proof-read the new text. Work to maintain the text and correct errors that are found is ongoing: the latest update was on Jan 23 2018.

603. BIBLE - Vulgata
NVUL 1979
Nova Vulgata
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Bibliorum Sacrorum nova vulgata editio.

Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio

40 Latviešu valoda - Latvian
604. BIBLE
BJT 2012
Bībele jaunajā tulkojumā ar apokrifiem
New Bible translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
605. BIBLE
LVB 1965
Bībele latviešu valodā
Latvian bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
606. BIBLE
LTV 1965
Bībele latviešu valodā
Latvian Bible

Latvian Bible Society

New Testament
607. New Testament
LJD 1947
Jaunā Derība
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
41 Lietuvių kalba - Lithuanian
608. BIBLE
KBB 1999
Biblija (Šventasis Raštas)
Bible (Scripture)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Kosto Burbulis

609. BIBLE
LBD 1999-Lietuvos
Biblija, arba Šventasis Raštas
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
с евр., арам. и древнегреч. языков

Bible Society of Lithuania

610. BIBLE
LTZB 2010
Biblija. Senasis Testamentas. Naujasis Testamentas
611. BIBLE - KJV
LTKJV 2012
KJV Lithuanian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Karaliaus Jokūbo Versija lietuviškai.
Verte Darius Kundrotas

42 Македонски јазик - Macedonian
612. BIBLE
MKB 2006
Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија
66 книги.

Bible Society of the Republic of Macedonia

613. BIBLE
MKB 2006
Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија
Со девтероканонски книги.

Bible Socioety of the Republic of Macedonia

614. BIBLE
BK 1999
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
dr Dushan Konstantinov

New Testament
615. New Testament
MNT 1999
Динамичен превод на Новиот завет на македонски јазик
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
616. New Testament
NZM 2007
Новиот завет на македонски јазик
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
617. New Testament - Synodal
SP 1990
Свето Писмо на македонски јазик, Синодското издание
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Обединетите библиски друштва

43 Malagasy - Malagasy
618. BIBLE
MG 1865
Ny Baiboly Malagasy
Malagasy Bible

Bible Society of India

44 بهاس ملايو - Malay
619. BIBLE
BMDC 2008
Alkitab Berita Baik +Deuterokanonika

Bible Society of Malaysia

620. BIBLE
BM 1996
Alkitab Berita Baik

Bible Society of Malaysia

45 മലയാളം - Malayalam
621. BIBLE
MCL 2016
സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം C.L.
Malayalam C.L. Bible

Bible Society of India

622. BIBLE
MOV 2016
സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം O.V.
alayalam O.V. Bible

Bible Society of India

623. BIBLE
POC-ML 2013
POC Bible-Malayalam
Malayalam Bible Version by P.O.C
624. BIBLE
MBSI 1956
Malayalam Bible
Kerala Auxiliary

New Testament
625. New Testament
ERV-MA 2007
Malayalam Bible: Easy to Read NT
626. New Testament - ERV
ERV-ML 2007
Malayalam Bible: Easy to Read NT

World Bible Translation Center

46 Māori - Maori
627. BIBLE
MB 1858
Maori Bible
Bible Maori
47 Mõõré - Mossi
628. BIBLE
SSDC 1998
Sebr Sõngo
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Alliance Biblique du Burkina Faso

629. New Testament
Sebr Sõngo
Protestant Version

Bible Society of Burkina Faso

48 Монгол хэл - Mongolian
630. BIBLE
АБ 2004
Ариун Библи
Mongolian Ariun Bible
New Testament
631. New Testament - KJV
MnKJV 2012
Mongolian KJV New Testamen
49 isiNdebele - Ndebele
632. BIBLE
NdeB 2002
Ndebele Bible
633. BIBLE
SND 2012
50 deutsch - German
634. BIBLE
SCH 1951

Genfer Bibelgesellschaft

635. BIBLE
ESS 1836
Die Bibel 
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Johann Heinrich van Eß

636. BIBLE
FB4 2004
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Michael Mustun

637. BIBLE
Grun 1924
Grünewald Bibel
638. BIBLE
HFA 2002
Hoffnung für Alle
New International Version.
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


639. BIBLE
PAT 1980
Katholische Pattloch Bibel
640. BIBLE
S51 1951
Schlachter-Bibel, Franz Eugen Schlachter
Francis Eugene Schlachter
Franz Eugen Schlachter

641. BIBLE - Geneva
S00 2000
Schlachter Bible 2000
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Francis Eugene Schlachter
Franz Eugen Schlachter

Geneva Bible Society

642. BIBLE
Taf 1911
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Johann Friedrich Leonhard Tafel

643. BIBLE
Zu31 1931
Zürcher Bibel
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
644. BIBLE - Catholic
Unity Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Katholischen Bibelwerk

645. BIBLE - Catholic
GNB 1997
Gute Nachricht Bibel
The Good News
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Katholisches Bibelwerk

Modern translations
646. BIBLE
NeÜ 2010
Neue evangelistische Übersetzung
New evangelistic translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Karl-Heinz Vanheiden

647. BIBLE
MENG 2010
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Hermann August Menge

German Bible Society

648. BIBLE - DBY
ELB 1871
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
649. BIBLE - DBY
ELB 1905
Darby Bible
John Nelson Darby

650. BIBLE - DBY
ELB1 1871
Elberfelder Bibel
German Elberfelder
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
651. BIBLE - DBY
REB 1985
Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
652. BIBLE - DBY
REB 1985
Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel (Jahwe edition)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
653. BIBLE - Catholic
LUTD 1912
Lutherbibel mit Apokryphen
Luther Bible with Apocrypha
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
German Lutherbibel.
654. BIBLE
LB 1984
Luther Bible 1984
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
655. BIBLE
LB 1545
Luther Bible
German Lutherbibel.
656. BIBLE
LB 1912
Luther Bible
German Lutherbibel.
Some books
657. Gospel
EdR 1910
Die vier Evangelien des Reinhardt
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ludwig Louis Philipp Reinhard

New Testament
658. New Testament
Leo-NA28+ 2016
Leonberger Bibel (NA28)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
Wort. Weg. Wahrheit.
659. New Testament
Leo-RP05+ 2005
Leonberger Bibel (RP05)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
Wort. Weg. Wahrheit.
660. New Testament
Alemannische Bibel NT
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
661. New Testament
AMNT 1989
Abraham Meister NT
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Abraham Meister

662. New Testament
AN 1927
Albrecht Neues Testament und Psalmen
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ludwig Albrecht

663. New Testament
DBNT 1974
Die Bengel Neuen Testament
New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Haenssler Verlag

664. New Testament
JNT 1999
Jantzen NT
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Herbert Jantzen

665. New Testament
KNT 1939
Konkordantes Neues Testament
Adolph Ernst Knoch

666. New Testament - Geneva
NGÜ 2011
Neue Genfer Übersetzung – Neues Testament und Psalmen
New Geneva Version - New Testament and Psalms
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Genfer Bibelgesellschaft

Old Testament
667. Old Testament
AT 1906
German Textbibel AT
668. Old Testament
Schrift 1929
Die Schrift
Martin Buber und Franz Rosenzweig

669. Old Testament
SNHTS 1954
Die Heilige Schrift
Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai

670. New Testament
ILD 1979
Deutsch Interlinearübersetzung NT
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
671. New Testament
Interlinearübersetzung Neues Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
672. Old Testament
DHSAT 1934
Die Heilige Schrift — Übersetzung des AT
Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai
נפתלי הרץ טור-סיני

51 नेपाली - Nepali
673. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-ne 1914
Nepali Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

52 nynorsk - Norwegian Nynorsk
674. BIBLE
N11NN 2011
Bibel 2011

Det Norske Bibelselskap

675. BIBLE
N78NN 1978-1985

Det Norske Bibelselskap

676. BIBLE
SMB 1921
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
53 bokmål - Norwegian Bokmål
677. BIBLE
N11 2011
Bibel 2011
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Det Norske Bibelselskap

678. BIBLE
N78 1978
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Det Norske Bibelselskap

679. BIBLE
DNB 1930
Norsk Bibelen
Norwegian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Det Norske Bibelselskap

680. BIBLE
NB 2007
Norsk Bibel
Norwegian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Det Norske Bibelselskap

New Testament
681. New Testament
Brød 2011
Brød Nye Testamente
Bread New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
54 polszczyzna - Polish
Millennium Bible
682. BIBLE - Catholic
BT 1965
Biblia Tysiąclecia
MThe illennium Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Современный католический перевод.

