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Typographical requirements

General requirements

1. We send the file in the .ZIP archive (not .RAR and not without the archive).

2. We write the name of the file in Latin: in English or transliteration, but do not use Russian letters. In the title you can and well give information about the file. E.g.


Company Logo Language Color or
Black and white
Format Size Color mode Size of the file
CompanyName Logo Rus Color Tiff 210x297mm CMYK 5Mb

Typographical requirements

Photo and graphics

Format Tiff
resolution 300 dpi (dots per inch)
color mode CMYK


Use fonts Type1, usually the system is TrueType, but most likely there is also Type1. Do not expect that the simplest system fonts (Arial, Times) will be correctly displayed.

Business Cards

There may be different requirements that need to be addressed in the selected printing house.
  1. CorelDRAW 9.0 format. The matter is that CorelDRAW is not a cheap program and not all use pirate versions, that is why there is a great chance that the printing house will not have the latest version of the program. And the specificity of CorelDRAW is that documents stored in the new version of old programs will not open.
  2. Size 90?50 mm
  3. Save everything in curves, otherwise the fonts will not be displayed correctly.
  4. Colors in RGB, otherwise the colors will be more saturated (darker) than they were originally. If you are too lazy to mess around, just keep it in mind and therefore you should make them a little lighter.
Download example of visitcard in CorelDRAW 9.0.

Requirements for digital photos

You have a digital camera and do not necessarily have small printed photo, much better digital photo album.
But even in this case you want to put something in the frame, and here we went to digital printing.

Unfortunately, not always you will run into the master and you will be told that photos can be brought in any format, but we are interested in the best result.

So, here are the requirements for the format:

Format Jpeg
10?15 A6 will actually be 152?102 mm
15?21 A5 will actually be 216?152 mm
21?30 A4 will actually be 305?203 mm
resolution 300 dpi (dots per inch)
color mode RGB

Printing a CD cover

The same requirements are Jpeg/300 dpi/RGB, only the size is different.

inner diameter 43 mm
outer diameter 116 mm

Download a CD template for printing in PSD format.
All parameters and sizes are exposed, it remains to make your design and save in JPEG format.

Requirements for of Internet

Photo or complex drawing

Format Jpeg
Quality 40-60% at 100% quality improvement will be barely noticeable, but the size will increase greatly
resolution 72 dpi (dots per inch)
color mode RGB (usually the default)

It is technically possible to make a drawing of one size, and on the output to specify another. But be sure to create a drawing of the required size. If you stretch the picture, it will lose quality.
If you squeeze, then the drawing will get heavier, and distortions are possible.

A simple drawing or drawing with a transparent background

Format Gif or Png
resolution 72 dpi (dots per inch)
color mode RGB (usually the default)

Drawing with transparent background and shadows

Format PNG-24
resolution 72 dpi (dots per inch)
color mode RGB (usually the default)

If a simple PNG (PNG-8) is created with a transparent background and shadows, it will look good on a white background. If we want it to look good on a blue background, then we will need to ask blue background when creating the page. If the background changes, then you have to abandon the shadows, and most likely you will have to create your own picture for each background. But sometimes the picture should be the same, with shadows and transparent photos, then the PNG-24 format (by the way, here it is not 256 colors, but larger, respectively, and the larger the image size).

Compare (both images look the same on a white background? But change the background color):

Png-8 Png-24

Create business cards Examples of business cards Most unusual business card

Domain .TEL for online business card QR code generator Electronic passport Summary

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