Etymology of the name of the country: From the German 'eastern path'. It is usually mistakenly believed that the name came from Aestia in ancient Greek sources, but in fact Aestia is modern Mazuria in Poland and perhaps the name came from the Baltic root meaning 'motley', as this land is littered with lakes.
Europe/ Schengen Area
Full name: Estonia, The Republic of Estoniaoriginal name: Eesti, Eesti Vabarii
Estonia on Yandex.Maps/ Google Maps
Embassy of Russia in EstoniaTallinnwebsite: rusemb.eeaddress: 10133 Эстония, г. Таллин, ул. Пикк, 19tel: +372 646-41-75emergency tel: +372 646-41-75email: estonia@mid.ruTartuwebsite: estonia.mid.ru/kancelaria-konsul-skogo-oaddress: 51003 Тарту ул.Юликооли, 1, Эстонская Республикаtel: +372-7 40-30-24emergency tel: +372 740-30-24email: tarturus@neti.ee, tarturus@hot.eeNarvawebsite: narva.mid.ruaddress: 20307, г.Нарва, ул.Кирику, 8, Эстонская Республикаtel: +372 35 606 52, +372 35 913 67emergency tel: +372 35 602 50email: narva@mid.ru, darjad@vfsglobal.com
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Organizations, symbols