Wydawnictwo Pallottinum


Tekst Biblii Tysiąclecia

Gdansk Bible
683. BIBLE
BG 1881
Biblia Gdańska
Gdansk Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
684. BIBLE
NBG 2012
Nowa Biblia Gdańska
New Gdansk Bible

Śląskie Towarzystwo Biblijne

685. BIBLE
UBG 2013
Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska
Updated Gdansk Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Fundacja Wrota Nadziei

686. BIBLE
BJW 1593
Biblia Jakuba Wujka
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Jakub Wujek

687. BIBLE
BW 1975
Biblia warszawska
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Brytyjskie i Zagraniczne Towarzystwo Biblijne

688. BIBLE
BWP 1997
Biblia warszawsko-praska
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
689. BIBLE - Catholic
BL 1991
Biblia lubelska
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Some books
690. Some books - Psalms
KPHA 2006
Księga Psalmów
Henryk Adamczyk

691. Some books - Psalms
PsJK 1579
Psałterz Dawidowy
Jan Kochanowski

692. Gospel
EDB 2010
Ewangelie dla badaczy
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Sławomir Łuczkiewicz

New Testament
693. New Testament
BB 1563
Biblia Brzeska
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
694. New Testament
Dąb 1961
Biblia Dąbrowskiego
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Eugeniusz Dąbrowski

695. New Testament
Biblia Przekład Dąbrowskiego z Wulgaty
Eugeniusz Dąbrowski

696. New Testament
Nowe Przymierze: Pismo Święte Nowego Testamentu
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
697. New Testament
NTK 1956
Nowy Testament Kowalskiego
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Seweryn Kowalski

698. New Testament
PBP 2010
Nowy Testament Popowskiego
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Remigiusz Popowski

699. New Testament
PBR 1606
NT Rakowski
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
700. New Testament
PBW 1991
NT — Współczesny przekład
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Brytyjskie i Zagraniczne Towarzystwo Biblijne

701. New Testament
PSZ 2016
Słowo Życia
Old Testament
702. Old Testament
KRUS 1926
Przekłady biblijne Józefa Kruszyńskiego
Józef Kruszyński

703. New Testament
PBPW 2014
Grecko-polski Nowy Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Remigiusz Popowski, Michał Wojciechowski

704. New Testament
PBD 1993
NT Przekład Dosłowny EIB
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Ewangeliczny Instytut Biblijny

705. Torah - Psalms
Cylk 1895
Psalmy, Tora
Izaak Cylkow

55 Português - Portuguese
706. BIBLE
LTT 2009
Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional Anotada
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
707. BIBLE
ALM 2007
Bíblia Almeida Século 21
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
708. BIBLE
AR 2011
Bíblia Almeida Recebida
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
709. BIBLE
ARA 1993
Almeida Revista e Atualizada
710. BIBLE
ARCA 1750
Almeida Revista e Corrigida, Anotada
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
711. BIBLE
ARM 1967
Almeida Revisada de Acordo com os Melhores Textos em Hebraico e Grego
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
712. BIBLE - Catholic
BAM 1959
Bíblia Ave Maria
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
713. BIBLE
BEP 1990
Bíblia Sagrada — Edição Pastoral
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
714. BIBLE
BPT 1993
Tradução Interconfessional — A Bíblia Para Todos
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
715. BIBLE
CF 1753
Corrigida Fiel
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
716. BIBLE
CNBB 2002
Bíblia CNBB (Nova Capa)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil

717. BIBLE
DBFC 1955
Difusora Bíblica
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
718. BIBLE
A Bíblia Livre
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
719. BIBLE
NTLH 2000
Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil

720. BIBLE
OL 2000
Tradução O Livro em Português Comum
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
721. BIBLE
PCF 1994
Sinta-se português Corrigida
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
722. BIBLE
POR 1948
Portuguese Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
João Ferreira de Almeida

723. BIBLE
VIVA 2002
Biblia Viva
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Editora Mundo Cristão

724. BIBLE
ARA 2010
Almeida Revista e Atualizada
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil

725. BIBLE
ARC 2009
Almeida Revista e Corrigida
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil

726. BIBLE
BPT 2009
a BÍBLIA para todos Edição Comum
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal

727. BIBLE - Catholic
BPT 2009
a BÍBLIA para todos Edição Católica
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal

728. BIBLE
TB 2010
Tradução Brasileir
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil

King James Versions
729. BIBLE - KJV
AA 1959
João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada
AA Portuguese Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
João Ferreira de Almeida

730. BIBLE - KJV
ARC 2001
Almeida Revista e Corrigida
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal

731. BIBLE - KJV
KJA 2001
Bíblia King James Atualizada
King James Bible Updated Portuguese
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Iberian-American Bible Society of Brazil & Abba Press

732. BIBLE - KJV
JFA 1628
Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida
Versão Revista e Atualizada, grafia brasileira.
733. BIBLE - KJV
JFA-br 1628
João Ferreira de Almeida (R. A.)
New International Version
734. BIBLE - NIV
NVI-pt 2011
Biblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Internacional
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
735. BIBLE - NIV
NVI-br 2011
Nova Versão Internacional
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
New Testament
736. New Testament
BDJ 1981
Bíblia de Jerusalem
737. New Testament
Bíblia Peshitta Completa Novo Testamento
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
738. New Testament - ERV
VFL 1999
Perjanjian Novo Testamento: Versão Fácil de Ler
Portuguese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

World Bible Translation Center

56 Kinyarwanda - Kinyarwanda
739. New Testament
BYSB 2001
Bibiliya Yera

Bible Society of Rwanda

57 Limba română - Romanian
740. BIBLE
VBA 2001
Versiunea Bartolomeu Anania
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Română a Vadului, Feleacului şi Clujului

741. BIBLE - Catholic
VBRC 2013
Versiunea Biblia Romano-Catolică
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Departamentul de Cercetare Biblică al Diecezei Romano-Catolice de Iaşi

742. BIBLE
BIV 2014
Biblia în versuri
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Ioan Ciorca

743. BIBLE
BLAJ 1795
Biblia de la Blaj
744. BIBLE
BOS 1982
Biblia Ortodoxă Sinodală
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune Ortodoxă

745. BIBLE
BRC 1939
Biblia Regele Carol II
746. BIBLE
BTF 2015
Biblia Traducerea Fidela
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Dr Brian J Nibbe

747. BIBLE
BVA 2018
Biblia în Versiune Actualizată
Bible in Updated Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Viorel Silion

748. BIBLE
GBV 2001
Biblia GBV
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

GBV Romania

749. BIBLE
SBB 1921
Biblia SBB

Societatea Biblică Britanică

750. BIBLE
VBT 2002
Versiunea Biblică Trinitariană

Trinitarian Bible Society

751. BIBLE
VDC 1924
Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu
Dumitru Cornilescu

New Testament
752. New Testament
BLG 1648
Noul Testament de la Bălgrad
753. New Testament
CLV 1993
Noul Testament CLV

Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung

754. New Testament
CV 2013
Cuvântul viu
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Editura Agape

755. New Testament
NTIT 1984
Noul Testament pe Înţelesul Tuturor
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Living Bible International

756. New Testament
NTS 1857
Noul Testament de la Smirna
757. New Testament
TINT 2009
Traducerea Interconfesională a Noului Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Societatea Biblică Interconfesională din România

758. New Testament
TLRC 1998
Traducere în Limba Română Contemporană

International Bible Society

759. New Testament
VDCM 2003
Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu Modernizată

Societatea Misionară Română & Editura Lumina Lumii

58 Српски - Serbian
760. BIBLE
SDK 1865
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Написание кириллицей.
Vuk Karadzic, Jura Danichich
Vuk Karadžić, Đuro Daničić

761. BIBLE
SDK-L 1865
Написание латиницей.
Vuk Karadzic, Jura Danichich
Vuk Karadžić, Đuro Daničić

New Testament
762. New Testament
Sveto pismo

763. New Testament
NTEC 1973
Serbian Emilijan Carnić NT
764. New Testament
NTLB 1938
Novi Zavet
Dr Lujo Bakotic

765. New Testament
Свето Писмо
766. New Testament
SDS 1934
Нови завјет
Dimiry Stefanovich
Димитрије Стефановић

767. New Testament - ERV
ERV-sr 2003
Савремени Српски Превод. Нови Завет
Serbian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

59 slovenčina - Slovak
768. BIBLE
SEBD 2008
Slovenský Ekumenický Biblia

Slovenská biblická spoločnosť

769. BIBLE
Slovenský evanjelický preklad

Slovenská biblická spoločnosť

770. BIBLE
Preklad Jozefa Roháčka AV
Autorizovaná verzia Dušana Seberíniho.
Jozef Rohachek
Jozef Roháček

771. BIBLE
RSB 1936
Svätá Biblia v preklade Jozefa Roháčka
Roháček Slovakian Bible
Jozef Rohachek
Jozef Roháček

772. BIBLE
SEB 2008
Slovenský ekumenický preklad
Slovak Ecumenical Translation

Slovenská biblická spoločnosť

60 slovenski jezik - Slovene
773. BIBLE
SSV 2008
Sveto Pismo
Slovenian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Some books
774. Some books
ŽJ 2015
Življenje z Jezusom

