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Crystal TV

| Windows/Linux/Mac OShome page | download |



TV on your smartphone or tablet. The second program in quality and popularity after SPB TV.
It makes sense to bet if there is a desired channels that are not on SPB TV.
There is a free package that includes major leading TV channels: First, Russia 1, Russia 24, Culture, Match !, TBN Smile of a Child, STS, TNT, Yu, the first educational, RBC, DW, Russia Today, 5 channel, Carousel, TVC, REN TV, Spas, Union Home, TV3, Friday, Star World, France24, RU.TV, Rusong TV, Europa Plus TV, Muz TV, Bridge TV, Moscow 24 ...

Category: Media/TV

Tags: TV TV-set

Firefox for Rambler

| Windows


In fact, here the default is Yandex search and the built-in toolbar.
What makes it more convenient access to services Rambler - weather, email, traffic, news ...

Category: Internet/Browser

Tags: Browsers

Xerox of files

| Windows80 Kb | download from us |


Multiple copies of the selected file, if you need to create many copies with the same content but with different names.

Category: Discs and Files/Coppier

Tags: Coppier

Autorun Organizer

| Windows-6425 Mb | download from us |


Manager to configure and optimize startup programs for Windows.


  1. Disable, uninstall startup programs,
  2. Automatic control of disabled programs,
  3. Batch work with records
  4. Delayed launch of programs
  5. Visual diagram of the OS boot time,
  6. Automatic detection of erroneous startup records.

Category: System/PC tuning

Tags: System utilities


home page |


The main feature - you can choose the most appropriate avatar for you.

We select the type of appearance, character for many positions and get almost unique avatar.

It will be a cartoon, lively, expressing a lot of emotions avatar.

Category: Graphics/Icons

Tags: Graphics
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