Heraldry United KingdomEtymology of the name of the country: Painted, reference to the original settlers of the islands, who used paint and tattoos to decorate bodies; Can also come from the Celtic goddess Brigid.
Country slogan: Dieu et mon droit (фр., Бог и моё право.) (девиз британской монархии)
AnguillaBermuda Gibraltar Jersey The Cayman Islands Montserrat Ascension Island Guernsey Isle of Man Saint Helena Turks and Caicos Islands The Falkland Islands South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Principality of Sealand Sark Tristan da Cunha OrkneyEurope Full name: United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Heraldry of the head of state
Text of the hymnGod save the QueenGod save our gracious Queen O Lord our God arise, Thy choicest gifts in store Боже храни Королеву Боже храни нашу милостивую Королеву O властелин наш Боже появись, Твои избранные подарки в изобилии Print version Embassy of Russia in United KingdomLondonwebsite: great-britain.mid.ruaddress: 6/7 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W 8 4QP tel: +44 2072-29-64-12, +44 2072-29-72-81 emergency tel: +845-868-11-99#930, +44 (0) 776 856 6868 email: press@rusemb.org.uk Edinburghwebsite: edinburgh.mid.ruaddress: 58 Melville St., Edinburgh, EH3 7HF tel: +44 (0) 13 1225 7098 emergency tel: +44 (0) 7805 932 454 email: visa@edconsul.co.uk Embassy of United Kingdom in Russiawww.huembmow.macomnet.ruaddress: г. Москва, Смоленская наб., 10 tel: 956-72-00 Consular Section tel: 956-74-40 VIZARecognized Russian driver's license.Officially recognized second citizenship.Citizenship by birth. |
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