Bible Society of Slovenia

New Testament
775. New Testament
JUB 1990
Jubilejni prevod Nove zaveze

United Bible Societies

776. New Testament
ZNZ 2014
Živa Nova zaveza


777. New Testament
PREK 1928
Prekmurska NZ & Psalmi

Bible Society of Slovenia

61 af Soomaali - Somali
778. BIBLE
KQA 2008
Kitaabka Quduuska Ah
Somali Bible

Society for International Ministries-Kenya

62 kiswahili - Swahili
779. BIBLE
BHN 2001
Biblia Habari Njema
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
780. BIBLE
SUV 1997
Swahili Union Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Bible Society of Tanzania

New Testament
781. New Testament
SWNT 1989
Agano Jipya Na Zaburi
Swahili New Testament


63 تاجیکی - Tajik
782. BIBLE
KM 2016
Китоби Муқаддас
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Ҷамъияти Китоби Муқаддас

New Testament
783. New Testament
TgNT 2021
New Testament in Tajik
Provided by Josua König (

Институт перевода Библии

64 ภาษาไทย - Thai
784. BIBLE - KJV
TKJV 2003
ไทยฉบับ KJV
Thai KJV Bible
Перевод с английской KJV.
New Testament
785. New Testament - ERV
ERV-th 2001
Thai New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

65 Türkçe - Turkish
786. BIBLE
KK 2002
KUTSAL KITAP Yeni Ceviri / Eski ve Yeni Antlasma (Tevrat, Zeburil)
Turkish Bible
787. BIBLE
NTB 2001
Kutsal Kitap
New Turkish Bible
788. BIBLE
TUR 1994
Kutsal Kitap
Turkish Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

The Translation Trust

New Testament
789. New Testament
INC 1987
Turkish New Testament

The Translation Trust

66 Түркмен дили - Turkmen
790. BIBLE
TKL 2016
Mukaddes Kitap türkmen dilinde
Bible (Latin)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Институт перевода Библии

New Testament
791. New Testament
TKCI 2010
Bible in Turkmen
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Написание кириллицей.

Институт перевода Библии

792. New Testament
TKLI 2010
Mukaddes Kitap
Bible in Turkmen
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Написание латиницей.

Институт перевода Библии

67 Ўзбек тили - Uzbek
793. New Testament
UZC 2009
Ҳaёт китаби
Tavrot in Uzbek
Написание кириллицей.

Муқаддас Китоб Таржима қилиш Институти

794. New Testament
UZNT 2009
Ҳaёт китаби
Tavrot in Uzbek
Написание латиницей.

Муқаддас Китоб Таржима қилиш Институти

795. New Testament
UZIBT 2008
Ўзбек тилидаги Инжил

Муқаддас Китоб Таржима қилиш Институти

796. New Testament
O‘zbek tilidagi Injil

Муқаддас Китоб Таржима қилиш Институти

68 فارسی - Persian
797. BIBLE
FB 1896
کتاب مقدس
Farsi Bible
798. BIBLE
OPV 1815
Old Persian Version
ترجمه قدیم
799. BIBLE
TPV 2007
کتاب مقدس
Today's Persian Version

United Bible Soceities

69 suomi - Finnish
800. BIBLE
KR 1992
Jumalan Kansan Raamattu
New Church Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon

801. BIBLE
KINB 1933-1938
Biblia. Kirkkoraamattu
Church Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Erik Rothovius

Finnish Lutheran Church

802. BIBLE
FI76 1776
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon

70 français - French
803. BIBLE
SBF 2016
La Sainte Bible de Machaira
Jean leDuc

804. BIBLE
SBF 1904
La Bible Machaira
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Jean leDuc

805. BIBLE
NBS 2002
Nouvelle Bible Segond

Société biblique française

806. BIBLE
NEG 1979
Nouvelle Edition de Genève

Société Biblique de Genève

807. BIBLE
PDV 2000
Bible Parole de Vie

Société biblique française

808. BIBLE - Catholic
BCC 1923
Bible catholique Crampon
809. BIBLE
BBB 1900
Bible Bovet Bonnet
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
810. BIBLE
BDP 1998
Bible des Peuples
Peoples Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Bernard and Louis Yuro
Bernard et Louis Hureau

811. BIBLE
BDS 1992
La Bible du Semeur


812. BIBLE
BFC 1997
La Bible en français courant
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Société Biblique de Genève

813. BIBLE
BV 1902
Bible de Pirot Clamer
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Clamer Pirot

814. BIBLE
BCC 1923
Bible catholique Crampon
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Augustin Crampon

815. BIBLE
DMB 1744
La Bible Martin
Martin Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
David Martin

816. BIBLE
JB 1966
La Bible de Jérusalem
Jerusalem Bible

Darton, Longman & Todd

817. BIBLE
LBM 2012
La Bible de Zadoc Khan
Zadoc Kahn

818. BIBLE
OST 1877
La Bible Ostervald
French Ostervald revision
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Jean-Frédéric Osterwald

819. BIBLE
OSTr 1996
La Bible Ostervald
French Ostervald revision
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Jean-Frédéric Osterwald

820. BIBLE - Catholic
BdM 1701
Bible de Sacy
Bible de Mons.
Louis-Isaac Lemaître de Sacy


Католический перевод.

821. BIBLE - Geneva
BPC 1560
Bible de Genève
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Pierre Robert Olivétan

Bible Segond
822. BIBLE
LSG 1910
La Bible Segond
Segond Bible
Louis Segond

823. BIBLE
SG21 2007
La Bible Segond 21
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Société Biblique de Genève

Darby Bible
824. BIBLE - DBY
FR2 2013
French Darby translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red


Considérée comme l'une des traductions françaises les plus proches de l'original.
Dernières corrections apportées le 6 août 2013.

825. BIBLE - DBY
DBY 1890
la Bible de Darby
Darby Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
John Nelson Darby

826. BIBLE - DBY
DBY 2006
Bible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
King James Versions
827. BIBLE - KJV
PGR 1861
King James Française
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
828. BIBLE - KJV
KJF 1902
Bible Vigouroux
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Abbé Fulcran Vigouroux

New Testament
829. New Testament
BdG 1669
Sainte Bible Fillion
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Louis-Claude Fillion

Old Testament
830. Old Testament
BZK 1899
French Darby
John Nelson Darby

71 هَرْشَن هَوْسَ - Hausa
831. BIBLE
HAU 2010
Littafi Mai Tsarki

Bible Society of Nigeria

72 हिन्दी - Hindi
832. BIBLE
Hindi Holy Bible
833. BIBLE
HIND 2016
पवित्र बाइबिल

Bible Society of India

834. BIBLE
HBSI 2002
पवित्र बाइबिल
Hindi Bible

Bible Society of India

835. BIBLE
Pavitra Baaibil
Hindi Transliterated Bible
Romanized Bible.
Living translation
836. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-hi 2010
पवित्र बाइबिल
Hindi Bible. Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

73 hrvatski - Croatian
837. BIBLE
KS 1974
Krscanska sadasnjost
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Dr Jure Kaštelan, Dr Bonaventura Duda

838. BIBLE
GKS 2010
Biblija (Šarić)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
839. BIBLE
HRV 1942
Biblija na hrvatskom
Bible in Croatian
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
New Testament
840. New Testament
HNZ-RI 2001
Hrvatski Novi Zavjet – Rijeka
74 Čeština - Czech
841. BIBLE - Catholic
CEP 1979
Ekumenický překlad
Podle katolického a pravoslavného kánonu.
842. BIBLE
B21 2009
Překlad 21. století
Bible 21
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.


843. BIBLE
BK 1613
Bible kralická
Bible of Kralice
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Jednota bratrská

844. BIBLE
ČEP 1979
Český ekumenický překlad
Czech ecumenical translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

České biblické společnosti

845. BIBLE
ČSP 2009
Český studijní překlad
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Nadační fond překladu Bible

846. BIBLE
PMPZ 2014
Český studijní překlad Miloše Pavlíka
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Miloš Pavlík

New Testament
847. New Testament
BKR 1579
Bible kralická
Bible of Kralice
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

Jednota bratrská

848. New Testament
BKR 1613
Bible kralická
Bible of Kralice

Jednota bratrská

849. New Testament
COL 1947
Nový zákon
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Sýkorův překlad v revisi Hejčlově.
Dr Rudolf Col

850. New Testament
KMS 2000
Nová smlouva
New Testament
851. New Testament
SYK 1922
Nový zákon
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Dr Jan Ladislav Sýkora

Old Testament
852. Old Testament
HEJCL 1930
Starý zákon a deuterokanonické knihy
Dr Jan Hejčl

75 Svenska - Swedish
853. BIBLE
KXII 1873
Karl XII:s bibel
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
854. BIBLE
S17 1917
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
855. BIBLE
DNF 2014
Svenska Folkbibeln
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Den nya Folkbibeln.
856. BIBLE
SFB 1998
Svenska Folkbibeln
Swedish Folk Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.

