Heraldry BelarusEtymology of the name of the country: White Russia, according to the ancient name of one of the regions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (along with the Black and Chervonnaya). There are also less probable hypotheses about the so-called 'Baltic Russia' (in the Baltian languages 'balt' means 'white') and 'White' in the sense of 'free' from the Mongol-Tatar invasion.
Country slogan: Жыве Беларусь! (белор., Да здравствует Беларусь!)
Full name: Belarus, Republic of Belarusoriginal name: Беларусь, Рэспубліка Беларусь Belarus on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Heraldry of the head of state
Text of the hymnМы, беларусы - мірныя людзі,Сэрцам адданыя роднай зямлі, Шчыра сябруем, сілы гартуем Мы ў працавітай, вольнай сям'і. Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя, Разам з братамі мужна вякамі Дружба народаў - сіла народаў - перевод Мы, белорусы - мирные люди, Славься, земли нашей светлое имя, Вместе с братьями мужественно веками Славься, земли нашей светлое имя, Дружба народов - сила народов - Славься, земли нашей светлое имя, Print version Embassy of Russia in BelarusMinskwebsite: belarus.mid.ruaddress: 220002, г.Минск, ул. Старовиленская, д. 48 tel: +375-17 233-35-90 emergency tel: +375-17-233-20-47 email: rusemb-minsk@yandex.ru Brestwebsite: brest.mid.ruaddress: 224005, г. Брест, ул. Пушкинская, д. 10 tel: +-10-375-162) 23-78-42, +375-162 21-04-73, +375-162 53-78-42 emergency tel: +375-297-23-60-78 email: brestcons@mid.ru Embassy of Belarus in Russiawww.embassybel.ruaddress: г. Москва, ул. Маросейка, 17 tel: 777-66-44, 924-70-31 VIZAFor Russians visa-free entry on internal passports - for a term до 90 дней Recognized Russian driver's license. |
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