Heraldry LiechtensteinEtymology of the name of the country: Light stone. The country was named after the Lichtenstein dynasty, which bought and united the territories of Schellenburg and Vaduz. The Roman Emperor will allow the family to rename its new property.
Country slogan: Für Gott, Fürst und Vaterland (нем., За Бога, государя и отечество)
Full name: Liechtenstein, The Principality of Liechtensteinoriginal name: Liechtenstein, Fürstentum Liechtenstein Liechtenstein on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps
Embassy of Russia in LiechtensteinBernewebsite: switzerland.mid.ruaddress: Brunnadernrain 37, 3006 Bern, die Schweiz tel: +4131 352-05-66 emergency tel: +41-79-367-11-11 email: rusbotschaft@bluewin.ch |
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