Heraldry CroatiaEtymology of the name of the country: It is not known, it is usually believed that it originated from the Sarmatian language. From the name of the tribe 'White Croats'. Previously lived in the territory of the present Lviv and Transcarpathian regions of Ukraine, and then moved to the territory of modern Croatia during the resettlement of peoples.
Full name: Croatia, Republic of Croatiaoriginal name: Hrvatska, Republika Hrvatska Croatia on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Heraldry of the head of state
Embassy of Russia in CroatiaZagrebwebsite: zagreb.mid.ruaddress: 41000 Zagreb, Bosanska ulica, 44 tel: +385-1 375-50-38, +385-1 375-50-39 emergency tel: +385-1 375-50-38, +385-1 375-50-39 email: veleposlanstvo-ruske-federacije@zg.htnet.hr Embassy of Croatia in Russiaru.mfa.hraddress: г. Москва, Коробейников пер., 16/10 tel: 201-32-22, 201-38-68, 201-39-77, 201-59-37 email: admin@croemba.msk.ru Consular Section tel: 201-40-33 VIZABy Schengen visa. Recognized Russian driver's license.Officially recognized second citizenship. |
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