Heraldry BelgiumEtymology of the name of the country: From the name of the German tribe of the Belga. Perhaps later the name came from 'Bolg' (a proto-Indo-European group of languages), meaning a bag or womb.
Country slogan: Eendracht maakt macht, L’union fait la force and Einigkeit gibt Stärke (голл., фр. и нем., Единство даёт силу)
FlandersEurope/Schengen Area
Full name: Belgium, Kingdom of Belgiumoriginal name: Belgique, Royaume de Belgique Belgium on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Text of the hymnNoble Belgique! O Mere cherie!A toi nos coeurs, a toi nos bras A toi notre sang, o Patrie Nous le jurons, tous, tu vivras Tu vivras, toujours grande et belle Et ton invincible unite Aura pour devise immortelle Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberte (Ter) Apres des siecles, des siecles d'esclavage, Marche de ton pas energique, O Belgique! O Mere cherie! En Neerlandais O dierbaar Belgie, O heilig land der vaad'ren O liebes Land, o Belgiens Erde, перевод 1. О дорогая Бельгия 2. О Отчизна, о благородная страна бельгийцев. 3. Ликуйте бельгийцы, ликуйте в широком согласии Print version Embassy of Russia in BelgiumBrusselswebsite: belgium.mid.ruaddress: 66, Avenue de Fre, 1180, Bruxelles, Belgique tel: +32-2 374-34-00 emergency tel: +32-2-375-39-18 email: amrusbel@skynet.be Antwerpwebsite: antwerpen.mid.ruaddress: 20, Della Faillelaan, 2020, Antwerpen, Belgique tel: +32-3 827-04-64, +32-3 829-16-11 emergency tel: +32-47-966-07-13 email: ruscons@skynet.be Embassy of Belgium in Russiawww.diplomatie.be/moscowruaddress: г. Москва, ул. М. Молчановка, 7 tel: -408976 email: Moscow@diplobel.be Visa Section tel: 780-03-41 VIZABy Schengen visa. Recognized Russian driver's license.Officially recognized second citizenship. |
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