SFB Foundation

76 chiShona - Shona
857. BIBLE
BDCS 2005
Bhaibheri Dzvene MuChiShona
The Holy Bible in Shona


77 Esperanto, gloss - Esperanto, gloss
858. BIBLE
ESP 1926
La Sankta Biblio
Holy Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof
Ludoviko Lazaro Zamenhof

859. BIBLE
ESP 1926
La Sankta Biblio, sen Ĉapelo
Esperanto Non Diacritics Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof
Ludoviko Lazaro Zamenhof

860. Some books
Книги Нового Завета на языке глосса
New Testament in Gloss
Gary Miller

861. Some books
Klingon Version

Universal Translator Assistant Project

78 eesti keel - Estonian
862. BIBLE
EEB 1739
Estonian Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
79 Basa Jawa - Javanese
863. BIBLE
JAV 1981
Kitab Sutji

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

80 日本語 - Japanese
864. BIBLE
JCB 2001
Japanese Living Bible
865. BIBLE - KJV
KOG 1955
Colloquial Japanese — Kougoyaku
Senji Kuroi
長部 舜二郎

Japanese Bible Society


81 Taqbaylit - Kabyle (Algeria)
866. New Testament
NTKab 2001
Awal N Tudert Adlis N Leqed Ajdid
Kabyle New Testament

French Bible Society

82 دری - Dari
867. BIBLE
DariB 2007
Dari Bible
Côte d'Ivoire
83 Yaouré - Yaouré
868. New Testament
YRENT 1999
Bali -le 'fluba 'trɛ Zozi blamin pli Bali man 'e 'pee

Wycliffe Bible Translators

869. BIBLE
AYOP 1997
Biblia Aymara, Qullan Arunaca

Sociedad Bíblica Boliviana

84 Simba - Western Bolivian Guarani
870. New Testament
GUINT 2012
Nuevo Testamento Guaraní Pe

Wycliffe Bible Translators

85 Cavineña - Cavineña
871. New Testament
CAVNT 2012
Yusuja Quisarati

Wycliffe Bible Translators

86 Guanano - Wanano
872. New Testament
GVC 2007
Cohamacʉ Yare Yahari Tjuel
New Testament in Guanano

Wycliffe Bible Translators

87 Tacana - Tacana
873. New Testament
TNANT 2009
Diusu sa mimi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

88 Chokobo-Pakawara - Chácobo
874. New Testament
CAONT 2010
Dios Chani

Wycliffe Bible Translators

89 Ese Ejja - ese ejja
875. New Testament
ESENT 2012
Eyacuiñajjija Esohui
New Testament in Ese Ejja

Wycliffe Bible Translators

90 Apalaí - Apalaí
876. New Testament
APY 1969
O Novo Testamento na Apalaí do Brazil
The New Testament in Apalaí of Brazil

Wycliffe Bible Translators

91 guarani - guarani
877. BIBLE
GUN 1999
A Bíblia Sagrada na língua guarani mbyá do Brasil
92 Kadiwéu - Kadiwéu
878. New Testament
KBC 2014
Novo Testamento na língua Kadiwéu do Brasil
93 Karajá - Karajá
879. New Testament
KPJ 2014
Novo Testamento na lingua Karajá do Brasil

Wycliffe Bible Translators

94 Kayapó - Kayapo
880. New Testament
TXU 2011
O Novo Testamento na lingual Kayapó

Bible League International

95 Cubeo - pãmié
881. New Testament
CUBNT 2009
Majepacʉ jʉ̃menijicʉi yávaiye mamaene coyʉitucubo
New Testament in Cubeo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

96 Makuxi - Macushi
882. New Testament
MBJ 2011
O Novo Testamento na língua Nadëb do Brasil
The New Testament in Nadëb of Brazil

Wycliffe Bible Translators

97 Kaburi - Nadëb
883. New Testament
MBC 1996
The New Testament in Macushi of Brazil
O Novo Testamento na língua Macushi do Brasil

Wycliffe Bible Translators

98 Paumarí - Paumarí
884. New Testament
PADNT 2010
Deus Athi Kapapirani Hida

Wycliffe Bible Translators

99 Sataré - Mawé
885. New Testament
MAV 1986
O Novo Testamento na língua Sateré-Mawé do Brasil
The New Testament in Sateré-Mawé of Brazil.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

100 Etelena - Terêna
886. New Testament
TER 1994
O Novo Testamento na lingua Terêna

Bible League International

101 Dahseyé - Tucano
887. New Testament
TUONT 2009
Õ'âkĩ̶ hɨ yeere uúkũri turi Tukano

Wycliffe Bible Translators

102 Hixkaryána - Hixkaryána
888. New Testament
HIX 1976
Novo Testamento na língua Hixkaryána

Wycliffe Bible Translators

103 A’uwe - Xavante
889. New Testament
XAV 2004
O Novo Testamento na xavánte
Burkina Faso
104 Zarmaciine - Zarma
890. BIBLE
ZarB 1990
Zarma Bible
105 Jarai - Jarai
891. New Testament
JrNT 2014
Jarai NT

United Bible Soceities

106 Kekchi - Q’eqchi’
892. BIBLE
KEKB 2000
Q'eqchi Bible

Wycliffe Bible Translators

107 Qyol Mam - Mam
893. New Testament
MAMNT 2000
Acʼaj testamento
El Nuevo testamento in Mam de Todos Santos.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

108 Poqomchi' - Poqomchi'
894. New Testament
POHNT 2012
Reꞌ Lokꞌ Laj Hu̱j Wilic wi̱ꞌ Ribiral i Jesus

Wycliffe Bible Translators

109 Sosoxi - Susu
895. New Testament
SUS 2015
Inyila Isa a nun Isa xa Xɛɛrae xa Sɛbɛli Sɛniyɛnxie

Wycliffe Bible Translators

110 Garifuna - Garifuna
896. New Testament
CABNT 2012
Lerérun Búngiu To Lánina Iséri Darádu

Wycliffe Bible Translators

111 Tolpan - Tol
897. New Testament
JICNT 2010
Dios Tjevele Jupj 'Üsüs La Qjuisiji Jesucristo Mpes

Wycliffe Bible Translators

112 ϯⲙⲉⲑⲣⲉⲙⲛ̀ⲭⲏⲙⲓ ~ ⲧⲙⲛ̄ⲧⲣⲙ̄ⲛ̄ⲕⲏⲙⲉ - Coptic
898. New Testament
BCNT 2011
Bohairic New Testament
The Bohairic New Testament in Standardized Form
899. New Testament
Coptic New Testament
900. New Testament
SahNT 2006
A New Edition of the New Testament in Sahidic Coptic
J Warren Wells

113 Chinyanja - Nyanja
901. BIBLE
BL 1992
Buku Lopatulika

Zambia Bible Society, Malawi Bible Society and Zimbabwe Bible Society

114 अवधी - Awadhi
902. New Testament - ERV
ERV-awa 2005
Awadhi New Testament-FL-Easy to Read

World Bible Translation Center

115 ગુજરાતી - Gujarati
903. New Testament - ERV
ERV-gu 2005
Gujarati New Testament: Easy-To-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

116 ಕನ್ನಡ - Kannada
904. BIBLE
ಕ್ರೈಸ್ತರ ಧರ್ಮಗ್ರಂಥ
Kannada Bible

Bible Society of India

905. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-kn 2007
ಕ್ರೈಸ್ತರ ಧರ್ಮಗ್ರಂಥ
Kannada Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

906. BIBLE - KJV
Kannada KJV
117 Mizo ṭawng - Mizo
907. New Testament
Mizo Bible
118 मराठी - Marathi
908. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-mr 1998
Marathi Bible: Easy to Read

World Bible Translation Center

119 ଓଡ଼ିଆ - Oriya
909. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-or 2010
Oriya Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

120 ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - Punjabi
910. New Testament - ERV
ERV-pa 2002
Punjabi New Testament: Easy to Read

World Bible Translation Center

911. BIBLE
Pait 1971
Paite Bible
121 தமிழ் - Tamil
912. BIBLE
Tamil Bible

دار الكتاب المقدس الهندية

913. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-TA 2005
Tamil Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

122 తెలుగు - Telugu
914. BIBLE
TBO 1880
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము
Telugu Bible Original Version

دار الكتاب المقدس الهندية

915. BIBLE
TelB 2016
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము
Telugu Bible

دار الكتاب المقدس الهندية

916. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-TE 2012
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము
Telugu Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

917. BIBLE
TELOV 2016
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము
OV Bible

Bible Society of India

123 Basa Bali - Balinese
918. BIBLE
BAN 1990
Cakepan Suci

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

124 Pitu Ulunna Salu - Bambam
919. BIBLE
Suha’ Maseho: Kadadiam anna Pa’dandiam Bakahu

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

125 Cakap Karo - Batak Karo
920. BIBLE
BTX-ID 2003
Pustaka Si Badi

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

126 Sahap Simalungun - Batak Simalungun
921. BIBLE
BTS 2007

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

127 Tombo Manggarai - Manggarainese
922. New Testament
BMNT 2013
Bahasa Manggarai New Testament

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

128 Li Niha - Nias
923. BIBLE
NIA 2009
Soera Ni’amoni’ö

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

129 Asante Twi - Twi
924. New Testament
NATWI 2000
Akuapem Twi New Testament and Psalm


130 bahasa Batak Toba - Toba Batak
925. BIBLE
BBC 1998

Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia

926. New Testament
Uma 1996
New Testament Uma
131 کوردیی ناوەندی - Sorani Kurdish
927. New Testament
KurNT 2011
IBS Modern Sorani


