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Freeware - VPN


Turbo VPN

iTunes Android

Allows you to visit sites with geographic location restrictions.
Surely met - this site is not available for your country or is available only for the US ...

Registration is not required, as in many such applications, just click the button.

The principle is simple:

  1. the silhouette of the rabbit and the carrot button in the center - we are not connected,
  2. press the button - the rabbit is running (going through the connection), then lying down (connected).
  3. everything, we use the Internet freely.


Category: Internet/VPN

Tags: VPN

Avira Phantom VPN

| Windows/Mac OS5.7 Mb |

iTunes Android

Protection against hacking, tracking and censorship using secure WiFi connections, anonymous web browsing and unlimited access to the Internet.

  • protects against online spyware even on open WiFi networks using AES 256-bit encryption
  • Protects personal interactions on the network by encrypting all communications.
  • allows you to set your IP address so that it seems that you are somewhere else (you can choose from 20 countries)
Limit of the free version of Avira Phantom VPN: 500 MB of data per month.

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Category: Internet/VPN

Tags: VPN

Planet VPN

| Windows/Linux/Mac OS home page | download |

iTunes Android


Free VPN.
When the usual VPNs began to stop working, it became necessary to find an alternative.
This product turned out to be the best on offer.
The main thing for me is free and fast.
Planet VPN turned out to be faster than what I used before and free.

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Category: Internet/VPN

Tags: VPN
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