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Password generator

This generator will give you a random combination of characters that do not have an association. Such a password can not be hacked.

Capital letters       Small letters       Figures

Number of characters in the password (8-20):

Your password:

alphabet 6 characters 8 characters 10 characters 12 characters
Time for a full search of all possible passwords of a given alphabet
At a brute force of 10,000,000 passwords per second
26 (Latin in one register) 31 sec 5 hours 50 min 163.5 days 303 year
52 (Latin alphabet with variable case) 33 min 62 days 458 year 1,239,463 year
62 (Latin alphabet of different register plus numbers) 95 min 252 days 17 hours 2,661 year 10,230,425 year
68 (Latin alphabet of different register plus numbers plus punctuation marks.,;:!?) 2 hours 45 min 529 days 6,703 year 30,995,621 year
80 (Latin alphabet of different register plus numbers plus punctuation marks .,;:!? plus rackets ()[]{} plus #$%&*~)
Not everywhere
7 hours 30 min 5 year 4 month 34,048 year 217,908,031 year