132 Euskara - Basque
928. BIBLE
EAB 2008
Elizen Arteko Biblia
Biblia en Euskara, Traducción Interconfesional.

Sociedad Bíblica de España

929. New Testament
BHNT 1571
New Testament (in Basque)
Pierre Hautin

133 galego - Galician
930. New Testament
MYU 2010
Nuevo Testamento na Mundurukú

Wycliffe Bible Translators

134 Míkmawísimk - Mi'kmaq
931. New Testament
MIQNT 1998
Gelulg Glusuaqan: Gisiteget Agnutmugsi'gw

Wycliffe Bible Translators

135 Sebei - Sabaot
932. New Testament
SPYNT 2011
Biibilya Nyēē Tiliil

Wycliffe Bible Translators

136 Хуэйзў йүян - Dungan
933. Some books
DNG 2015
Сульманэди Цунмин Хуа

Институт перевода Библии

137 བོད་སྐད་ - Standard Tibetan
934. New Testament - KJV
STT 2015
Tibetan NT Bible Team
Tibetan Bible courtesy of STT Perjanjian-Nya Kabanjahe.
138 Huitoto - Witoto
935. New Testament
HTO 2011
Juziñamui Ñuera Uai

Wycliffe Bible Translators

139 Noanamá - Woun Meu
936. New Testament
NOAE 2011
Ẽwandam Iek

Wycliffe Bible Translators

937. New Testament
NOAH 2011
Hẽwandam Hiek

Wycliffe Bible Translators

140 Jiwi - Guahibo
938. New Testament
GUH 2011
Dios pejumelivaisibaxuto pejanalivaisibaxuto

Wycliffe Bible Translators

141 Guayabero - Jiw
939. New Testament
GUONT 2009
Pajelwʉajan Dios pejjamechan
New Testament in Guayabero

Wycliffe Bible Translators

142 Camsá - Camsá
940. New Testament
KBH 2009
Bëngbe Bëtsa Cabëngaftaca Entsoyebuambna

Wycliffe Bible Translators

143 Carapana - Mõxtã
941. New Testament
CBCNT 2012
Dios Cʉ̃ Cauetibʉjʉ Cũrĩcã Tuti
New Testament in Carapana

Wycliffe Bible Translators

144 Namrrik - Guambiano
942. New Testament
GUM 2009
Nacom Pejume Diwesi po diwesi pena jume diwesi xua Jesucristo yabara tinatsi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

145 Comaltepec Chinantec - Jmii’
943. New Testament
CCONT 2002
Júu ʼmɨ́ɨ e cacuo fidiée
New Testament in Chinantec, Comaltepec

Wycliffe Bible Translators

146 Cuiba - Cuiba
944. New Testament
CUI 2010
Nacom Pejume Diwesi po diwesi pena jume diwesi xua Jesucristo yabara tinatsi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

147 Macuna-Erulia - Macuna
945. New Testament
MYY 2012
Dios Oca Tuti

Wycliffe Bible Translators

148 Piratapuyo - Piratapuyo
946. New Testament
PIRNT 2011
Cohãcjʉ̃ Yere Yahuducuri Tju

Wycliffe Bible Translators

149 Wa’ikhana - Tatuyo
947. New Testament
TAV 2009
Dio Wadarique

Wycliffe Bible Translators

150 Tunebo - Central Tunebo
948. New Testament
TUF 2011
Sir chihtá

Wycliffe Bible Translators

151 Saija - Epena
949. New Testament
SJANT 2005
Tachi ak'õre pedee

Wycliffe Bible Translators

152 Jukuna - Yucuna
950. New Testament
YCN 2011
Tupana Puraca'alo Mari

Wycliffe Bible Translators

153 Jaku Iban - Iban
951. BIBLE
BK 1988
Bup Kudus

Bible Society of Malaysia

154 Amatlán Zapotec - Amatlán Zapotec
952. New Testament
ZPONT 2009
Wdizh kwaan nyaadno yalnaban

Wycliffe Bible Translators

155 Atatláhuca Mixtec - Atatláhuca Mixtec
953. New Testament
MIBNT 1973
Nuevo Testamento en mixteco de Atatláhuca

Wycliffe Bible Translators

156 Upper Necaxa Totonac - Upper Necaxa Totonac
954. New Testament
TKUNT 1999
Xasāstiʼ testamento
Xatze tachihuīn ixpālacata Jesucristo.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

157 Diuxi-tilantongo - Tilantongo Mixtec
955. New Testament
XTDNT 2001
Tnuʼu vaʼa tnuʼu Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

158 Isthmus Zapotec - Isthmus Zapotec
956. New Testament
ZAINT 1988
Stiidxa Dios didxazá
El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro señor Jesucristo en el Zapoteco del Istmo.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

159 Yosondúa Mixtec - Yosondúa Mixtec
957. New Testament
MPMNT 1988
Nuevo Testamento en mixteco de Yosondúa

Wycliffe Bible Translators

160 Querétaro Otomi - Querétaro Otomi
958. New Testament
OTQNT 2009
Àr 'ra'yo nkohi Jö har ñhöñhö maxei nto̱ngwi ár mahwifi har ha̱i m'onda ne har ñhömfo̱

Wycliffe Bible Translators

161 Quioquitani-Quierí Zapotec - Quioquitani-Quierí Zapotec
959. New Testament
ZTQNT 2009
Tiits nii xnee kyalmbañ; El Nuevo Testamento en el zapoteco de Quioquitani

Wycliffe Bible Translators

162 Coatecas Altas Zapotec - Coatecas Altas Zapotec
960. New Testament
ZCANT 2013
Widi'zh che'n Jesukrist kwa'n kinu yalnaban

Wycliffe Bible Translators

163 Coatzospan - Coatzospan Mixtec
961. New Testament
MIZNT 2003
Tūʼún xuva kō vatā ó ntákaʼan ña ñuú Coatzospan

Wycliffe Bible Translators

164 Cora - El Nayar Cora
962. New Testament
CRNNT 2008
Ɨ niuucari tɨ jejcua, tɨ ajta jɨme'en ra'axa a'ɨjna ɨ tavastara'a, ɨ Cɨriistu'u tɨ ji'i Jesús tɨ̀ tu'irájtuaa

Wycliffe Bible Translators

165 Coyutla Totonac - Coyutla Totonac
963. New Testament
TOCNT 2006
Xasasti talacaxlan

Wycliffe Bible Translators

166 Huastec - Teutila Cuicatec
964. New Testament
HUS05 2005
An it jilchith cau cʼal i Ajatic Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

965. New Testament
HUS71 1971
An it jilchith cau cʼal i Ajatic Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

167 Jach-t’aan - Lacandon
966. New Testament
LACNT 1978
A quet u tʼʌnoʼ a ricʼbenoʼ

Wycliffe Bible Translators

168 Lalana Chinantec - Lalana Chinantec
967. New Testament
CNLNT 2012
Júu² 'mɨɨn³² 'e³ ca²³ŋɨń² Dios

Wycliffe Bible Translators

169 Lachixío Zapotec - Lachixío Zapotec
968. New Testament
ZPLNT 2010
Stichia' Diose dialu

Wycliffe Bible Translators

170 Latani Chinantec - Lealao Chinantec
969. New Testament
CLENT 2009
Ja̱³la³ fáh⁴dxa⁴²dxú⁴ hi³mɨɨ³² chiáh² Ñúh³a² Jesucristo; Salmos

Wycliffe Bible Translators

171 Magdalena Peñasco - Magdalena Peñasco Mixtec
970. New Testament
Tnu'u vii tnu'u va'a Su'si ma

Wycliffe Bible Translators

172 Mezquital Otomi - Mezquital Otomi
971. New Testament
OTENT 2008
Ra 'Ra'yo Testamento

Wycliffe Bible Translators

173 Mitla Zapotec - Mitla Zapotec
972. New Testament
ZAWNT 2008
Xtidxcoob Dios ni biädnä dad Jesucrist

Wycliffe Bible Translators

174 Pómaro Nahuatl - Michoacán Nahuatl
973. New Testament
NCLNT 1998
Ilajtulisli Yancuic toTata Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

175 Miahuatlán Zapotec - Miahuatlán Zapotec
974. New Testament
ZAMNT 1971
Testament cub coʼ nac diʼs ndac cheʼn Tad Jesucrist

