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Leading Postal Services of Runet

Page for those who do not know anything about the mail.
More about Internet mail

Start a mailbox

If you still do not have an e-mail address, then start it.


Why do I need mail?

  1. Many sites require registration, and password or an activation code is sent to your email.
  2. If you want to receive newsletters, you need an e-mail address.
  3. When I opened the e-mail address, I had only 5 addresses of my friends, very soon there were dozens of them.
    The most operative communication in the region is mobile. Outside the area - email.
    I even contact people inside the city by e-mail when it is necessary to send a file, to report something when contact is not possible promptly. It's kind of like leaving a note that a person will later read. Also, as and SMS-message on the mobile, only cheaper and text can be more.

You will need

  1. Decide where to have mail. If you have not decided yet, then get started at Yandex, this is more than just a mail, useful anyway,
    1. Go to,
    2. Select "Sign in to mail"
    3. and register.
  2. You need to come up with a name, recommend at least 6 characters and not too hackneyed, something original, because the known names are already occupied and the spam is already set up on them,
  3. Create a password, usually at least 6 characters long,
  4. To come up with a test word, something that you will not forget, but others can not know. Well something memorable from childhood, ex. The name of the first teacher, mother's maiden name and the like.
  5. To view the mail, you need a browser or mailer, our recommendations.

Mail Preview

Through a browser or mail program. If you do not have a fast of Internet, then you need a mail program that will download the incoming mail and you can then work with it without connecting to the Internet.

If you have a fast Internet, then just a browser. Through the browser you can go to the mail wherever you are. Through the mail program - only there where it is installed and configured. But there is a portable version of the mail program Portable Mozilla Thunderbird you can always take with you on a flash drive.