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Graphic arts Determination of fonts Fonts

Name of typographic font by size

The typographical point is the unit for measuring the size of the font. In Russia 1 point=0.3759 mm.

Kegl (from it kegel) - translates as the size of the letter height, including the lower and upper shoulder of this letter or sign.

Font NameSize (points) Example
3 Brilliant Aa
4 Diamond Aa
5 Pearl Aa
5,5 Agate Aa
6 Nonpareil Aa
7 Minion Aa
8 Brevier Aa
9 Bourgeois Aa
10 Long Primer Aa
12 Small Pica Aa
14 English Aa
16 Columbian Aa
18 Great Primer Aa
20 Paragon Aa
24 Double Pica Aa
28 Double English Aa
32 Double Columbian Aa
40 Double Paragon Aa
48 French canon Aa
120 real Aa
150 imperial Aa
210 sansparel Aa

About fonts Use of fonts

Decoding ISO encodings Extensions Levels of fat font Font composition Reductions in the font names Language codes Leet
Determination of fonts Defining font language Defining gibberish encoding Restore Windows 7 We select the font system font Terms font selection

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