Wycliffe Bible Translators

176 Ocotepec Mixtec - Ocotepec Mixtec
975. New Testament
MIENT 1977
Nuevo Testamento en mixteco de Ocotepec

Wycliffe Bible Translators

177 Ocotlán Zapotec - Ocotlán Zapotec
976. New Testament
ZACNT 1983
Dizaʼquë shtë Dios con dizë

Wycliffe Bible Translators

178 Ozolotepec Zapotec - Ozolotepec Zapotec
977. New Testament
ZAONT 2007
Diiz kuu ndyaadno yalnaban

Wycliffe Bible Translators

179 Chinantec of Ozumacín - Chinanteco de Ayotzintepec
978. New Testament
Hmooh hmëë he- ga-jmee Jesucristo; Salmos
New Testament and Psalms in Chinantec, Ozumacín

Wycliffe Bible Translators

180 Tlatepuzco Chinantec - Palantla Chinantec
979. New Testament
CPANT 1973
El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro señor Jesucristo: Versión chinanteca

Wycliffe Bible Translators

181 Papantla Totonac - Lowland Totonac
980. New Testament
TOPNT 1979
Xasasti talaccaxlan

Wycliffe Bible Translators

182 Peñoles - Peñoles Mixtec
981. New Testament
Tnúhu ní cáháⁿ yǎ ndiǒxí xito cùu uú

Wycliffe Bible Translators

183 Pinotepa Nacional Mixtec - Pinotepa Nacional Mixtec
982. New Testament
MIONT 1980
Tutu chaa cha iyo cuenda ra hahnu Jesucristo\
El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro señor Jesucristo.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

184 Highland Popoluca - Highland Popoluca
983. New Testament
POINT 2002
Jém jomipɨc trato jém iwatnewɨɨp tánomi Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

185 Rincón Zapotec - Rincón Zapotec
984. New Testament
ZARNT 2009
Didza' cubi rucá'ana tsahui'

Wycliffe Bible Translators

186 Amuzgoan - San Pedro Amuzgos
985. New Testament
AZGNT 1992
Jnʼoon xco na tquen tyoʼtsʼon

Wycliffe Bible Translators

187 Ombeayiiüts - San Mateo del Mar
986. New Testament
HUVNT 2009
Jayats nanderac wüx miteatiiüts Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

188 San Juan Colorado Mixtec - San Juan Colorado Mixtec
987. New Testament
MJCNT 1994
Tuhun tsaa tsa nacoo̱ jutu mañi yo Jesucristo tsi yo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

189 Santo Domingo Albarradas Zapotec - Santo Domingo Albarradas Zapotec
988. New Testament
ZASNT 2010
Xtiidx Dios

Wycliffe Bible Translators

190 Northern Oaxaca Nahuatl - Northern Oaxaca Nahuatl
989. New Testament
NHYNT 2006
Itlajtol totajtzin Dios = El Nuevo Testamento

Wycliffe Bible Translators

191 Silacayoapan Mixtec - Silacayoapan Mixtec
990. New Testament
MKSNT 2009
Tu̱hun sa̱á ña̱ na̱jándacoo Jesucristo nu̱ yo̱: El Nuevo Testamento en el mixteco de Silacayoapan

Wycliffe Bible Translators

192 Zoogocho Zapotec - Zoogocho Zapotec
991. New Testament
ZPQNT 1987
Dižaʼ güen c̱he ancho Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

193 Highland Puebla Nahuatl - Highland Puebla Nahuatl
992. New Testament
AZZNT 1981
In cuali tajtoltzin de Dios

Wycliffe Bible Translators

194 Tabaa Zapotec - Tabaa Zapotec
993. New Testament
Xela wezria cube nen salmo caʼ

Wycliffe Bible Translators

195 San Jerónimo Tecóatl - Tecóatl Mazatec
994. New Testament
MAANT 2013
'Én-la̱ Nainá xi kjoa̱ ts'e̱ Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

196 Tepetotutla Chinantec - Tepetotutla Chinantec
995. New Testament
CUCNT 2004
Jau²³ hm²³ i⁴ra³tya²³ nei² quieh¹ re¹ Jesucristo quian⁴-¹

Wycliffe Bible Translators

197 Tlachichilco Tepehua - Tlachichilco Tepehua
996. New Testament
TPTNT 2004
Ixchivinti Dios: ni sastʼi chivinti yu Dios jatʼatamakaul ixlapanakni laka lhimasipijni

Wycliffe Bible Translators

198 Totontepec - Totontepec Mixe
997. New Testament
MTONT 1989
Ya̱ʼa̱ tseʼe je̱ nam ko̱jtstán juuʼ veʼe je̱ Nteʼyamˍ xyaktaajnjimdu je̱ nMa̱j Vintsá̱namda Jesucristo ka̱jx

Wycliffe Bible Translators

199 Tojolabal - Tojolabal
998. New Testament
TOJNT 1972
Ja yajcʼachil testamento sbaj ja cajualtic Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

200 En Ngixo - Huautla Mazatec
999. New Testament
MAUNT 1960
Xon⁴-le⁴ ni³na¹ xi³ tʔa³tsʔe⁴ Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

201 Wixárika Niukiyari - Huichol
1000. New Testament
HCHNT 1988
Cacaüyari niuquieya xapayari türatu hecuame hepaüsita tatiʼaitüvame tasivicueisitüvame Quesusi Cürisitu miʼatüa

Wycliffe Bible Translators

202 Usila - Usila Chinantec
1001. New Testament
CUXNT 1974
Nduudu nʼdai yeⁿʼe Ndyuūs yeⁿʼe cuicateco yeⁿʼe Tepeuxila

Wycliffe Bible Translators

203 Jalapa de Díaz - Jalapa de Díaz Mazatec
1002. New Testament
MAJNT 2013
Éhe̱n Nti̱a̱ná

Wycliffe Bible Translators

204 Cristobál-Chayuco - Jamiltepec Mixtec
1003. New Testament
MXTNT 1983
Tuhun cha sañahá ra Jesucristo chi yo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

205 Bats'i k'op - Tzotzil
1004. New Testament
TZONT 1995
Jaʼ ti achʼ Testamento: jaʼ scʼopilal ti Jesucristoe jaʼ ti Jcoltavanej cuʼuntique

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1005. New Testament
TZOSA 1983
Achʼ Testamento: Jaʼ scʼoplal ti jaʼ Cajcoltavanejtic li Cajvaltic Jesucristoe

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1006. New Testament
Sc'op riox: ja' li' yaloj ti chac' jcuxlejaltic ta sbatel osli ti cajvaltic Jesucristoe

Wycliffe Bible Translators

206 Chichicapan Zapotec - Chichicapan Zapotec
1007. New Testament
ZPVNT 1990
Xchiʼdxyi cuubi dxiohs nin bieʼgaluuʼyi daada Jesucristu
El Nuevo Testamento en el zapoteco de Chichicapan y en español.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

207 Choapan Zapotec - Choapan Zapotec
1008. New Testament
ZPCNT 1986
Xtiʼidzaʼ Diuzi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

208 Tila Chol - Ch'ol
1009. New Testament
CTU 1976
Jini wen bʌ tʼan

Wycliffe Bible Translators

209 Tabasco Chontal - Yokot t'an
1010. New Testament
CHFNT 1977
U Chʼuʼul Tʼan Dios
New Testament in Chontal, Tabasco

Wycliffe Bible Translators

210 Xicotepec De Juárez Totonac - Apapantilla Totonac
1011. New Testament
TOONT 1978
Huan Xasāstiʼ testamento: Huan xatzey tachihuīn ixpālacata Jesucristo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

211 Yalálag Zapotec - Yalálag Zapotec
1012. New Testament
ZPUNT 2000
Diʼll danʼ nsaʼa yel nban
El Nuevo Testamento en el Zapoteco de Yalálag.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

212 Pohnpei - Pohnpeian
1013. BIBLE
PohB 2006
Bible in Pohnpeian language

Bible Society of the South Pacific

213 Gagauz dili - Gagauz
1014. New Testament
GGZC 2006
Ени Бааланты гагауз дилиндӓ

Institute for Bible Translation

1015. New Testament
GGZL 2006
Eni Baalantı gagauz dilindä

Institute for Bible Translation

214 Matu Chin - Matu Chin
1016. BIBLE
MCSB 2015
Matupi Chin Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
215 Oshikwanyama - Kwanyama
1017. BIBLE
OKYB 2012
Ombibeli Iyapuki

Namibia Bible Society

216 Oshindonga - Ndonga
1018. BIBLE
ONDB 2008
Ombiimbeli Ondjapuki

Bible Society of Namibia

217 Asụsụ Igbo - Igbo
1019. BIBLE
IGBOB 2010
Bible NSO

Bible Society of Nigeria

218 اردو - Urdu (Pakistan)
1020. BIBLE
UGV 2017
Urdu Geo Version

Geolink Resource Consultants

1021. BIBLE
URD 2010
Revised Urdu Bible

Pakistan Bible Society

1022. BIBLE - ERV
ERV-UR 2007
Urdu Bible: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

1023. New Testament - ERV
ERV-UR 2007
Urdu New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version

World Bible Translation Center

219 Dulegaya - Kuna Border
1024. New Testament
KVNNT 2009
Pab tummad karta pab Jesucristobal igal-pin mezhijad

Wycliffe Bible Translators

220 San Blas Kuna - San Blas Kuna
1025. Some books
CUK 2014

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1026. New Testament
CUK 2009
Bab dummad Jesucristoba igar mesisad garda

