Heraldry SwedenEtymology of the name of the country: The people of Svea. The exact development of the ethnonym is unknown, it is known that it originated from the ancient Scandinavian 'Svithjoth', the origin of 'Svi', 'thjoth' from the German 'people' ('people') is unknown. The term Svithjoth was originally used to refer to various localities encountered in Scandinavian mythology, including areas in Scandinavia and / or modern Russia. The obscure manner of using this toponym suggests that it was used for areas in general unknown, but exactly on the other side north or west of what the Goths, the most frequent users of the term, considered a zone of civilization. The derivative name Svear rike ('Kingdom of Swine') appears to have appeared after the northern people of Heruli were forced out of the Gothic kingdom into southern Scandinavia. It would be logical to assume that the Heruli, displaced beyond the northern borders of the Kingdom of Gotha, could take the traditional name 'Sweet'. In the end, they captured the ready and from now on, modern scientists can talk about the existence of Sweden, rather than one of its constituent territories.
Country slogan: монархический девиз: För Sverige — i tiden (швед., Для Швеции — всегда!);
Union between Sweden and NorwayEurope/Schengen Area
Full name: Sweden, Kingdom of Swedenoriginal name: Sverige, Konungariket Sverige Sweden on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Heraldry of the head of state
Embassy of Russia in SwedenStockholmwebsite: sweden.mid.ruaddress: Gjörwellsgatan 31, 112 60 Stockholm tel: +46-8 13-04-41, +46-8 13-04-43 emergency tel: +46-76-318-70-75 email: rusembassy@telia.com Gothenburgwebsite: gothenburg.mid.ruaddress: St. Sigfridsgatan 1, Box 5093, 40222 Goteborg, Sverige tel: +46-31 40-80-84 emergency tel: +46-70-419-74-49 email: info.consrugt@telia.com Embassy of Sweden in Russiasweden.ruaddress: г. Москва, ул. Мосфильмовская, 60 tel: 937-92-00 email: ambassaden.moskva@foreign.ministry.se Visa Section tel: 937-92-01 email: visa.moscow@foreign.ministry.se VIZABy Schengen visa. Recognized Russian driver's license.Officially recognized second citizenship. |
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