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Papua New Guinea
221 Auyana - Awiyaana
1027. New Testament
AUY 1984
Aú-aai símai kááísamakain-aai

Wycliffe Bible Translators

222 Ama - Ama
1028. New Testament
AMM 2009
Kotoni Imo Itouniyaimo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

223 Barai - Barai
1029. New Testament
BBBp 2013
Godido Vua Maeje

Wycliffe Bible Translators

224 Baruya - Baruya
1030. New Testament
BYR 1985
Yipma Genesis and New Testament

Wycliffe Bible Translators

225 Benabena - Benabena
1031. New Testament
BEF 2013
Ka Lamana'a Mono'i Lu Mu Tifi'ehina Ka Yabe

Wycliffe Bible Translators

226 Binumarien - Binumarien
1032. New Testament
BJR 2013
Fúka Moodaanaki Kira Ufa Afaqínaasa Ufa

Wycliffe Bible Translators

227 Bunama - Bunama
1033. New Testament
BDD 2013
Loina Nuahuana

Wycliffe Bible Translators

228 Weri - Weri
1034. New Testament
WER 1984
Ngönën Pepewer

Wycliffe Bible Translators

229 Wiru - Wiru
1035. New Testament
WIU 1992
Weneya Totono Keraisu Yesunomo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

230 Girawa - Girawa
1036. New Testament
BBR 2013
Anut nukan Ämän Eposek

Wycliffe Bible Translators

231 Golin - Golin
1037. New Testament
GVF 2013
God ka main buku
Golin New Testament

Wycliffe Bible Translators

232 Guhu-Samane - Guhu-Samane
1038. New Testament
GHS 1975
Poro tongo usaqe

Wycliffe Bible Translators

233 Ese or Managalasi - Ese or Managalasi
1039. New Testament
MCQ 1999
Godoni Vu'a Maiu'ina

Wycliffe Bible Translators

234 Yessan-Mayo - Yessan-Mayo
1040. New Testament
God Reri Teiktem Tuma Ager

Lutheran Bible Translators

1041. New Testament
YAWU 1996
God Eter Agerke Namderasem Tuma Yenbo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

235 Iwam - Iwam
1042. New Testament
IWS 2014
Yai Wɨn Kɨbiya

Wycliffe Bible Translators

236 Kalam - Kalam
1043. New Testament
KMH 2014
Kalam Baybol Buk Gor minim nuk kisin angayak

Wycliffe Bible Translators

237 Kanasi - Kanasi
1044. New Testament
SOQ 1996
Ina Sanaa Gagalowa

Wycliffe Bible Translators

238 Kwanga - Kwanga
1045. New Testament
KWJ 2014
Kwanga New Testament

Wycliffe Bible Translators

239 Keyagana - Keyagana
1046. New Testament
KYG 2001
Saufa Kotalake Gemae

Wycliffe Bible Translators

240 Keapara - Keapara
1047. New Testament
KHZ 2004
Vekapawai Valiguna

Wycliffe Bible Translators

241 Kein - Kein
1048. New Testament
BMH 2013
Uwait nugau Ze Naliu

Wycliffe Bible Translators

242 Koiali - Mountain Koiali
1049. New Testament
KPX 1981
Buka Tumute

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1050. New Testament
KPXNT 1981
Iesu Keliso Hotoe Tumu

Wycliffe Bible Translators

243 Komba - Komba
1051. New Testament
KPF 1980
Siŋgi Âlip Ekap

Wycliffe Bible Translators

244 Kosena - Kosena
1052. New Testament
KZE 1980
aúná-aimba simái tarúmakain-kwasai

Wycliffe Bible Translators

245 Kurada - 'Auhelawa
1053. New Testament
KUD 2014
Yaubada Yana Walo Yemidi Vauvauna

Wycliffe Bible Translators

246 Muyuw - Muyuw
1054. New Testament
MYW 1993
Kaleiwag Kweivaw

Wycliffe Bible Translators

247 Oksapmin - Oksapmin
1055. New Testament
OPM 1992
Got orhe meng brak ban

Wycliffe Bible Translators

248 Orokaiva - Orokaiva
1056. New Testament
OKV 1988
God Ta Duru Javotoho

Wycliffe Bible Translators

249 Rotokas - Rotokas
1057. New Testament
ROO 1982
Airepa Vae Reo Ovoi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

250 Salt-Yui - Salt-Yui
1058. New Testament
SLL 1978
Salt-Yui New Testament

Bible League International

251 Saposa - Saposa
1059. New Testament
SPS 2001
U Vurungan Rof Foun Ten Gov Nane Jisas Krais

Wycliffe Bible Translators

252 Seimat - Seimat
1060. New Testament
SSG 2012
Kakai Haeu

Wycliffe Bible Translators

253 Sembeleke - Sembeleke
1061. New Testament
SSX 1991

Wycliffe Bible Translators

254 Siane - Siane
1062. New Testament
Goti Ukuwala Hala

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1063. New Testament
SNP 1991
Gotiki olu kutifi ledami ka kofawa

Wycliffe Bible Translators

255 Tungag - Tungag
1064. New Testament
LCM 1999
Akus Ro na Palatung Tanginang ani Iesu Karisto

Wycliffe Bible Translators

256 Umanakaina - Umanakaina
1065. New Testament
GDN 2013
Iya Yonai

Wycliffe Bible Translators

257 Usan - Usan
1066. New Testament
WNU 2001
Qenu Qob Uber

Bible Society of Papua New Guinea

258 Folopa - Folopa
1067. New Testament
PPO 2005
Yesu Kerisoné So Whi̧ Tao Sere Kisi Fo Wisi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

259 Fore - Fore
1068. New Testament
FOR 1974
Fore New Testament

Wycliffe Bible Translators

260 Halia - Halia
1069. New Testament
HLA 2013
U Bulungana U Niga

Wycliffe Bible Translators

261 Hanga Hundi - Hanga Hundi
1070. New Testament
WOS 1997
Godna Hundi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

262 Yau - Yau
1071. New Testament
YUW 1997
Fat Mata ogepma

Wycliffe Bible Translators

263 Capanahua - Capanahua
1072. New Testament
KAQNT 2008
Noquen hihbaan joi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

264 Amarakaeri - Amarakaeri
1073. New Testament
AMRNT 2008
Jesucristo oy oa’pak: Kenda Jesucristoa; monigka’uyatenok; Diostaj mo’manopo’yarea’ika’ne

Wycliffe Bible Translators

265 Arabela - Arabela
1074. New Testament
ARLNT 2008
Quiarinio pueyaso rupaa pa jiyaniijia Jesucristojiniji pueyano rupaajinia

Wycliffe Bible Translators

266 Bora - Bora
1075. New Testament
BOANT 2008
Píívyéébé ihjyu: jetsocríjyodítyú cáátúnuháámɨ

Wycliffe Bible Translators

267 Eastern Apurímac - Eastern Apurímac
1076. New Testament
QVENT 2013
Mosoq Testamento

Wycliffe Bible Translators

268 Matsés - Matsés
1077. New Testament
MCFNT 2008
Esuquidistu Chuiquin Tantiamete

Wycliffe Bible Translators

269 Murui - Murui
1078. New Testament
HUUNT 2016
Jusiñamui uai: Jusiñamui jito rafue illa rabenico

Wycliffe Bible Translators

270 Nomatsiguenga - Nomatsiguenga
1079. New Testament
NOTNT 2008
Irinibare Tosorintsi Ocomantëgotëri Antigomi Jesoquirisito

Wycliffe Bible Translators

271 San Martín - San Martín
1080. New Testament
QVSNT 2008
Tata Diospa Mushuk Rimanan

Wycliffe Bible Translators

272 Ticuna - Ticuna
1081. New Testament
TCANT 2008
Tupanaarü Ore i Tórü Cori ya Ngechuchu ya Cristuchiga

Wycliffe Bible Translators

273 North Junín - North Junín
1082. New Testament
QVNNT 2008
Tayta Diospa Guepacag Testamentun

Wycliffe Bible Translators

274 Urarina - Urarina
1083. New Testament
URANT 2008
Cana Coaunera Ere

Wycliffe Bible Translators

275 Sharanahua - Sharanahua
1084. New Testament
MCDNT 2008
Diospan Tsain

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1085. New Testament
AVAR 2008
МагӀарул мацӀ
New Testament in Avar

Институт перевода Библии

1086. New Testament
AVR 2008

Институт перевода Библии

276 Алтай - Altai
1087. New Testament
ALTNT 2017
Јаҥы Кереес

Институт перевода Библии

277 Башҡорт теле - Bashkir
1088. New Testament
BaI 2013
Инжилдең башҡорт теленә тәржемәһе

Институт перевода Библии

278 Бежкьалас миц - Bezhta
1089. Some books
BEZ 2013
Сулайбан авараглис аᴴкълова

Институт перевода Библии

279 Буряад хэлэн - Buryat
1090. New Testament
BUR 2010
Шэнэ Хэлсээн
New Testament

Институт перевода Библии

280 дарган мез - Dargwa
1091. Some books
DRG 2016
дарган мез
Gospel of Matthew

Институт перевода Библии

281 Адыгэбзэ - Kabardian
1092. Some books
KBD 2009
Руфэ, Инус бегъымбар, Лукас

Институт перевода Библии

282 Хальмг келн - Kalmyk Oirat
1093. New Testament
KAL 2013
Шин Бооцан, Эклц, Рут, Цецн Селвгүд, Псалмс
283 Қарақалпақ тили - Karakalpak
1094. BIBLE
KRK 2022
Карақалпақ тилиндеги Мухаддес Китап

Институт перевода Библии

1095. BIBLE
KRKL 2022
Karaqalpaq tilindegi Muxaddes Kitap

Институт перевода Библии

1096. New Testament
KI 2004
Қарақалпақ Инжил
New Testament in Karakalpak language

Институт перевода Библии

284 Qırımtatar tili - Crimean Tatar
1097. BIBLE
МК 2016
Мукъаддес Китап

Институт перевода Библии

1098. Some books
CRT 2008
Мукъаддес Китап къырымтатар тилинде
285 къумукъ тил - Kumyk
1099. New Testament
SK 2007
Къумукъ тил
New Testament in Kumyk language

Институт перевода Библии

1100. New Testament
KUM 2007
Сыйлы Китап. Янгы разилешивню. Къумукъча таржумасы
New Testament

Институт перевода Библии

286 Kurmancî - Northern Kurdish
1101. New Testament
KKD 2011
New Testanemt in Kurdish (cyrillic)

Институт перевода Библии

287 Ненэцяʼ вада - Nenets
1102. Gospel
NEN 2010
Маймбабцо Юн

Институт перевода Библии

288 Ирон æвзаг - Ossetic
1103. New Testament
OSNT 2004
Ирон æвзаг, Райдиан, Псаломтае
New Testament in Ossetian language

Институт перевода Библии

289 татар теле - Tatar
1104. BIBLE
TTRB 2016
Изге Язма
Tatar Bible

Институт перевода Библии

1105. New Testament
TTR 2001
Tatar New Testament

Институт перевода Библии

290 Тыва дыл - Tuvan language
1106. BIBLE
TVN 2011
Ыдыктыг Библия
Holy Bible

Институт перевода Библии

291 Нохчийн мотт - Chechen
1107. BIBLE
CHE 2012
Делан Йозанаш
Chechen Bible

Институт перевода Библии

292 Чӑваш чӗлхи - Chuvash
1108. New Testament
CHV 2009
New Testament in Chuvash

Институт перевода Библии

293 Ԓыгъоравэтԓьэн йиԓыйиԓ - Chukchi
1109. Some books
CHK 2017
Таӈпыӈыԓ Луканэн

Институт перевода Библии

294 Саха тыла - Yakut
1110. New Testament
YKT 2008
Саҥа Кэс Тыл
New Testament

Институт перевода Библии

295 romani ćhib - Romani
1111. New Testament
GPS 1984
E Lashi Viasta
Gypsy Bible
Ruth Modrow

296 ܡܦܩܬܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ - Syriac
1112. BIBLE
The Syriac Peshitta
With vowels.
1113. New Testament
The Syriac New Testament, according to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition of 1905
With vowels.

British and Foreign Bible Society

1114. New Testament
PST 1905
Aramaic New Testament
1115. New Testament
Syriac Bible


297 Aukan - Ndyuka
1116. New Testament
DJKNT 2009
Beibel: okanisi tongo

Wycliffe Bible Translators

298 Saamáka - Saramaccan
1117. New Testament
SRMNT 1998
Gadu Buku

Wycliffe Bible Translators

299 Gullah - Sea Island Creole English
1118. New Testament
GULNT 2005
De Nyew Testament

Wycliffe Bible Translators

300 Hopilàvayi - Hopi
1119. New Testament
HOPNT 2012
God Lavayiyat Aṅ Puhuvasiwni

Wycliffe Bible Translators

301 ᏣᎳᎩ - Cherokee
1120. New Testament
CHR 1860
Cherokee New Testament
302 Patwa - Jamaican Patois
1121. New Testament
DJNT 2012
Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment

Bible Society of the West Indies

303 Chividunda - Vidunda
1122. New Testament
VID 2014
Ilagano lwa sambi kwa wanhu weng’ha

Wycliffe Bible Translators

304 Kutu - Kutu
1123. New Testament
KDC 2014
Lagano da Sambi kwa Wanhu Wose

Wycliffe Bible Translators

305 Balangao - Balangao
1124. New Testament
BLW 1982
Hen alen Apudyus

Wycliffe Bible Translators

306 Binukid - Binukid
1125. New Testament
BKD 1986
Lalang hu Dios

Wycliffe Bible Translators

307 Boros Dusun - Central Dusun
1126. BIBLE
BDK 1981
Buuk Do Kinorohingan
Today's Revised Version
308 Ilocano - Iloko
1127. BIBLE
RIPV 1996
Ti Baro a Naimbag a Damag Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

1128. New Testament
CLU 1990
Anang ambal ang Dios: Magandang balita Biblia

Wycliffe Bible Translators

309 Pampanga - Kapampangan
1129. BIBLE
PmPV 1984
Ing Mayap a Balita Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

310 Mansaka - Mansaka
1130. New Testament
Yang Bago na Togon Kanatu

Wycliffe Bible Translators

311 Pangasinense - Pangasinan
1131. BIBLE
PnPV 1983
Maung a Balita Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

312 Sugboanon - Cebuano
1132. BIBLE
CEBU 1917
Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version
Cebuano Bible
1133. BIBLE
RCPV 1999
Ang Bag-ong Maayong Balita Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

1134. New Testament
APSD 2010
Ang Pulong Sa Dios

Institute for Bible Translation

313 Tagalog - Tagalog
1135. BIBLE
ASND 2014
Ang Salita ng Dios


1136. BIBLE
ABAB 1973
Ang Bagong Ang Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

1137. BIBLE
ADB 1905
Ang Dating Biblia
The Old Bible
1138. BIBLE
MBB 2005
Magandang Balita Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

314 Ilonggo - Hiligaynon
1139. BIBLE
HLGN 2006
Hiligaynon Bible
Ang Pulong Sang Dios.

Институт перевода Библии

315 Central Bikol - Central Bikol
1140. BIBLE
BPV 1992
An Marahay Na Bareta Biblia

Philippine Bible Society

316 Brezhoneg - Breton
1141. New Testament
BrNT 1827
Testamant nevez
Breton New Testament
317 Kichwa - Northern Pastaza Quichua
1142. New Testament
QVZNT 2009
Diospa shimi

Wycliffe Bible Translators

318 A'ingae - Cofán
1143. New Testament
Chiga Tevaen'Jema Atesuja 1, Aisheve Caña'cho

Wycliffe Bible Translators

319 Paikoka - Secoya
1144. New Testament
SEYNT 2012
Maija'quë Huajë Ca Nëose'e

Wycliffe Bible Translators

320 Chiwaro - Shuar
1145. New Testament
JIVNT 2012
Yus Papí: Shuarja̱i̱ Yus Yamaram Chicham Najanamu
New Testament in Shuar

Wycliffe Bible Translators

1146. New Testament
Shuar NT

Gospel Missionary Union

321 ግዕዝ - Ge'ez
1147. BIBLE
Geez 1962
Ge'ez Bible
322 ትግርኛ - Tigrinya
1148. BIBLE
TigB 1997
መ/ቅዱስ ትግርኛ
Tigrigna Bible

United Bible society

South Africa
323 Tshivenḓa - Venda
1149. BIBLE
VEN 1998
Bivhili Khethwa Mafhungo Madifha

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

324 isiZulu - Zulu
1150. BIBLE
ZUL 1997
iBhayibheli Elingcwele

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

325 isiXhosa - Xhosa
1151. BIBLE
XhB 1859
Xhosa Bible
Henry Hare Dugmore

1152. BIBLE
XHO96 1996

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

1153. BIBLE
XHO75 1975
IziBhalo eZingcwele

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

326 SiSwati - Swati
1154. BIBLE
SWT 1996
Siswati Bible

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

327 Sesotho sa Leboa - Northern Sotho
1155. BIBLE
NSO00 2000
Bibele Taba yea Botse

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

1156. BIBLE
NSO51 1951
328 Sesotho - Southern Sotho
1157. BIBLE
SSO89 1989

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

329 Setswana - Tswana
1158. BIBLE
TSW08 1908
Baebele e e Boitshepo

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

1159. BIBLE
TSW70 1970
330 Xitsonga - Tsonga
1160. BIBLE
TSO29 1875
Xitsonga (Bibele)
1161. BIBLE
TSO89 1989
Bibele Mahungu Lamanene

Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika

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